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Generic Name: Sarecycline Tablets

Brand Name: Seysara

Seysara Drug and Medication User Reviews

Started taking seysara with topical clastosterone and my acne has gotten worse. I am at my wits end.

Seysara stopped whiteheads from showing up and my active zits from popping, but now, even after I stopped treatment, I am left with these weird, hard nodules on my face that I had never gotten before taking the meds. They last 2-3 weeks and as soon as one leaves another one comes up. It’s painful and I honestly would rather have acne than have these.

I have had inflammatory acne since I was a teenager, and I'm now 40 years old. The flare-ups mainly occur on my chin, around the mouth, and jawline. During a particularly bad stage, my dermatologist prescribed Seysara and noted that it was the first new treatment he had been able to offer acne patients in many years. After 3 weeks, my acne was much better. After 6 weeks, I have no breakouts at all and am remaining clear day after day. The only drug that worked as quickly for me was Ceftin, another antibiotic with much harsher side effects. Seysara side effects are minimal. I did notice an increase in mild headaches at first, but they subsided. I would recommend trying this drug for acne.