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Generic Name: Ativan for Insomnia (lorazepam)

Ativan for Insomnia Reviews

"I am 89 years of age and have been taking Ativan 0.5mg for over 25 years for problems with insomnia. I'm fit and well for my age and attribute this in part to sleeping well, in addition to regular exercise. Side effects? I don't think so. All I really know is that I'm better with it than without it."

"After contracting a virus/ assumed COVID in May, I have had chronic insomnia. I’ve tried tons of sleep medications and some would give me a few hours of sleep, others only a couple of hours. Then I tried Ativan! I got 6 hours my first time taking 2mg. I’m now sleeping 8 hours usually and I’m down to 1.25 mg. It’s been a literal lifesaver. I don’t want to be dependent on any drug, but when it comes to survival and well-being, I’m just very glad Ativan exists!"

"I am writing this review to help those who may be experiencing insomnia, anxiety, and depression. Mine was the result of extreme past and present trauma. I stopped sleeping completely virtually overnight after a series of traumatic events. I did not sleep for several or more months and began to lose weight rapidly. I went from 60 kg down to 38 kg as a result and became very unwell. After taking myself to the hospital numerous times, I did not find adequate help for my condition there. Eventually, I met a very efficient GP and psychiatrist who, after much trial and error, found help by being prescribed a combination of amitriptyline and Ativan. Although I am still on the road to recovery, this medication combination has helped me immensely. I sincerely hope that no one on earth has to experience the living hell that I did, only to find help when it was almost too late."

"Ativan ruined my life. My psychiatrist prescribed me 2mg to take every night while trying out an antidepressant. After about 7 weeks, I was addicted to Ativan, and when I tried to stop taking it, I had seizures and panic attacks. I had to keep taking it to stabilize. Then I had to switch to Valium and slowly taper off the benzodiazepines to avoid another seizure. It took me a year and a half to taper off, and I now have chronic fear, anxiety, tinnitus, and insomnia. I wish I never touched this drug."

"I was prescribed Ativan (aka Lorazepam) because I had a head injury, and my doctor presumably thought that I had a very high level of anxiety. I wasn't getting enough sleep with the head injury, so the doctor's perception was incorrect. But once I started using Ativan, sleep woes disappeared completely, of which I had always had problems staying asleep for virtually all of my life! Ativan (Lorazepam) puts you into a 'deep' sleep, you don't wake up during the middle of the night (or late night for that matter!), cuts dreaming down to virtually zero, and is the best sleep medication I have ever seen! My prescription was for 1 mg and to be taken 1 hour before going to sleep, which is exactly what I did! Effective Rating = 10!"

"I was given Ativan for occasional use. I try to use it once every week or once every ten days for sleep (0.5 mg). I'm lucky that I don't have to use it any more regularly because I don't work right now. I find that it helps me relax to sleep, and I wake up feeling and looking rested. The 'looking rested' part is important because it tells me how good it is at actually calming the anxiety. I know that when my anxiety is high, even if I sleep 10 hours, I'll wake up tired and looking tired. But I think this medicine actually does a good job of getting rid of that anxiety, so your body can rest and get into some level of 'deep' sleep. But absolutely, really only use it on the day that you must."

"You are probably reading reviews on this medication due to concerns about taking it and may have come across some 'horror stories' about withdrawal symptoms or getting addicted. I am here to tell you, please do not worry. I was prescribed this drug (0.5mg) due to severe anxiety/insomnia from a night shift job. I had never taken any medication in my life and like many of you, was hesitant about taking this regularly. However, going multiple days without ANY sleep, something needed to change. This pill worked amazingly for me since day one. Just the simple fact that I knew I had something at my fingertips that could give me a full night's rest was a huge mental relief by itself. I would take a pill 2-3 times a week when I had gotten insufficient sleep the day before or in 'emergency situations.' However, I then took it nightly for several years, and when I no longer needed it, I quit cold turkey with ZERO withdrawal symptoms or worse insomnia. This drug saved my life and my career."

"I find when I have those nights that my brain just can't settle down, either a 0.5 or 1 mg Ativan will help me relax just enough to get a restful sleep. Usually I feel totally energized and fresh the next morning. This is the only thing I have found in almost 20 years that works. However, I can only use it on my worst nights, as it is addictive. That's the only drawback."

"I have been using Ativan for sleep over the last few months, and I must say it's been a real help. I strongly recommend that you only take it two to three times a week maximum, otherwise, you could become addicted to it and its effects might no longer work. Moderation is the key here."

"I am an addict in recovery and have been clean for 10 years. I have been prescribed Ativan for both anxiety and sleep. I am a 3rd shift worker and feel this medication can be psychologically addicting, so I do my best to always check my motive for taking it. I try not to take it more than 3 days in a row and only once a day."

"I've been on this nightly for about 4 years now because of back pain. I don't sleep well. It does a good job of helping me sleep, but now it is causing my eyes to become very dry, so I will look for an alternative."

"Ativan is the absolute best sleep medication. I sleep better the whole night and wake up refreshed. However, I try not to use it more often than twice a week. When taken more than 4 or more nights in a row and then stopped, I have severe withdrawal symptoms."

"I have been taking 1 1/2 mg every other night for sleep for the past 3 years. I have tried many other drugs for sleep, and Ativan is the only one that works consistently. Due to its addiction potential, I take it only every other night. Additionally, I have not had to increase the dosage in 3 years, which I believe is a result of not taking it every night. It is easier to tolerate my non-Ativan night of insomnia when I know I will be sleeping well the next night."

"My experience with Ativan (lorazepam) has been one I've come to love and set the bar high when it comes to sleep. I developed insomnia as a result of having to take opioid medication for my CRPS/RSD, in addition to the fact that I'm slowly recovering from the death of my best friend, who passed in 2010. I have been on every insomnia medicine there is. My current regimen consists of the normal opiate and muscle relaxants, one to 1.5 grams of Keppra, 555 mg valerian root, 10 mg of melatonin, 25 mg of amitriptyline, and adding up to 4 mg of Ativan, depending on the next day's tasks. It works like a charm every night."

"I have chronic pain and have had difficulty sleeping for many years. I've used several other medicines that work well for a while or leave me with a sleep 'hangover'. I've been using this medicine for a little over a month and I'm feeling much better, my pain is less and I feel very rested in the morning. I'm very thankful."

"Ativan is wonderful for dealing with a stressful job, failing marriage, aging parents, and restless leg. My doctor prescribed this medication for me so I can relax at night. I was well-rested, and the next day I felt more energized."

"I rarely have trouble falling asleep so that's not why I use it. I use it to stay asleep if I wake up in the middle of the night for whatever reason. There are times when I wake up 2-3 hours before I want to and my brain shifts into overdrive and I can't get back to sleep, or if I do, it takes me about an hour. This medication eliminates that. I only use it if I've had a few nights in a row like that. Then I get caught up and wake up rested. I would never feel comfortable about using it nightly. Thankfully I don't need to. 0.5mg is all it takes for me. I'm 5'3' about 130 give or take 5lbs. A bottle of 30 lasts me several weeks or a few months."

"I've always been reluctant to take benzodiazepines, as Klonopin was a nightmare for me. I gained weight and just didn't care what I put in my mouth. Ativan has been a lifesaver for insomnia or severe panic attacks. Though I only take it at night, 2 mg. Sometimes I skip it. Its main use for me is chronic insomnia and nightmares. It's the only one that helps me sleep soundly. I try not to completely rely on it. I understand if I quit taking it, my insomnia may come back due to my stress. If my life was better, I believe it could work short-term as well. I highly recommend it as a sleep aid. I would use it just enough to get your natural rhythm of sleep back. It's long-acting, which makes a dose more effective at continuing to work."

"I have been using Ativan for nearly 18 years. I went for years sleeping 4 and a half hours a night. [daytime zombie] About 4 years ago, I was having short-term memory problems. I reduced from 1 mg to 0.5, and memory very much improved, and I still sleep 6-7 hours, but keep extra 0.5s if some nights I need extra, which isn't often. I would suggest that for first timers to start with 0.5, and it might be all you need. As far as 'addiction' goes, I am totally addicted to a good night's sleep. I am grateful to the lucky stars for Ativan. Do not use often for anxiety, although helpful from time to time. I am 78 years old. Only my story, everyone has their own experience with Ativan. Good luck and goodnight, you sleepy heads. Rip Van Winkle [almost twenty years.]"

"I have a fairly high medication resistant (or I'm allergic or develope tolerance after using meds .. yes it's been hell and still is .. I'm writing this while admitted to the hospital psych ward) I have severe insomnia and not one sleeping medication has worked for more then a week! I took ativan sublingual and was up to 8mg in a week .. and it stopped working!! Now I'm on injections at night .. it worked for 2 nights amazingly!!! I don't have withdrawal symptoms like others have described on here ... I guess for me it's a great short term solution but then I build a tolerance.. sigh!!"

"I used to take sublingual Ativan for sudden anxiety and panic attacks, and it worked well and quickly. I did find it calming, and so I didn't ever use it for insomnia per se, I did sometimes take it in the evening to relax, and it did a fine job of that."

"Ativan is a great medicine and I'm glad my psychiatrist prescribed me 1 mg 2 times a day. Though I use that as well as Klonopin, but Ativan gets me to sleep sometimes and Klonopin keeps me asleep. Overall, I believe it's a godsend."

"Ativan is absolutely the best sleeping aid drug if you take it only as needed (on worst days only). Do NOT take it every night, do NOT abuse it just to get the best sleep results every night. I would say no more than 2-3 times a week, avoid taking in a row, and no tolerance or addiction should be developed."

"This didn't help my insomnia at all. If anything, it makes my mind think even more. I have even more trouble sleeping than when I was on Elavil 25mg or Zopiclone 7.5mg. It's frustrating since I'm only 20 years old and I've been suffering from insomnia for 2 and a half years now."

"It was given to me in the hospital to aid in sleeping. I woke up in another hospital bed down the hall. It was empty and I was trying to get in that bed. I had a heart monitor on, but I had moved out of my room, and was half dressed wandering the halls until I came on the nurse station. Why didn't someone know I was having an issue, because of my disconnected heart monitor? They put me back in bed and seemed upset at me. They never explained. I just took it once. I was awake but couldn't see or know what has happened, or about to happen. Could have walked off a bldg. "

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  • Drug class: benzodiazepine anticonvulsants
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Ativan drug information
  • Ativan injection
  • Ativan (Lorazepam Injection Solution)
  • Ativan (Lorazepam Tablets)

Other brands

Lorazepam Intensol, Loreev XR

Professional resources

  • Ativan prescribing information
  • Ativan Tablets (FDA)
  • Lorazepam (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Lorazepam Intensol, Ativan Injection, Loreev XR

Related treatment guides

  • Anxiety
  • Dysautonomia
  • ICU Agitation
  • Insomnia