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Generic Name: azathioprine

Brand Name: Azasan

Azasan Drug and Medication User Reviews

Have had surgeries, steroids and several other medications through the history of my disease. This drug not only eliminated all the other medications but has put me in remission for over 2 years!

I'm on my third week. Last week I started having pain in the abdomen. Then severe diarrhea, increased bleeding, nausea and vomiting. Dr said that if I get the flu or anything to stop taking until I get well. Still sick. He also said it would take 6-8 weeks for the drug to show improvement in my UC. Just sick of being sick!


I have been on this medication since I found out I had Crohn's. I eat what I want and gained all my weight back. I do worry about long term. I have not missed a day of work in 4 years since taking this medicine.

Have had a serious flair up of my ulcerated colitus for 6 months nothing worked to reduce my symptoms..this medication returned me to normal in only a week

I have been dealing with UC for 10 years. Thanks to this medication I have been in remission for almost 4. Even though it is not recommended to be pregnant while using this drug I have given birth to two beautiful babies on the recommendation of my doctor. I do think I bruise a little easier and I've never had high blood pressure. This medication may contribute to that. I think that this drug for me is very safe and effective as long as you are responsible and see your doctor regularly.

Have been taking it for 2 years now seems to help the UC along with prednisone. Concerned about the long term use of both the azasan and the prednisone. Haven't been able to get off the prednisone, when I have tried the urges to go come back.

It has worked great in keeping the ulcerative colitis under control. My only concern is the long term use.

Some improvement for the chrohn's, and some improvement with my arthritis. I have used it three months so far and believe it is somewhat responsible for the remission.

I have taken this medication for 3 months and have seen no improvement of my Chron's Disease. feel very tired and my hips, knees and ankles are starting to hurt, to the point that it is painful to walk specially after being lying, or sitting down. Also, I get sick very easily, and any skin laceration gets infected if I do not notice it and use antiobiotic cream immediately.