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Generic Name: tinidazole

Brand Name: Tindamax oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Great medication. No side effects. Works fast. So much easier on the system than flagyl.

I am the most anxious person when it comes to taking medication and I waited for about 3 weeks to take it. My doctor finally talked me into it. I took it at night put a little peanut butter on each 500mg tab, I had to take 4. I went to bed slept well. Woke up with very slight bitter taste only when eating or drinking and mild headache. All symptoms gone! It works and it’s worth it.

I started taking 5 days of Tindamax twice daily. It gave a terrible metallic taste after day 1.Started feeling nausesa on day 2. Day 3 weak, tired, fever of 101 degreees and bedridden. Awful experience. Now I also have white milky coating on my tounge, possible thrush. I will never take again. No appetite either. Just awful!

This medication was prescibed at 2000 mg a day (2 500 mg pills twice daily) for two days. My pharmacy didn't have it right away so I started on a Friday night. Within hours I felt exhausted like the flu was coming. The next morning my calves were cramped like I had charlie horses all night and I couldn't get out of bed. By Sunday I felt better but I was itching all over. I had a kidney transplant so my kidney is in the front so my kidney and stomach area were itching the most. The worst part though is the taste in my mouth...Everything I eat or drink tastes sugar free!!! I hope it goes away soon. My vaginosis appears to be resolved, but the journey may not have been worth it!

I am currently on the tindamax and have yet to finish (I am on day 2 of 5) and I have had only the metallic taste and a bit of runny nose. It started working the first day and the metallic taste can be fixed for me by eating some fruit snacks immediately after taking the pill.

I am currently on tindamax (tinidazole) 500mg and I have to take 1 tablet a day 4x's a day with food. So far no bad things have happened other than that metallic taste in my mouth. So other side effects as long as I eat something with it and drink lots of water.

Was diagnosed with BV many years ago, but for some odd reason doctors kept prescribing Metrogel or Cleocin, which to me didnt really help long term, because the infections kept coming back. After recurring for 1 1/2 and visiting two different doctors, finally went to my Gyno, and she gave me this medicine a two day treatment which I've NEVER had before and I've used the others for like 8 or more years on/off. But this seems to work for me, so hopefully I've happened onto something new, yes I experienced the metallic taste but i felt better on day two of my two day treatment. So to those of us who have been experiencing this god awful BV for years, I think Tindamax may cure us for good. I've never felt more fresher or cleaner before, even after using Metrogel/Cleocin, so ladies I think we may have happened upon a CURE. Fingers crossed.

The only side effects I don't have are constipation, metallic taste in my mouth and vomiting. I'm on day 3 of 5 (500mg 2x)and I feel horrible. I have no idea if it is helping my infection, cause I didn't know I had one. Feel the yeast infection coming up though! It seems to interact with my anti depressants, making everything much worse. Calling my dr a.s.a.p.

2 500mg a day for 5 days. Had no side effects except really vivid dreams. The meds. seem to clear the horrible odor up by day two.

I had a pap come back irregular so had to go for a colposcopy for a biopsy. A few days later I received a call from my obgyn that I had a bacterial infection which has nothing to do with the pap, so they prescribed tindamax, 2 500mg in the morning a 2 500 mg at night for two days, I never took 2000 mg of anything in a day. I finished them last night. I feel so wiped out and exhausted not sure if it worked or not because I am still feel like I have cramps. Haven't got my results yet from the biopsy. This really stinks feeling this way with this hot weather!

THIS medication is very effective and works within a day of use. My appetite has increased a lot since taking the medication but I am overall satisfied

I just wanted to let everyone know that the metallic taste is easily dealt with: Eat a small amount of pineapple or ginger. Canned pineapple, frozen pineapple, pineapple smoothies, pickled sushi ginger, sugar candied ginger, even just touching a tiny amount of the ginger root to your tongue; all work very quickly to remove the taste.

My doctor gave me this to clear up an infection. While it worked for the infectio, it also caused a severe metallic taste in my mouth accomponied by severe heartburn, nausea and flu-like symptoms. At this point it has been 4 days since my last dose and the effects are still severe. Not worth the discomfort to me.

I'm one of those people that will be nervous to take a new medication and will worry about the potentially harmful side effects, and reading the reviews on Tindamax didn't help much! But I had an embarassing case of BV that was causing odor and I was desperate to get rid of it. My doctor gave me the 2 day dose and I took all 4 pills at once right after dinner each day. I had ZERO side effects, no metallic taste, no headaches, nausea, etc. And by the next morning after taking the first dose my symptoms were almost gone. By the second day, completely gone! I know everyone is different as far as how they react. But I personally couldn't have had a more positive experience. I would highly recommend it wouldn't hesitate to take it again.

On second day of taking one 500mg tablet 4x's/day for two days. Feeling much better and symptoms have decreased dramatically. Haven't noticed any side effects. Just a little inconvenient taking with food and so many times throughout the day. Very much worth taking though.

I was prescribed four 500mg at one time for Trichomoniasis (Trich). The worst thing about it for me was the awful metallic taste it left in my mouth. I took them right after dinner and before bed, slept like a baby and feel great. It seemed to clear up my problem and I actually woke up the next morning feeling well rested. I rate this prescription VERY EFFECTIVE and I am Satisfied...Unlike some of these post I have read, but different strokes for different folks.

After reading the negative experiences some reviewers reported, I was worried about taking the 2 day, 1,000mg course of treatment my doctor prescribed. I am allergic to some meds and tend to get nauseous and feel poorly while in most meds. I had absolutely no side effects from this med and it totally clear up my most uncomfortable infection. So glad I took it!

believe this caused a SEIZURE...my dr prescribed while i had a yeast infection..even though you are NOT supposed to prescribe in those circumstances. also taking prednisone at the same time so the question is whether the TINDAMX caused the seizure (happened the same nite i stated it) OR whether the combo of TINDAMAX and PREDNISONE created this monster. I am REALLY unhappy w/ my dr... i told him 4x that i had yeast also..even opened my mouth to show him the thrush that was there and he still prescribed ...and really wants to know NOTHING about what happened ..............

it broke me out

Doctor prescribed Tindamax for BV. Read a lot of bad reviews prior to taking the drug but tried it anyway. I've been taking 1000mg a day (2 500mg pills at once). I haven't experienced any side effects except slight dry mouth / metallic taste but not unbearable and definitely worth it since I am already feeling better. Just thought I'd add according to studies on the drug, only 13% of patients had any side effects. Which means 77% will experience no side effects. Don't let these reviews scare you; I feel perfectly fine, even better than I did before taking the drug. Also, I took the pills right after eating a full meal, so that could have a lot to do with why I did not feel any symptoms.