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Generic Name: ketoprofen

Brand Name: Orudis oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Hereditary Rheumatoid. Been on it nearly 20 yrs. no problems. Works well better than Viox ever did and better than Celebrex

I presented my doctor with pain in my right shoulder which radiated along my right arm. Although unsure as to the cause of the pain (x-rays and ultrasound were scheduled) he prescribed Orudis as an anti-inflammatory in order to minimise my pain until a full diagnosis could be achieved. The Orudis SR 200mg capsules (1 per day) did nothing to ease my pain. I completely lost my appetite and experienced significant stomach/bowel discomfort. After the eighth day I suffered a severe heart reaction (enormous chest-thumping palpitations, tingles in left arm, tight chest) which left me feeling weak for several days. ECG indicated that I had NOT suffered a heart attack. Although I do have a family history of heart problems, I have not experienced any heart troubles until this time, hence the noted side effects did not appear to present a problem for me.

I have RA and a host of other painful diseases and conditions. I took it before trying anything else for my pain and it works as good, if not better than other NSAIDs. But I must warn those taking ANY NSAIDS(Ibuprophen,Naproxen,etc.) that overuse (long term use or taking more than prescribed or suggested) can lead to dangerous and sometimes deadly side effects. So for you people taking "handfuls" of this or any other NSAID drug, talk to your doctor. These types of medications can cause stomach bleeding, kidney and sometimes even liver problems, and they indeed can put unintended stress on the heart that can lead to heart attacks and/or stroke. So please discuss these medications with your doctor if you are taking them long term or in high doses!

I am very happy with this. I have Arthritis in my neck and wake up every day with masive neck pain then the head feels like it is going to explode. I eat then I take my Orudis and 3 Advil and mosy days I am good for about 8 to 10 hours. It is rare that I take more then 2 a day....... :-)

I've been taking Orudis since 1992 when I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. It has worked adequately for me most of the time. It must be taken regularly (I take it twice a day, 75 mg each capsule) so there is a constant level of the drug in your bloodstream. I always take it with food, just as I would aspirin or ibuprofen. It has made the pain tolerable without causing any unwelcome side effects, such as drowsiness or that "loopy" feeling. One side effect is uneven tanning if you are exposed to a lot of sunlight. Also, I gained weight when I first started taking it until I realized the medicine was contributing to my increased eating. Over the past 17 years I've tried many other pain medicines both narcotic and non-narcotic and this one has been the best choice when taking into consideration all the benefits and all the possible bad effects. This medication is NOT habit-forming, which is very important to me. I keep other pain relievers on hand (narcotic) for those really bad days, but only take those a few times a month so there is never a dependency built up. I would recommend this medication to anyone with chronic, moderate pain.

I was prescribed orudis for very painful menstrual cramps. When ever I take orudis my painful cramping is gone within a half hour. I would recommend orudis to any ladies that has bad cramping. The only complaint is it makes me very drowsy.

Prescribed for my TMJ but I have (grudgingly) given my Orudis to arthritis sufferers who loved it. I think this works better on my TMJ than any other NSAID out there. I gave it three stars for ease of use because 1) I am directed to take 6 pills three times a day, and eighteen pills is a lot to swollow (I will have to just get a presription written), and 2)it is really hard to find OTC.

Perscribed for wrisk sprain, made problem worse no relief at all after three days of treatment