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Generic Name: Azilsartan Medoxomil and Chlorthalidone Tablets

Brand Name: Edarbyclor

Edarbyclor Drug and Medication User Reviews

After years of unsuccessful treatments, this was a game changer for me. It is expensive but well worth it. No issues with side effects. Judging by some reviews, it’s not for everyone but for me, it’s a blessing.

Only med that actually decreased my BP! I went from ~140/100 to ~110/70 in about 2 weeks. I experienced no side effects.

Had resistant Hypertension for 30 years. Tried literally everything. This worked within 2 weeks. BP dropped like a rock. Only side effect was occasional dizziness when it dropped too low. I can live with that. Much better than being too high for so long.

I just started this medication a week ago. So far so good. Only negative is tired arms, but dr said I would feel that. I am satisfied thus far. I have plenty of energy and remain active.

I have tried diovan,losartan,olmesartan and amlopidine. My best BP on these was 165/100. Been taking edarbyclor 2 weeks and my BP is already down to 145/90. Im so glad I change doctors and try put me on this!!!!

I have had hypertension for many years 160/90 was the best control my Primary Care MD I could find.I had tried every hypertensive drug and combination of various Rx. My MD suggested I try something new. When I started with Edarbi and a small dose of HCTZ my BP had dropped to an average 130/70. My cost is $40.00 a month for a one month supply.

Ithought Amlodipine was the worst pill I had ever taken for High blood pressure until I took Edarbiclor. Amlodipine just made my legs swell up as big as an elephant's and my hair fall out, but Edarbiclor, which I thought was going to work well on lowering my blood pressure, made me have an irreglar, very fast heartbeat and my blood pressure rise to 225/110 and I spent the night in the hospital where they finally got my blood pressure down and my diastolic reading was down to 35. They put me on Valsartan and I did very well on it... till they recalled it and now I can't find anything that really keeps it down. I am on Hydralzine, 3 of them three times a day. Still looking for something that works but have been messed up ever since taking Edarbyclor.

I've taken this for about 8 months and had bad side effects. Never again!

Switched because hyzaar was having decreased effect. First week results were volatile. Be careful, as my bp fluctuated from 140/100 down to 70/60. Stabilized eventually. I later decreased to 40/12.5 as the diuretic was too strong and my bp was too often coming out low and I was dizzy when first standing. Even at the lower dose I sometimes am. Working on losing weight now to go back to Hyzaar as this stuff is more expensive ($100 for 3 months compared to $4 for 3 months of generic hyzaar). I also think in general I felt better when I was taking only hyzaar, so if I can lose weight I'd rather take it.

This medication has given me extreme stomach pain, weakness and body pain, Now they say after being off it for three days . Maybe gallbladder, strange! I didnâ??t have any problems before I started edarbylor 40/25 , doctor also said not due to medication, I find that strange I have not taken any of this crap since Monday, today being Thursday blood pressure 115 / 63 pulse 76 with no meds since Monday : BP great with no other meds. Appears it still is in my system .

I have very stubborn high blood pressure. I have tried Benicar, AZOR, lisinopril, losartan, valsartan-hydrochlorothiazide, Plus others. Blood pressure is 170/110 without meds. About 140/90 with above. With Edarbyclor and Bystolic it is 130/80. Finally under control!

No side effects and excellent results.

I was diagnosed with stage II hypertension since 1992. It was stubborn and just would not reduce despite having so many medications prescribed over the years I have lost count. My BP was average 186/118, with high creatinine level and poor GFR. I am 71 years, prognosis not good! I was prescribed Edarbyclor six months ago, my BP is now 135/90 with much improved creatinine and GFR readings. The only noticeable side effect for me has been slight constipation. which has been easy to deal with. Edarbyclor for me has been a magical fix for my hypertension. I can see fro many other comments on this post that it does not suit everyone. My experience with hypertension drugs over 25 years has been awful for side effects of so many prescribed drugs. I feel fortunate to have found a drug that significantly reduces my BP and improves kidney function, I was cynical about prescribed drugs for years and had almost given up with it all.

This was administered in an emergency situation form a sample package in my doctor's office as my blood pressure was taken at 190/100 after 30 minutes my pressure steadily declined and leveled off at 140/80. This was a miracle! I have a history of HBP, STROKES, DIABETES and M.S, allergies galore nothing has EVER controlled my HBP with the help of Metoprolol Tartrate

I have stubborn high BP. Doctor switched me from Valsartan & HTZ to Edarbyclor 40/25 mg.(He described this as similar modes of action and slightly stronger). 3 weeks later, BP has gone down a little. So far so good. Maybe some tiredness (not that I read all the other comments)...I'll see how that goes.

Doc replaced Valsartan with this drug. Took 1 pill in the morning along with other BP meds. At 6pm I was incoherent, fainty, wobbly legs and my fingers were tingling. I took no more!

Have been taking Toprol XL and not the generic for over 10 years. Take 100 mg in morning and 100 mg in evening. BP went up to 198/105 this past wed. and went to ER. Then was told to see my primary doc within 2 days. She put me on edarbyclor 40 mg cut in half and take in morning rather than my Toprol. Big mistake since I can't take diuretics. It kept me from peeing. Also had many other horrible side effects. Went back to my usual dose of Toprol XL and feeling better already. Calling doc tomorrow. Took this awful new drug for only two days.

I was taking up to 100mg of Metoprolol a day and it did NOTHING. Tried Lisinopril and Amlodapine; nothing but nasty side effects. Started Edarbyclor and my BP came down withing days. You really need to give it two weeks. My BP before Edarbyclor peaked as high as 199/100. Now it's typically 125/80. I don't notice the side effects others mention.

Always had low blood pressure. Got extremely sick, blood pressure was 244/166. Went to emergency room was giving a shot and pill and sent home. Family doctor seen the next day in stage three kidney failure. Was taking 5 different a day eleven times. Brought it down, but was consuming my life. Was put on edarbyclor and bystolic pressure is now 106/64. Do have the muscle weakness bad. And heart doing that hard flop feeling.