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Generic Name: trandolapril

Brand Name: Mavik oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Just a few side effects like dryness of throat, mucus formation in the morning when I wake up resulting in my difficulty to swallow. Yet, manageable and my blood pressure has been normal the past 4 years I've been taking 2mg. Before that I was taking only 1mg.

After 2 days of use I suffered for a severe anaphylactic shock and prominent swelling of toungue and Throat. Sorry to bring up such bad news about this medication but a danger for me.

Have been using 2mg for at least 2 years, worked fine, new dr. wanted my blood pressure lower, switched me to 4 mg. Side effects, include dizziness, nausea, tiredness . This is right after i take it, i still feel that my legs are heavy weighted sometimes...and there is itchiness sometimes....

I've had high blood pressure since 15 years old, I'm now 42. During that time I struggled with side effects. Seems like every new drug I would take had horrendous side effects. I was exasperated, and my doctors hated me always asking to try new drugs. One day a pharmacist I know suggested I try Mavik. This drug is great! I have no side effects, I feel great and I no longer dread taking my medicine. Been on it 2 years now taken with 12.5mg HCTZ. Dropped my pressure from 160/100 down to a textbook 120/80.

severe side effects for 1 year of using medication: cough (dry, persistent) difficulty swallowing or breathing; unusual hoarseness After I stopped taking Mavik, everything was OK.

Male, 51, 30lbs overweight, somewhat sedentary, had high blood pressure during difficult business/career transition period. Ran out of tablets and was without for one week after taking them for over 6 months, Bp was 140/90 at next doctor's visit for more tablets and tests. One test revealed a first degree heart block. This is probably (hopefully) due to the Mavik. Will do stress test and 2 week heart monitor then probably get off this drug. Will also continue to reduce stress and increase exercise. Cheers. Glenn

loose stool

many side effects headache heavy legs confusion tired no energy now I notice hair loss first I noticed thinning but much worse now itchy head nerviousness

Needed to ad norvasc to further reduce high blood pressure

lots of side effects. Dizziness, nausea, excessive sweating. There has to be a better way.

The overall effect this drug is great but have been bothered with excessive sweating which might indicate other problems but never had it since I increased to 4 mg. - the 2 mg. was ok.

This drug is awesome. I love drugs.