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Generic Name: Cefditoren Pivoxil

Brand Name: Spectracef

Spectracef Drug and Medication User Reviews

Still running fever and can not tell anything is getting better.

I had a sinus infection and was given this medication in 2009. Within 3 days I was in the hospital with colitis. The colitis was caused by this medication killing all my good bacteria. A year later the ulcerative colits turned into Pancolitis. This is effects my whole colon area now. I will be on my medication for the rest of my life for this and required to have colonoscopy ever 2-3 yrs. It's a very extreme case.

I've used Spectracef 3 times for Sinus and Ear Infections and couldn't be happier with my results. No side effects and felt great 3 days after starting. I highly recommend this medication.

Doctor prescribed to treat strep/community acquired pneumonia.400 mg 1/a day for two weeks Nasty headaches all the way to my back and Face flushing and warmth which is annoying. Looks like it worked though.

I was prescribed Spectracef for 30 days for a persistent sinus infection that other antibiotics couldn't cure. I took it for 12 days then started to have the most horrific diarrhea I've ever had. Turns out I had clostridium difficile. Unless you know for a fact that you don't have c. diff, this should be a drug of last resort - as it was for me. It improved my sinuses but I wouldn't say they are cured.

it works fine for what i have. it's hard to get "reviews' for drugs since everyone's health is different. works for me tho

Dr. prescribed Spectracef for acute bacterial bronchitis. On the 3rd day broke out in severe rash all over my body. Dr. said stop taking Spectracef immediately. Switched to Livaquin.

I have asthma and chronic brinchitis. Allergic to many antibiotics and often have trouble finding antibiotic that will work. This drug was new, Im not allergic to it, and within 2 doses I felt so much better it was like "waking up." Highly recommend if you tend to have chronic infections.

it kills all bacteria in your body so expect some diarrhea or a yeast infection

This medication upset my stomach very badly. It worked as far as the infection goes but I could not stay out of the bathroom.

this medication did not work for me and i had awful side effects, i stayed flushed everytime i took it!

Very easy to use and started feeling better within three doses. Very strong though...make sure you eat something with it.

Within a few days I broke out into hives and itchiness all over. No relief, never have been allergic to anything with penicillin. Be Careful, unable to sleep due to the rash-just awful ever after I stopped taking it!!!

When prescribed this drug, I experienced severe stomache ache/pains and severe vomiting. I also broke out 1 day later in a tramatic case of hives all over my body. Do not recommend!!!