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Generic Name: tiotropium bromide

Brand Name: Spiriva with HandiHaler inhalation

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

sorriest piece of crap I ever wasted my money on, it's not at all handy have to carry a little pill around, the inhaler it's self don't work, nowhere to go to get a refund, it's junk don't buy it.

It would probably be more effective If the delivery system worked properly. The manufacturer doesn’t seem to listen to complaints of empty capsules or poor performance of handihaler

Considering the high cost and the fact that there are always 2-3 capsules per 30 day supply that are useless it would seem to me that adding a couple of extra capsules per 30 day supply would be somehow mandated by the FDA. Their directions even state that this will happen. Another big pharma rip off in my eyes.

I have just been prescribed this for Asthma as non powder inhalers cause my voice to fade in and out like a bad cell phone connection. I also have a tendency to squeak when I talk. Anyway, Spriva is leaving a metallic taste in my mouth, also I was reading this list and a person mention itching, would never had associated it until I read that. As for the metallic taste, I am eating anything to get the taste out of my mouth - and being a diabetic that is not good at all. I will need to talk to my dr, Will try and get back on Arnituty

Been using for 3 weeks now and Iâ??m waking up in the middle of the night itching really bad and it is causing major constipation as I already have UC and IBS. This was the 5th medication I have tried and seem to have a allergic reaction to everything. Iâ??ll be letting my doctor know asap

Been using this for 4 months. Read the inclosed instructions and saw the amount of powder in them. Picture of product shows a very tiny amount of powder. Also, I can't feel any help by this. Dr. prescribed this in hopes it will help the COPD. I've already got arthritis, dizzy from other meds, bad prostrate, vision problems. Other than that, I feel great! I am fortunate to have good ins. coverage but the real cost of this is really bad. need to talk with my provider about their cost.

Empty capsules at ten dollars a pop

I agree that the delivery system sucks big time. The lack of the capsule rattling as it should in the Handihaler, I have found, is typically due to either (1) broken capsule pieces remaining in the device after use or (2), as others have pointed out, the entire top breaking off the capsule in the device. I did discover something that appears to make a difference. Of course, I check for stray bits of capsule with every use but I have found that making sure the capsule goes into the Handihaler with the large end DOWN improves the performance of the device. I have been watching this for about 3 weeks and have had no problems with the capsule in the apparently right, large end down, position. In that period I have two "no rattle" applications; on both I checked to find the large end was up. It may be coincidence but it might work for others.

Day 3 and experience extremely bad sore throat, cough, overly sore muscles lose of voice, dizzy eyes very tired thought it was bronchitis ....but more reading and days pass realize it's the spiriva. Will talk to doctor about other options...breathing was better but side effects horrible.

Drug is fine the delivery system SUCKS big time. In about 3 of every 10 doses the capsule does not rattle in the Handihaler after puncturing and inhaling which results in the medication not be delivered to the lungs effectively. I am very careful to open the hanidhaler completely before and after every use to check of stray capsule bits that might interfere with the "rattle" process. The problem is that the capsule is intended to be punctured with small holes near the top and bottom. I have noticed that at the time the rattle is not present the upper puncture device has completely cracked the top off of the capsule. I know it is not intended to work this way. I agree with other that is medication is too expensive to have about 30% of the doses wasted. BI Pharmaceuticals needs to spend a few buck and rethink their delivery system.

Spriva irritated my throat, dried me out, couldn't drink enough water, gave me a guttural cough, changed what I cough up from clear with tiny bubbles to very heavy, concentrated, and ugly in color. It took me over a month to finally get back to where I was before I took it.

Packaging is very hard to open, cannot buy refills and have to buy the entire contraption every time, many contain nothing but air or have holes in the capsules rendering them useless. Horrible product and insanely overpriced. Need a generic that actually works

Small and compact, the 1st inhale made my chest feel very heavy, after that it was fine. I've found a few capsules to have no powder in them and when they do it makes a strange rattling noise, bit alarming till you get used to it. I've had a sore throat and hoarse voice since starting to use it a few weeks ago and th capsules arent always easy to get out of the packaging....

On this medicine for 2 years, I am still alive so i guess its helping. I definitely thought at times a capsule was empty like other posters have said. I am forced to go with ellipta.[insurance] and i have read bad reviews about that drug.

I was given this as a preventive medication that was not a steroid. I found that it cut my rescue inhaler usage down considerably, I must say that in the 30 days of usage, I have noticed my pants are tight as are my underwear. I was told that this medication would not cause weight gain, but I don't agree,

I have just started Spiriva and I notice many posts complaining about empty capsules. How do you tell if a capsule is empty? When I breath it in the capsule rattles around and leaves no taste so I really can't tell.

Opening the blister packs is almost impossible - what terrible packaging!!! Too bad their site links for contact us do not work.

horrible antichlolinergic effects presented the second day. ie. swelling of the brain and prostate. as per drug info booklet i immediately called my doctor to inform him i will never do Spriva again

capsules are frequently defective, pierced before use. Calls to manufacturer are frustrating and needlessly complicated. After 15 minutes of questioning the agent allowed that they would replace 5 capsules if I got my pharmacy to contact them. This seems like a deliberate money-saving scam on their part to discourage people from demanding better quality control.

Causes numbness and tingling in fingers and toes