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Generic Name: Atenolol Inj

Brand Name: Tenormin I.V. Injection

Atenolol Drug and Medication User Reviews

Have Arterial blockage at heart, installed stent, medication helped vey much. tended to lower HBP, cut dosage in half, HBP went back to "normal" level.

Worked well to drop my pulse and BP but the side affects were intolerable for me. Extreme constipation, brain fog, numbness/tingling in hands and feet, impaired short term memory, false hypoglycemia symptoms, rolling jitters, anxiety, and adrenalin surges, increased depression. It also raised my fasting glucose by 10 pts (I am not (yet) diabetic).

This medication has caused me liver issues and I should never been given this medication

Started this med 22 years ago aged 55. Started on 50 mg after 6 months felt weary constantly and doc halved the dose. I have always been active now 77 still very active ride bike for an hour every morning.(just getting old)

Please read - I think I can help people. I am not one to write reviews. This medicine gave me my life back. It even improved my POTS symptoms significantly. Ask doctor first but for me! : Start for about 10-14 days on 25 mg!! Then cut the pill in equal halves! If stay on 25 mg or higher will have drastically low blood pressure magnifying problems you taking this medicine for!! It is FAST ACTING. Take on time … 22-23 hours later you start to feel it weaning off. Do not forget to take this medicine. DO NOT forget to take this medicine!! You can pass out or get a heart attack. It is something you can get chemically addicted to but will take LONG time for dependence even in prone people. You can eventually cut pill into 1/3 or even 1/4 for weeks or indefinitely to WEAN OFF. WEAN OFF -DO NOT FORGET DAILY DOSE OR RISK HEART ATTACK. also continue or add a new long-term treatment plan or medicine with this & the withdrawal effects will be none to mild if your condition allows!

Prescribed for tachycardia due to POTS. Succeeded in lowering heart rate to relatively normal levels, but caused intolerable chest pain, palpitations, confusion, dizziness, anxiety, vertigo, and shortness of breath (basically exacerbated my underlying condition instead of help).

No clear side effect

This medicine caused me a depression and anxiety, I was talking this medicine for 18 years.

Work okay with me for 15years ...Doctor want to put me on BILOCOR/BISOPROLOL.....now I am scared that I will feel sick by stopping ATENOLOL and taking BILOCOR....PLEASE help tell me what do you think..will it be bad for me to change

Had serve palpitations & waking up at night , my heart running a marathon

Used atenolol for 1 month. It caused loss of appetite, anxiety, and a sensation of coldness,numbness on left side of chest and arm. Went to cardiologists,all tests showed my heart was strong and normal.

Many doctors prescribed it to me. It works for short term use. It slows down heart beat and less efficient on my HBP. I'm always fatigue and having insomnia. Finally CLONAZEPAM is prescribed for my almost every problems.

I started this med about 6 months ago. I have a non-stop headache with varying intensity. Atenolol has helped to decrease the intensity, but the headache is still always present. I have also started to gain weight which is very upsetting for me after loosing 55lbs.

Started taking about 2 months ago to slow heart rate. About 2 weeks after I started, I developed headaches which had never been a problem before. I searched all of these comments and nobody else complained of this symptom - so I'm going to my DR to have this checked out. My heart dr and my primary dr says headaches are not a symptom of this medicine - do have dizziness upon standing, but can control that - so how about you - anyone else having headaches with this medicine?

I was prescribed Atenolol for high blood pressure, which has not been a real issue until I became pregnant w/ my first child, 5 years ago. I have had 3 kids since & the HBP seemed to be situational. But,recently, it's been consistently high. I eat well, am active,and don't like taking pills for this exact reason. My dr prescrbd Atenolol & w/in 2 days, my right foot was lightly puffy & tingling. It was sore from a few days b4, so I did not make the connection. Until Day3 when both legs - knees to toes - looked worse than being 9 mo pregnant. Painfully numb...pins & needle sensations. Clothes could not get past my ankles, forget any shoes besides flip flops. In dresses or skirts,my ankles looked like a 6 pack of hot dogs. Skin taute n shiny, waddling, unable to breathe. I was told this was an 'Uncommon' side effect, stop taking asap, and go to the ER or Walk In ER clinic since it was the weekend. I was gasping for air-unable to get a good breath. Brutal. Kidney pain. I went to the ER and was diagnosed w/ Bilateral Lower Extremity Edema. Its been 9 days and everything has gone back down except my feet which waiver from worsening to improving. The Dr said my feet will be the last areas to heal 100% being they are the farthest, distance wise, away and absorbtion is needed. I noticed they significantly reduce in swelling when they are wrapped or in a sneaker, which barely fits over my foot. Elevating and icing doesnt do much quick enough. The DR even said that this med usually isn't a first choice for a primary. One w/ a diuretic is standard, if your blood panel works within those parameters. He even asked if a nurse or assistant wrote the prescription instead - the baffled looks has ignited my search for a diff, more thorough primary. I would rather rip my nose off w/ a can opener

This is a good medication for fast heart rate and anxiety I take 12.5mg a day and it keeps everything it check. Was kinda scared at first to take it, but now i'am doing good.

bp still spikes at times but other meds drops bp and heart rate too low. Still trying find right combo for me as Im allergic to so many meds

Been on Atenolol 25mg for two weeks due to a 50% blockage in one of my arteries. I'm constantly nauseated and lightheaded. I feel like I have a cold or flu - can't eat due to how bad the nausea is. I started taking the medication on a Wednesday, that Friday - Saturday I had gained 12 pounds! Doctor said I need to be on the medication for two weeks so it can get in my system. I - feel - awful!!

Have been taking this medication for a long time, 50mg. My blood pressure got much better and it began dropping to low so I started taking only 1/2 a pill and it stays at a great level.

This is a beta blocker. Beta blockers should be the second drug you take for hypertension. First should be a thiazide diuretic because it has fewer side effects. These two drug classes are the only drugs for hypertension that by themselves reduce the risk of heart attack or death. Together, they reduce the risk of death or heart attack more than either does alone. Once you take minimal amounts of these two drugs, if more is needed, add an ACE inhibitor which further reduces the risk of death/heart attack. Caution: alone, ACE inhibitor does not reduce the risk. And then consider adding a fourth drug, a calcium channel blocker which, in combination with the others, adds further protection against death/heart attack. Talk to your MD about this