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Generic Name: Bupropion Hydrochloride Extended-Release

Brand Name: Wellbutrin XL

Wellbutrin XL Drug and Medication User Reviews

I started on 75mg twice a day but was inconvenient and didn’t really feel a major change than went to 150 xl in the am I really wasn’t feeling it I looked into it and just started doing 2 in the am (300 mg) 90% improvement! I feel so so much better about life in general, I’m not constant moody I don’t cry on my way to work anymore . It has helped a considerable amount but you also have to grasp the change and work with it.

I started Wellbutrin after I got sent to a mental hospital (involuntary). I was also smoking and vaping a lot of the time to numb the pain. it seemed to help a little bit while I was at the hospital the nausea sucked really bad. but I didn't feel as empty inside as I used to. it increased my anxiety 10x worse. I've been on it for a couple of months now. I used to be on 150mg now I'm on 300mg, now I don't feel depressed as much as I used to. however, I was diagnosed with psychosis by the medicine. I hallucinate a lot, voices in my head sometimes demonic, delusions, paranoia to the max, and so much more. also, I am always in a dissociative state. since it's a dnri it's a whole different chemical in the brain it has to do with the neurons so it really messes with your brain. at first, I was getting lucid dreams every day. it really fucked with my head. but despite the horrible side effects i have gotten from it. it has helped me so much. I would rather deal with the side effects than be on a different medication. I've tried at least 6 other ones and none of them helped me as much as Wellbutrin. in the end it's a good medication as along as you take care of yourself and your mental health. if you don't then your brain will get worse. it'll mess with it so much, I know from experience. always take care of yourself, your mental health is the most important thing and should always be your number 1 priority!!!

Started this medication around 5 years ago for major depressive disorder. Made the switch to Wellbutrin because I found that taking SSRI's made me incredibly anxious, numb feeling and killed my sex drive. For the first few months on Wellbutrin at 150mg, I noticed a high heart rate, dilated pupils (so light sensitivity), and I had a very hard time sleeping. I didn't drink much but when I did I would have a terrible headache the next day which didn't happen before. BUT after 3 months these symptoms almost all but left. My libedo returned, my mood stabilized and I had a lot more energy in the morning. I also found I had less food cravings which was nice cause I would tend to overeat when I was in a mood. When i upped my dose to 300mg my earlier symptoms returned but only for about a month. Overall very happy with this medication and would recommend it for anyone who has had a hard time using SSRIs!

I take generic Wellbutrin XL 300mg once daily. This was the first antidepressant I took after being take off medication for ADHD. I had depressive episodes that resulted in hospitalizations for me wanting to harm myself or others. The medication typically takes about 3 months to work, after the first 3 months I began to notice that my mood was better, my concentration was improving, and I became more social again. I still take it to this day and like the medication because it is a light stimulant but does not have addictive properties like my previous prescription for Adderall Instant Release which was for my adult ADHD.

I hate this medication. It does absolutely nothing except make me crabby with 24 hour headaches and crying. I don’t care what happens but I am going to stop it immediately.

This medication did little for my bipolar depression, but it did everything for my sex life. Since being on Sertraline for fourteen years, my libido has not been good. Recently, my doctor added Wellbutrin to try and combat lingering depression. It did little, if anything, for my depression. But man, my libido is roaring again. Having my libido back is a small victory...and I'll take it!!!

150 mg for close to two months. Did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING AT ALL. No benefits, no side effects, no withdrawal, no anything. I’m convinced the people who’ve experienced positive results aren’t really clinically depressed - it’s just placebo. I thought since it’s supposed to inhibit dopamine reuptake, there would at least be a slight increase in reward or motivation. No. One small Diet Coke, which really doesn’t do much (slight caffeine), does more to make me feel better in one hour than the Wellbutrin did for me at all in the two months I’ve been taking it!! Seriously, might as well be sugar pills. Giving it an extra star because it didn’t make things worse... I guess??

My appetite has been increased so I gain some weight. I'm calmer on thoughts and psychically .

I started taking wellbutrin 4 months ago. I got sober and came to treatment. I had had enough of the life I was living and was willing to do ANYTHING to help me stay clean. I had depression as a direct result of stopping the drugs I was using. I talked to a doctor and told him my story. He recommended wellbutrin and I agreed to try it out. He started me at 150mg/day for 2 weeks and 300mg/day thereafter. Since I have started taking this medication, I have to honestly say my life has improved 100% I also quit smoking cigarettes. I can't give all of the credit to this medication as there are other important factors that have impacted my recovery, but I do believe that this medication helped me to transition into a healthy and sober lifestyle, and I would recommend it to anyone in my situation for sure.

II'm early in treatment (1 month) and have had good luck with the smaller dose,prescribed for ADHD and depression. It's definitely working but does have quite unpleasant side effects for me when going from 1x 150mg 12 hour SR to 2x per day. I tried one day with 2x and felt bad adrenaline rushes, definitely uncomfortable and couldn't wait for it to ware off. Took 1 the next day and the next day, same thing with just 1x.I experimented and I skipped a day, then tried 1x and it fixed it. It's definitely seeming to overlap and has a long half life, not wearing off even over 24hours. I would (warning: not a doctor) recommend trying a day off if you're feeling bad side effects, then try again the day after and see if there's an improvement. Very happy this has worked and have it in my toolkit if it happens again.

I've been taking Wellbutrin XL 300 for @ 4 months. Tried an increase to 450 XL & had a horrible-crazy-confused attack. Decreased back to 300 XL, but my anger issues are still present. What do i do? Lower dose & phase myself off this med?

I was not able to keep my temper at a controllable state, I was going zero to 100 and I sometimes would loose such bad control I would break things in my house and I would scream and yell. Now I have been taking this medication for over 6 months and i have found this gives me energy and focus. I am able to keep my mood swings to transition more easily. I can still cry and have emotion but it's not outrageous. I call this the miracle pill. If it wasn't for this miracle pill I would prob be on the verge of suicide because that's where I was before I started taking this prescription. I am not one to take any all these types of pills yo mask things but to be honest this pill I find just stabilizes my mood.

Second month on this medication. Slightly less anxiety and depression. But many side effects: exhausting migraines, high blood pressure, blurry vision, dizziness, swollen face, irritability, hostile or suicidal mood. Doctor says that withdrawal symptoms are also very uncomfortable.

Today is day 5 on Wellbutrin XL 150 mg per day and I am miserable. I have the worst insomnia and my anxiety has also gotten worse! Has anyone quit cold turkey after only a few days and not had any withdrawal issues?

The medicine was so beneficial for me i took 150 mg and it really controls my depression mood and suicidal ideas. In addition, it helped me with my CBT as i was accepting the threapist questions and allow me to talk and talk… no side effects at all . I loss weight as it kind of decreased my eating appetite but it is good for my case because my previous medication increased my weight alot .

I am Abdullah from Saudi Arabia I used it to get rid of Captagon abuse and I was addicted for more than seven years I was suffering from depression before using drugs and got psychiatric treatment years ago. The doctor prescribed Prozac to me and I recovered from depression and OCD. After that, I lost my father and my mother in difficult circumstances and I am alone. I have no brothers or relatives around me. I fell into severe depression and deep seasonal and non-seasonal sadness. With the abuse and addiction of stimulants, the problems, depression, constant anxiety and the dire financial and social situation multiplied. I saw a doctor and he gave me wellbutrin XL 300 mg once daily , and after 45 days I started feeling a decrease in the desire to take Captagon, and I succeeded in getting rid of it completely, and after months I quit smoking I'm back in my life and I'm active and very happy and I plan to continue my university education and look for another place for a better life This drug is really great and changed my life I succeeded in getting rid of Captagon and amphetamines after a long suffering I succeeded in quitting smoking I don't feel the strong urge that I couldn't resist before and I collapsed in front of it

Started on 150mg Bupropion xl in March 2020. Three months ago I was bumped up to 300mg. I've felt like garbage since. My now extremely good blood pressure is high, my vision is worsening and I constantly have eye floaters, I always have a headache, constipation which is EXTREMELY dangerous as I have diverticular disease, I drop things constantly...oh and I'm still depressed. My doctor doesn't listen or return calls...so 3 days ago I made the decision to quit cold turkey. So far I'm doin alright.

I have very mixed feelings on this medication. I have used SSRIs in the past and with those, there was a point where I felt absolutely nothing from the medication and then a moment came where they definitively begin to take effect. Wellbutrin was not like that at all. I believe it was having a positive effect for a week or two before I even realized it was happening. It certainly did make me feel a little better, but it was slow and much more mild than I would have liked. However, after about two months of use, I had to start taking a smaller dose because I had a consistent headache that wouldn't go away and my anxiety was out of control. After two months on the half dose, I ended up in the hospital with horrendous chest pain and a resting pulse of over 120. If you do begin this medication, do not ignore any whisper or suggestion of chest pain starting to form. I ignored the initial signs because I attributed it to too much pre-workout and continued taking the medication. Rookie mistake.

I take the generic of Wellbutrin, Bupropion. It's...fine. I do think it's helping in some way, in that my highs and lows feel less awful. I'm still spending too many hours on the couch tho. But maybe being on it makes me feel less terrible about needing couch time? The positives: it DOES give me more energy. If I have terrible sleep, it's not as debilitating as it was before. And as I mentioned, it does take a bit of the edge off of the fluctuations. I don't quite know if it's helping, I just know I'm perhaps not as bad off as I was a few years, even months ago. It's also supposed to help with some ADHD symptoms. Not sure it's helped with that, though I'm not officially diagnosed with it - but I do have symptoms. It's kind of an 'eh' for me. I don't feel weird or not like myself. My libido feels good, I feel like 'me'. Weirdness: the start was rough for me. Like a baby hit of acid, and then the dryest mouth in the land. It passed. Some side effects I've had - that are temporary, thankfully - eyes ultra sensitive to light. That's gone away. Some minor hair loss. It's more an all-over shedding, and it was noticeable what was coming off on my comb. However this seems to have stopped. It's also common, according to other reviews. Last weirdness is: slightly to moderate tremor. But this has also ramped up with caffeine use. I'm going to have go off caffeine for a bit. Wellbutrin is a bit of a stimulant, so tons of coffee isn't a good idea. I actually, weirdly woudly recommend it, even with all that. I needed something, and the tiny bit of energy and slight regulation of my terrible past mood swings is helping me.

It’s given my life back as I’m functioning again and have been the past 3 years on it. I’ve had some side effects like memory issues (super bad at first but tapered off), sometimes my moods will dip super low but before it was like non stop depression. When I was on a dose too high I did become very angry. I still am somewhat short tempered but it’s good for me as before I was a push over. Oh and I’ve lost weight as I’m not eating as much. Some of the side effects suck but nothing is better than being able to function more often than not.