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Generic Name: Baclofen Tablets

Brand Name: Baclofen

Baclofen Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have been on baclofen for several years. I have scoliosis which causes severe muscle/bone pain and muscle spasms in my back and neck. The neck muscle spasms also cause frequent migraines as well. The chronic pain has caused me to be suicidal and depressed. Baclofen has helped. I’m prescribed 10mg 2 times a day along with methadone, naproxen, clonidine, trazodone, and mitrazipine. My pain level is more manageable but still quite severe most of the time. I still cannot work or properly take care of all my responsibilities but the edge is taken off when I take baclofen. I have not had any noticeable side effects. My partner has taken it as well with very good results. Personally I would recommend baclofen just be aware that it’s not a magic pill and it won’t take all your discomfort away for everyone, especially if your condition is severe but if you have exhausted other options such as massage, chiropractic work, or exercise try it out. It may really help.

I have MultipleSclerosis, The doctor has prescribed me three times a day for pain or as needed. I don’t need it very often so I try not to take it anymore than necessary. But when I do, I take one tablet at night before going to bed. But that is mostly my personal preference, this is due to the fact that I don’t like taking medicine. I only take medication if absolutely necessary. But it does help me.

This is help with my pain during sleep and the amount of my deep sleep I get each night. I was supposed to take 3 times a day but it really knocks me out. To where I actually fell asleep in public. It has helped with my TMJ as an additional benefit. It also helps leg spasms and with the pain from my lumbar spine and neck tension.

Taken for severe alcohol use disorder after several other things tried medically and behaviorally. Used to go to ER for withdraw three times a year. Been taking Baclofen for several years now and haven't had to go back to the eR for withdrawal. Hasn't completely eliminated problem, but it gave me space to breathe. Anxiety, panic disorder symptoms greatly reduced. Can hold a job now. Changed my life. Doesn't work right away, think you need behavioral support, but this can even just help you get to treatment classes, when before it was too overwhelming.

This medication should be taken of the market. Horrendous side affects. Don't recommend anyone to take these. Depression Haluseanations chronic fatigue. Horrendous.

I fear this medication effects some of those with undiagnosed mental health issues quite badly. That had been true for me anyway. Uncontrollable muscle movements, grunting, picking my feet so badly I can’t walk now because of the crippling pain. Essentially it induces rather serious episodes of self damaging mania. Auditory hallucinations…walking like some communist military man…huge exaggerated steps, neck spasms to the point of having to be held down on the way to ER. Best of luck my brothers and sisters in pain. The pain it was prescribed for, was managed. But what happens after for me was terrifying. I was nearly placed on a 72 hour hold inpatient hold. PLEASE USE WITH EXTRME CAUTION IF YOU HAVE ANY MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES!!! Actually, I’d recommend not taking it at all.

After trail and error with many different medications, I've found the combination of a long-acting opioid, valium, lyrica, and most recently baclofen added to my regimen. I suffer from severe, irretractable, chronic pain, due to MS which has caused and continues to cause severe nerve damage and issues with pain. At first the valium was enough for the spasms and pain related to them. Then my neurologist and PCP started trying different meds to control spasms such as robaxin, flexeril, and other musculoskeletal relaxant drugs. Baclofen however was most effective. I'm still very slowly increasing my daily dosage. But this med, by far, has been more helpful then others I've tried.

Intermittent and painful muscle spasms in back. Prescribed 10mg baclofen to take when these spasms come on and if they persist for longer than a day. As such, use this medication sporadically: maybe twice a month at most. Is extremely helpful. One pill usually settles persistent muscle knots but I've found I don't get too drowsy or sleepy, and can still go about my day without feeling the siren call of a nap. However, I Have noticed that I've developed some tolerance of drug: whereas when I first took baclofen, 10mg would knock me out, now I can function normally with it while getting okay results for spasms. 2 pills (only used in extreme cases of spasms), however, now puts me in sleep mode. So far this isn't a problem but I am concerned that I've developed a tolerance I have been very happy with this medication in tandem with massage therapy, PT and stretching.

I was prescribed Baclofen from my local emergency department because my lower back is hurting. I cant bend over, cant pick up my 10 month old son, cant laugh, cant cough and cant sneeze without it hurting my lower back. The doctor did NO scans of any kind, just prescribed me the Baclofen and sent me on my way. The doctor didnt tell me anything about the medication, the pharmacist didnt tell me anything other than it could cause drowsiness. The medication has made it so i can bend over a little bit, but i still get sharp pains if i try to lift up my son, stand up to quickly, straighten my back to quick, laugh, cough or sneeze. Ive experience false sense of euphoria, a bit of confusion, slight dizziness, ive cried over everything imaginable and ive been getting extremely nauseous about 4 hours after taking the medication. I take 20mg every 8 hours as needed. which its been needed because im still in pain. I dont know if i should go back and request a new medication because they didnt care enough the first time i was there, why would they care now? I dont recommend this medication. Do your research and look into any other medication that would fit your needs.

This was very helpful for me . Within 30mins or so the spasms and muscle pain weaken.

My G.P changed me from diazepam to baclofen,it does not work for my back pain leg pain and muscle spasms increased

I have been taking Baclofen for years. I have neck and back pain along with Fibromyalgia. It helps with the muscle spasms and I have not noticed any side effects.

I take up it for fibromyalgia. It’s one of several medications, but baclofen is the one that allows me to more easily stand each morning. Prior to my new dr prescribing Baclofen, it took about 30 minutes for me to deal with the tingling, burning sensations in my feet and calves each morning. Now they’re gone.

I've had great success slowing muscle spasms from muscular dystrophy!! Once an appropriate dose was found...I'm in better control of my life and activities.

Horrible drug. Changed from oxycodone. Clumsiness, false sense of euphoria, insomnia, split finger tips, back pain, neck pain, mood change...pretty much every 'rare' side effect. I cannot believe how horrible this experience was. Very frightening especially since every side effect mirrors Covid-19. BE CAREFUL!!!

I have had an mri scan and had to have two operations for broken bones threw falling. I must admit it did stop the pain in my back but the side effects were too much. I started with half a tablet 3 times a day. Then went up to a full tablet 3 times a day - all the while increasing and decreasing over time. I am now on one tablet at night and shall cut down to half a tablet, before I stop. My doctor knows all this about coming off them.

I have a C4 incomplete spinal cord injury (walking/wheelchair using quadriplegic) and Iâ??m three years post injury with a lot of spasticity in my lower back, that recently has stopped me from walking due to the extreme stiffness and potential spasms. I started taking baclofen for two days and I noticed my spasticity was getting worse to the point that I couldnâ??t transfer into bed. I stopped taking it and after a couple of days my body went back to normal with the the same spasticity I had before the baclofen. I tried lowering the dose to 5 mg three times a day and my spasticity was out of control, if I reached up to turn off the light from my wheelchair my back with nearly spasmed, when I got into bed I was unable to stretch out without spasming I had to stay in the fetal position for 30 minutes before I could even begin to roll onto my back. I stopped taking it after the third dose and Iâ??m still waiting for it to get out of my system. This is the worst tightness/spasticity that Iâ??ve felt since I was in the hospital and they had me on baclofen in the hospital for about eight months, Iâ??m wondering now if my spasticity was so terrible because of the medication. I must have some sort of allergy? Iâ??ve seen some other reviews saying the same thing, and Iâ??m actually glad to hear because my pharmacist told me that thereâ??s no way it would be the drug thatâ??s doing thisâ?¦ I know it is, I could tell after taking the first 5 mg.

I'm suffering from severe paranoia and the dose has to be constantly increased to work. I take 40mg/day - 10mg x 4 and I tried to stop taking it slowly and had 2 seizures. This drug is dangerous -- PLEASE be careful and explore ALL options before you start it.

Oral Baclofen has no effect on stuck shut EUS as it does not cross the blood-brain barrier so has no effect on the sacral spinal cord. Intrathecal required, but Codman 3000 discontinued and I don't want to be a defective Cyborg. Need another drug.

I have suffered with neck and back pain for many years. I just thought I had to live with excruciating pain every day. I reached a point where that's it, I've had enough and went to my doctor. She prescribed Baclofen and it is a "miracle drug". Right away I felt my neck muscles start to relax. I have had the best nights sleep in years.