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Generic Name: Butalbital and Acetaminophen Tablets

Brand Name: Fioricet

Fioricet Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have had migraines since age 27, currently 58. Wouldn't get migraines often (5-7 a year) but when I did was totally incapacitated. My doctor tried other migraine meds which knocked me out for hours. After going to ER for one episode, neurologist put me on Fioricet - a life changer. I take one tablet as soon as I get visual aura and after 15-20 minutes of sitting quietly in dark room, I am good to go and can resume activity. It can be addictive, but not with occasional use.

I am 64 years old and I've been using Fioricet 50-300-40 mg for over 25+ years as needed for my tension and migraine headaches. It was prescribed to me as; 1 capsule 3 times daily as needed for headache pain. This medication has been a life saver for me and I have never felt as though I'm addicted to it. I don't know why more doctors don't prescribe this medication. The questions at the bottom don't go up to my age and length of time I have been on Fioricet.

I was first given this medication by a doctor after what she thought was a "chronic migraine" (I was on day 9 of the headache and nothing was stopping the pain). She finally prescribed me Fioricet 50-300-40 mg to take 1 capsule every 6 hours. After the first capsule I finally fell asleep and when I woke up the pain was half of what it had been. 6 hours after I had taken the first capsule I took another capsule and went back to sleep. This time when I awoke the pain and the headache was gone. This medication has made it possible along with Naratriptan 2.5 mg taken as soon as I feel a migraine coming on to finally live a normal life. Rarely do I have to find a quiet room, make the room as dark as possible, put a pillow over my eyes and pray for silence so I can fall asleep and sleep a migraine off. Fioricet has been a life saver for me. Not only does it work for my migraines, it also works for the horrible Tension headaches I also get. I also have RLS (Restless Leg Syndrome) and strangely enough at night when my RLS is the worst and my anxiety kicks into overdrive, taking 1 capsule of Fioricet 50-300-40 mg works extremely well for my anxiety and the feeling of needing to continuously move my legs and then I can sleep. This drug has helped me in so many ways and I believe in order to become addicted to it you would have to take it everyday in higher doses unless you are prone to addiction. The only negative I have noticed with it seems to be it gives me diarrhea and it only last for one of two bowel movements . I consider that a small price to pay for the enormous relief it gives me. It may also be the caffeine in it as one cup of coffee will give me diarrhea for 1 or 2 bowel movements too and that's better than taking a stool softener or a laxative. Overall I give Fioricet 5+ ***** I'm 64 years old and have been taking Fioricet off and on for over 25+ years. The information at the bottom doesn't go up high enough for my age or length of time I have been on the medication.

for weeks i couldnt sleep, eat or get out of bed really. Nothing worked until my doctor proscribed Fioricet.

This medicine is a life saver or was till my Dr. was no longer able to prescribe for me. Twenty two yrs ago i was forced to become self employed after being unable to hold a job with migraines. The last twelve on fioricet. My total crippling days went from 15-20 down to 3-4 a month. Has bean a complete life saver.

This medication is the only thing that has worked for me for my migraines. I have tried several migraine medications with no results or relief. Despite what others say that itâ??s addictive or can create more headaches later - I have not had any negative effects and I have been using it for about 4 years plus whenever I feel a migraine coming on (when it is more effective ) or after onset. I am truly thankful for this medicine!

Helped with neck nerve pain but nothing for headache.

Taking more than once a week can and will cause rebound headaches

I've used Fioricet for over 20 years for occasional tension headaches, since I am to avoid aspirin or NASIDS due to ulcer. I've been very careful to keep track of how often I use it, and find that sometimes a 1/2 tablet does the trick for mild headaches. I check annually with my doctors and they seem to agree that limiting to no more than 10 tablets a month is relatively safe. Bottom line is keep track of your usage and check regularly with your doctor, particularly if you find your dosage need increasing.

I have horrible side effects from the Triptans that I have tried. Feel like Im having a heart attack. I usually take Excedrin Migrane but I take Fioricet when Im working or I cant lay down. It helps a bit more.

I have been taking this medication for 10+ years on an as needed basis. I LOVE it! If I feel a tension headache coming on and take 2 tablets - it is gone within 30 minutes. I don't get these headaches very often but when I do this medication works wonders. :)

I get Tension Headaches and occasionally a Migraine headache. This medication works very well for me. I take it sparingly and always get relief. I do not notice any side effects.

This drug is very addictive! I became very sick when they started weaning me off of it. I will never take it again.

I have tried everything for my migraines. Tried this for several weeks with no relief. Wish others better luck

I have only been prescribed this medication for a month. It never works, it seems to make it worse then better. I'm not sure why that is. About 2 weeks ago i had one that was so severe that I ended up in the ER because the medication wasn't working. Again last night and into this morning i had another one and again the medication doesn't work. What else can i do?

although it works , It is a HIGHLY addictive drug ..Please use this drug only short term

My migraines are complicated by damage to two branches of the trigeminal nerve on the side of my face more affected by migraines. I have taken Fiorinal C1/4 only as needed for migraine for twenty-five years. I know that for me it almost invariably works in ninety minutes by the clock. A number of other meds including several Triptans completely failed to relieve the pain. Fiorinal C1/4 is the only med that has ever had any affect on my migraines so I worry that it may disappear from the market as the generics that used to be available as lower cost alternatives have both been discontinued by the manufacturers.

Had a concussion and had horrible headaches that would wake me up in the middle of the night. Nothing would take the pain away. The doctor prescribed Fioricet and it worked. The only side effect I experienced was a bit of dry mouth. Other than that it is great!

Have been taking this medication for years. Not consecutively, however just took it yesterday and have been twitching.