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Generic Name: Anagrelide

Brand Name: Agrylin

Agrylin Drug and Medication User Reviews

Having problems getting the drug now. My doctor is unable to find a pharmacy that carries it. Have been off the drug since the week after Thanksgiving 2015 and no luck on finding a provider. Anyone know where I can order this drug from?

I have take this dedication since 2006 but on an off, my reading is in 600-750 right now, always rapid heartbeat but is ok, my liver hurt at time,my spleen hurt too at time,i sometime feel yucky and confusion sometime.my doctor told me 5% of ET patient will develope leukimia ,I hope he's wrong but I wonder how long can ET patient live? I red the review and some still alive after 18years that is very good. good luck to all of you.

i am on agrylin 3 years went from 100,000 down to 397,000

I started out using Hydrea until I could no longer obtain it. My doctor switched me to Agrylin which I have been using for about 8 years. I do have rapid heartbeats and some hair loss but nothing I can't live with. I take .5mg 4 times a day. My platelet count has come down from 1.5mg to 400,000mg.

This drug is awesome. I love drugs.

I have been taking this for about 15 years. It controls my platelets. 8 years ago I had a bloody nose that would not stop and I was in the hospital for 5 dyas. Since then I stopped taking aspirin since I feel it causes bleeding in combo with agrlyn. I now have lyme disease that has become chronic and my immune system numbers are very low even when I do not feel too bad. I read somewhere that lyme disease does not mix well with the spleen. I wonder if anyone else has had this experience. Before I took this medicine I took hydroxea which made very very tired. Agrlyn makes me tired and my fingers tingle when cold. I do not take it with caffeine and I take it after meals and well before bedtime to decrease the plapitations.

I am a 46 year old female who was recently diagnosed with ET, I started taking the Agryln about 3 weeks ago, I am very sick at my stomach frequently and have back pain constantly. But, it appears to be lowering my counts, so I hope the sickness goes away soon. I will continue this review as it progresses. Does anyone else around my age have this disease? I would really like some input.

In 1998 I have been diagnosed with polycythemia vera, a blood disorder that results in production of excess red blood cells. Agrylin along with regular phlebotomy helped keep my hematocrit level under control since then. It took me several months to adjust to the drug, one side effect was palpitation. Not knowing the severity of my condition, I was fighting the treatment, skipping doses, etc. But after few months I adjusted. Also I started coumadin treatment to thin the blood and been on it since 2000. Initially I was taking two 0.5 mg. pills per day, morning/night, but around the time when I switched to generic the doctor had to increase my dosage to two 1.0 mg. pills per day. I have no side effects and feeling good. Cardiologist recommended metoprolol for palpitation, which I take rarely, but it is fare to say that these are caused by the stress in my life rather than side effects of the agrylin. I exercise a little in most days (yoga, walking), and I have good energy. The drug has been working well for me. It would be interesting to see results after 20+ years. At the time when I was diagnosed, patients with polycythemia were given 15 years to live after the diagnostic, due to high risk in blood clots, but these medicine are keeping it under control, so I have high hopes that this will not be a cause of death for me. Good luck everyone out there!

I have been taking Agrylin for 12 years. Side effects of palpitations and shortness of breath are tolerable. I take propanolol as needed for the rapid heart beat. I am surprised to read about 1 patient on this site who said she is taking 6 x .5mg twice a day. Read the Dosage Instructions. I believe the maximum dosage at one time is 2.5mg. I find that a dosage of 1mg at a time dramatically reduces the side effects.

When I was diagnoised w/high platelets, they were at 1.4million. 3 yrs later, it is still around 600,000+, should be under 400,000. I have rapid heart rate after each dose, lasting about 30min. I take 3 -.5mg/day. I am tired a lot, but feel better than I did at 1.4million. I exercise several times a week and this has had an effect on my platelets also. So, taking my rx, asprin a day & exercise have helped me stay between 600 to 650,000.

I have been taking this drug for 10-12 years. Lately I have been experiencing rapid heart beats 140, with no physical activity or side effects other than weakness.