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Generic Name: Apixaban Tablets

Brand Name: Eliquis

Eliquis Drug and Medication User Reviews

My husband was prescribed this after being diagnosed with AFib around November 2020. He had a stroke at work on 6/6/22 and died 6/10/22. He was only 45.

My satisfaction and effectiveness ratings are due only to me being a recent new user, therefore I have no measure. I started this medication about 12 days ago after my groin stent placement. During this period, I have found myself having a little difficulty getting the right words out when speaking. I also feel tired more than usual, and 2 days ago began experiencing serious dizziness. Will be meeting with my PCP tomorrow, and my Cardiologist next week when I will discuss these effects.

AFib, fell on knee developed large hematoma in leg required wound vac, 3 surgeries and softball sized skin graft on knee, dizziness and weakness , cost is prohibitive (90 days $420 ) cannot recurve help due to being on Medicare part D , which is unfair.

Way too many Side Effects, such as Can't walk over 15 Feet without getting Dizzy and have to Sit Down, Also because of Weak Legs and Arms and I felt like I was going to pass out.

Male 58 have been taking Apixaban 5mg twice a day for the past two months for my a/fib, I haven’t noticed any side effects, I did cut myself shaving and cut my hand at work bleeding was just the same as it was before I started taking Apixaban which made me wonder if this drug was doing it’s job and actually thinning my blood, something to mention to my doc next time I visit .

I’m a 47 yo active, firefighter, male. Hx of a-fib, and dvt 5 years ago. Dr put me on 5mg 2xdaily for clot prevention during my last a-fib episode, about 3 weeks ago. I can certainly tell that I’m fatigued all the time, as well as vision, and trouble focusing. These are not normal issues for me. I have a follow up in a couple weeks, and will talk to the Dr. Personally I’d rather deal with these issues for the time being, and not have a stroke, PE, or another DVT.

Just started this 4 days ago. So far so good and no ED issues.

I think this med is dangerous and taken off the market. I had no strength all I could do was sleep. I had hives and my lips swelled up so bad I couldn't eat also my finger got scratched on a edge on my lawnmower very minor and it took THREE days before I could get it to stop bleeding.

ijus starte this and i havent exsperienced anything yet upset tummy could be not eating im on it for DVT lazyness sitting on my arse to long ill give more ingo it anything else

I’ve been on Eliquis for 4 months now, due to a P.E. My blood clot has left (very grateful for that) However, I have to take medication for 6 months total. Side effects terrible ... headaches, shortness of breath, chest pain and joint pain. It made me feel like I had another P.E .. But I don’t want to complain because I am grateful Eliquis saved me!

So so

Given to my mother for Afib; about 2 weeks after taking she had 2 strokes back to back leaving her bedridden. She also had bleeding from the eyes after she came home from having strokes on hospice. I would not recommend this for Afib ever.

Went in hospital in fall for a hysterectomy... woke up w blood clots in lungs.... after brief hospital stay put me on eliquis 10mg in morning and 10mg in evening.... 3months later they dropped me to 5mg in morning 5mg in evening.... get randomly tired here and there... and get brain fog here and there. Also weird muscle aches in back. Just went for ct 6months later as I was having lung pain again... clots gone. yay! But keeping me on eliquis for preventative... hoping they drop dosage soon. May keep me on for life, not sure u want that.

Swelling in feet, ankles and legs, lost weight and tiredness

Been on this for 6 months I get headaches from time to time and also forget a lot of thing from time to time.

caused my mother to go blind blood clot in eye

I started taking eliquis 4 yrs ago for AFib now I have short term memory loss; just discovered memory loss is a side effect.

I have been taking Eliquis, 5mg two times per day since 02-2018. I was taken to hospital and had mini-stroke. Dr. put me on Eliquis and Clopidogrel. Ihave shortness of breath with Eliquis, overall tiredness. headaches. Bruise very easily. Have to be extremely careful not to cut myself. Cut my arm last July while on vacation. Bought blood stop powder and plenty of bandaids. Took about three days for it to finally stop bleeding. Mostly concerned about shortness of breath. I like to bicycle, work out in the yard. Wonder if others have had these reactions.

Been taking since stroke 2 years ago. Was taking xarelto prior and before that coumanden. No problems. If cost is prohibitive, there is a card you can get online which brings the cost down to $15.00. Have been on blood thinners all my life, without them I would surely die. I do sometime have joint pain, never attributed it to my meds.

Iâ??ve only been taking for 5 days but so far so good. Iâ??m taking 10mg twice a day for a pulmonary embolism and havenâ??t had any side effects. To be fair though, I currently have a cold so hard to tell if body aches from meds or being sick at moment. Hopefully unrelated. Downside of med is that itâ??s twice a day at same time. Iâ??ll likely be on this Med for a long time so Iâ??ll come back and add review if anything changes.