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Generic Name: treprostinil

Brand Name: Tyvaso inhalation

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis secondary to PAH and am currently on Adcirca, Letaris, Symbcort and Ventelin and never have I been able to breath like I do on Tyvaso.

17 year old female, been using for 3 years. Drug may have caused some anxiety and agression issues. Breathing is good but almost crash when time for next dosage. Also use Adcira and Letaris.

Oh my god. Just left the doctors office. Using the combo of Tyvaso and Adcirca my pressures went from 90 to 32. I thought I felt better .. . now I have the evidence I need. WOW. 18 years with pulmonary hypertension and for the first time in years I actually want to GO OUT FOR A RUN. Miracle Max could not have done better.

get more exercise with side effects

i feel much better ow on tyvaso inhalaion

My mother was given this drug to "try out" while waiting for a lung transplant. Doing fine one day, took this drug the next and within 4 days her blood was toxic and she was dead. I researched this drug thoroughly and am not even sure how it was approved. Was told by the pharma co. that it was dangerous for anyone with lung issues??? Not sure why they thought it was a good idea, but I urge anyone considering taking it to please do their research on the trial and reported effects.