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Generic Name: Amlodipine Besylate

Brand Name: Norvasc

Norvasc Drug and Medication User Reviews

I was prescribed 5mg for high blood pressure. I got hives, insomnia and facial flushing. So not worth it. HCTZ works best for me. It has been around a long time for good reason - it works. Doctors prescribe newer more expensive drugs for a reason - big Pharma.

It's brought my blood pressure down a little but my feet are freezing! I have never, ever had cold feet. If anything they have always been warm.

I took this for a total of 7 days. The first couple of days were fine with taking it in the morning, but then I became so tired I could hardly function and any repeated sound caused me huge anxiety and to become angry. So I decided to take it before bed instead. Well it was absolutely horrible! All over body pain, racing heart beat, noise in my ear, excess sweating, pain in my neck and head, and if I did by chance fall asleep I had horrible nightmares. I maybe got 2 hours of sleep in 48 hours. Maybe. This drug is horrible! I immediately stopped and all of those symptoms went away the next day. Not sure if helped my blood pressure or not as I did not take it long enough to have a recheck. It definitely was not worth the bad effects to try to bring my blood pressure down.

I was initially prescribed 5mg amlodipine which was increased to 10mg after 3 days. Initially my feet became swollen but that went away after about 4 weeks. Then I began to have arrhythmia and bradycardia. I just couldn't function and I felt my heart was going to give up. So I switched myself back to 5mg. Within 48hours, my heart rate stabilised and I felt human again. Unfortunately, it meant my blood pressure increased. I am currently exploring natural remedies whilst still taking 5mg.

Dr took my off Hydrochlorathizide and put me on this. Started it on last Saturday....woke up at about 4 am Monday morning with SEVER Vertigo. I had never had this happen in my life. At the time thought could of been a bad dream. Monday night, went to bed around 1030 pm, right when my head hit the pillow the whole room started flipping vertically. Was the scariest thing I have ever experienced. This went on all night off and on....at one point i had gone to the couch. Woke up to get water and when I laid back down BAM!! Was back in full force and this time when I sat up, it didn�t stop....the rooms was spinning so severe I must of gotten up...slammed into the floor. Got a hold of my Dr that morning and went in. He took me off of it and gave Meclizine. They went away immediately. Definitely induced by this BP pill.....very scary!!!

made me feel breathless, anxious and heart raced wildly at times, really horrible experience

I was on this b p medicine for 3 days.had bad nightmares.heart beating fast.so i stop for 1 day.then decided i will try it again.had to go to the hospital both days and had to call 911.almost passed out.then i thought i was having a heart attack.so i just stop taking it.havent felt that way since.this medicine is the culprit.

I have taken this for several years with no apparent problems. March this year my doctor changed me from 5 to 10 mg, now I have to have gum surgery due to overgrowth of my gums and the invi7liners cause it moved my teeth! Several thousand dollars!

I was on 5MG for one week only when I had a sudden fainting spell with no warning. The fall caused me to slam my head which resulted in a seizure. I don't know if Amlodipine was the culprit but the faint was a first for me and nothing else had changed in my life. Stated side effects indicate care should be taken during the first week of use, so I quit.

Edema, rapid weight gain, neuropathy, tinnitus, shortness of breath so severe it was difficult to exert myself. I also over heated easily. Minor to moderate exertion left me sweating profusely from upper body. Dr took me off 5 days ago and I feel horrible. Feels like Iâ??m having a heart attack.

This drug is dangerous and whomever prescribes it should be made to take it. Within three days the pain in my knee was excruciating and I became depressed. Never ever take this drug. I'd rather have my blood pressure a little high than these horrific side effects...bad, bad, bad....

On for 5 days...loss of hearing, tinnitus loud Skin itches all over.

At 5mg of norvasc, after 2 weeks my bp has slightly decreased BUT, now have shortness of breath, swelling in chest, any exertion causes feeling of dizziness and like I am going to pass out, anxiety, muscle pain, shallow breathing like I can't get enough air. This is one HORRIBLE DRUG.

Didn't and couldn't stay on this medication long enough to judge it's effectiveness. Not only water retention in feet and ankles but heels became so sensitive that sleep was virtually impossible.

Was on it for 5 days, which is how long it took me to realize why my body gradually swelled up to elephant proportions, my face was bright red and my calves were bruised. My Doctor was not consulted, I stopped on my own, and within 3 days the above symptoms disappeared. Norvasc was prescribed to replace Valsartan which was recalled due to cancer causing agents. The cure seems to be more harmful than the condition.

Horrible, Horrible, Horrible! I suffered greatly with this poison as many people have. If you research this crap you will see a common theme. It may be ok for some but not all. I had Very high pulse, heart racing, left arm and shoulder pain, chest pain, thought was having heart issues and had to wear a heart monitor. Turns out this is a vasodilator causing racing heart rate and POTS like symptoms. It also relaxes the esophageal sphincter causing gerd and pain. Blurred vision, peripheral neuropathy in knees down and elbows down. Tingling in face, Depression, Fatigue. Literally thought I was dying! Took this for two months and decided to taper myself off this poison. It took 2 months for these effects to completely go away. Blood pressure went down to normal levels. This is by far the worst I have ever felt in my life while on this POISON. Big pharma knows as very small percentage of the populous will actually die from their chemicals but many people can be helped so itâ??s allowed.

I was very hot all the time...thought I was having hot flashes. Racing heart. I've been transitioning to a new medication and just after three days I fell something I haven't felt in MONTHS, which is CHILLY!

Been on Norvasc for several years started swelling of feet ankles and legs very bad had to go to hospital.

Yes, Norvasc lowered my BP, but after 15 days on this drug my feet and ankles swelled up and I experienced lower leg pains. Took myself off this drug 10 days ago. Side effects ALMOST all gone but BP is now up again to 145/80. I will look for a NATURAL method tp lower my BP. I'm tired of side effects!