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Generic Name: Amiodarone HCl Tablets

Brand Name: Pacerone

Pacerone Drug and Medication User Reviews

Used it for 2 years, the side effects take a few months to manifest and in my case a damaged liver. I lost so much weight so fast (78 lbs in 4 mos), was very sick I made my peace with God. Lucky for me I collapsed and fell off the stairs one day at home and was rushed by a brother to the ER where I was told of my liver damage. I'm alive now due to that incident, otherwise I never would have found out about the drug's slow and insidious assault on my liver. Needless to say I've stopped taking the medication and 'am being told of a 95% chance my liver would become well.

Have had repeated bouts with Atrial Fib. Pacerone has improved this problem 100% with no side effects.

Atrial Fib has not returned one year out from the initial episode.

Have been on drug for over 2yrs. I now have lung damage and shortness of breath. loss of hair and upset stomach. doctor has taken me off drug and told me I should have came in sooner. I think they should verbally warn u of drug when they prescribe. This way you would understand the damage this drug can really cause. I am 75yrs old.

I am taking also Lovastation. If I am taking Lovastatin will avecct the acction of the pacerone?

Have been on 200mg Pacerone/Amiodarone due to AFib. Not happy with numerous side effects, Fortunate that my liver can handle this medication.

It worked but to major gastro intestinal problems fainting

This is a very strong medicine and needs to be aware of all side effects!Especially with other drugs,especially blood thinner!

just started two days [tired]

I was on Pacerone for 6 years and had tried the only other alternative drugs that were to accomplish the same. I had been told many times that this drug had vgery deteramental affects to the body. it was the only thing that controlled VTacs I was experiancing. I also had low heart rates , and skin sensativity to the sun.. After my last heart surgery 4th Aortic heart valve replacement. I spoke with a Electrophisologist about doing a procedure that couod resolve my condition. He had related to me that Pacerone was causing irreversable damage to my Lungs, Kidneys, Liver and eyes. That really encouraged me to do this heart stimulation to stop these heart races that would sometimes last 45 min at 115-150bpm. On Se[pt 24th this year I had this procedure done. and Low and behold. No more irregular heart rythems. No MORE PACERONE. Had I known that the procedure would be so affective I would have had it done years ago. My suggestion if you are n Pacerone for long terrm. for SVTs long term. Seek an Electrophysologist and get off of it . IF at all possible.. I hope this waS OF HELP TO SOMEONE.

created a dangerously low throid level

After being on this med for 4 months, I not only experienced an episode of a-fib, but began having edema in lower extremities and pain and burning in the roof of my mouth which continues to interfere with sleep even though med was discontinued a month ago.

Still having episodes.

my hands have turned dark. (black) and I bruise easely.my hands are just black.of course I'm not happy with pacerone.

I have been taking Pacedrone for nearly two years. My heart's annirythmia (sic), had all but dissappeared, but it brought my heartbeat down to an extremely low level (mid-40's), with the result being extreme fatigue, periodic mental lapses, and occasional swelling on the bottom of my feet. I was on two 200-mg. tablets a day. I decided to reduce my dosage to one, with the result of boosted energy levels & better mental alertness, and my heartbeat remains about the same. This, I must emphasize, were MY results. all & all, I still give pacedrone a thumbs-up.

I'm also taking warferin and My blood is staying too thick. Could taking amiodarone have any thing to do with this hapening?

I had continual A-Fib for over 20 yrs, and other medicines didn't help. I have been using pacerone for over a yr, and it has eliminated the irregular heartbeat. I have noticed a large decrease in my enery level, and want to sleep alot. I also have a slight cough I didn't have before. I however, am willing to put up with those two issues, as opposed to having to deal with an irregular heartbeat. My only major concern, is that I was told I would continue to have A-Fib attacks while on the meds, but would probably be unaware they were happening. If so how much damage will that cause?