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Generic Name: Ciclopirox Cream

Brand Name: Loprox Cream

Loprox Cream Drug and Medication User Reviews

Ringworm started between my big toe and the next toe. Since using Loprox, the ringworm has spread between other toes and to 8 spots up my lets to my thighs.

I had ugly fungus toenails and recurrent athlete' foot between my toes since my 3 tours of duty Vietnam. I was embarrassed to be seen barefoot. Fortunately my health insurance permits me to afford this expensive medication. I religiously apply it twice a day to my feet and I rub it into my toenails. Common sense--take off your shoes and socks when you can-such as at home, and let your feet and toenails have air and sun. In about 3 years time, all of my toenails are clear. My podiatrist sees no more sign of infection. My feet feel silky, even between my toes--no more fungus. Feels great to be seen barefoot now--one female Intern told me she wished her feet looked at good as mine!

I thought this would cure my dermititis but it just treats it. Plus I can't find the generic so I have to pay $100+ for my Rx. I'm hoping to find another form of treatment that will actually cure it!

I'm rather dissatified with this medication because I thought it would get rid of this condition that I have. It may work for u, but it didn't for me.