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Generic Name: Colchicine

Brand Name: Colchicine

Colchicine Drug and Medication User Reviews

Took 2 pills well after the attack started, and then 1 more one hour later because the pain and discomfort continued. Then took 2 a day for the next 3 days. Worked really well for me.

I'm 74 and started getting gout 5 years ago while living in Thailand, I researched Gout and found that Colchicine 2.5mg and taking no more than 3 pills per day and once the gout is subsiding, going down to one a day was the best way to manage gout and how to prevent it. The issue we have getting gout in the first place is our Uric Acid blood levels are too high. You need to limit sugar, beer, organ meats, and some seafoods that are high in Purines to help lower your Uric Acid levels. Also, I was taking Hydroclorothiazide which can cause your Uric Acid levels to get out of whack. I've eliminated that drug and I'm now on different blood pressure meds. The doctor has me on Allopurinol 300mg and Colchicine 2.5 once a day and it's working. If you're getting Gout, you need to have a blood test to check your Uric Acid levels to get them into the proper range to prevent another attack, and always stay hydrated as well.

I recently had gout for the first time. I am in my 60s. I saw the doctor on March 2022 and was prescribed Colchicine and Prednisolone. Relief came quickly. So did the diarrhea. A month later I got it again. Same meds, same results.

I was recently prescribed this medication for autoimmune & inflammation. I've only taken it the last 2 days & had to cut my dose 0.6mg in half because it made me very sleepy. Anyone have this side effect?

Took it for 4 days for a gout flare up. Zero relief.

In spite of my life long lacto-ovo vegetarian diet with some occasional consumption of white meat I have Osteoarthritis, heart failure, and now gout! I have very few gout flares but when I have one I take Colchicine 0.6 mg once a day for several days. The only issue that I have with it is diarrhea which gets steadily worse the longer I take it. My cardiologist has studied the interaction of this and some of my heart medications and has told me to not take colchicine unless absolutely necessary. It and Carvedilol react badly lowering my blood pressure below 100/71! So if you are also a heart patient let your cardiologist know exactly what you have been prescribed by your other doctors!

I have had gout intermittently, since I was 43. I usually get gout once or twice a year. For two or three days, I can barely walk. I also have trouble sleeping. I take Advil to reduce the pain and swelling. However, that is usually not enough and I have to go to the doctor. They often give me Naproxen, which reduces the symptoms, but not the cause. This time I got Colchicine and the swelling went down overnight. Colchicine is probably not good over a long time. I cut down on beer and drink more water. I have a salad, when I can. I hope things get better.

Diagnosed w/ gout at 30. Take allopurinol daily. Past twenty years managed diet and exercised religiously and did not have an attack in over 10 yrs. Recently after eating shellfish and red meat, flared up foot. Colchicine helped reduce swelling along with NSAID OTC for pain.

Before taking this know that this is not a PAIN MEDICATION. it is very specific to a gout attack and it must be taken as soon as the attack happens (first 48 hours or less) Having said that, this has been great for me. Make sure you do have gout. differentiating gout from sprain/strain induced pain is for the dr to decide.

Does absolutely nothing to alleviate a gout outbreak for me. Urgent Care once prescribed prednisone to take in conjunction with the colchicine and it worked almost immediately. My doctor doesn't trust steroids, however, and won't prescribe them to me. Each time I have an attack a day is wasted because I'm unable to walk, he'll have to do something because I can't continue with this.

I have tried colchicine with little success. I find that drinking 3 to 5 litters of water per day and removing red meat from my diet has had a huge impact on reducing the severity and duration of my gout attacks. I also take 800mg every 4 hours during an attack. This has made life livable for now. Not sure what will happen when I get older. fyi...started having sever gout attacks at 28 I'm now 48....

I have been a few years with the drug the doctor prescribed. I take it usually two pills the first day and one thereafter when an attack occurs. Next time I go to the doc I will have him give me something different. Try not to take them because they make me sleepy. But after awhile when the usual natural cures don'e work you get a little tired of the pain and try the pills. Have tried tart cherry pills and juice, AC vinegar, celery, loquat leaf tea...only good thing is I lose a few pounds with every attack due to my reduced diet.

With this medication, I had explosive diarrhea approximately 15 hours after taking my first dose. I had a second episode about a half hour later. I was told I would possibly have diarrhea, but not to this extent. It was a good thing I was home and not out somewhere. I had to throw the clothes away that I was wearing.

Within a week of starting this medicine I developed debilitating knee pain, which got worse the longer I took the colchicine. Within days of discontinuing the drug, knees were good as new. Cause and effect? Can't say. Will I take it again? No way!

First let me say I am a 39 year old male who exercises and tryâ??s to stay as healthy as a happy person can. I am a carpenter and am on my feet all day long, relying on all my lower body muscles for balance and movement. I had my first gout attack five years ago. Attacks usually only lasting a couple of days and are manageable. I am going on a four week debilitating attack now. My podiatrist prescribed colchicine 0.6mg and indomethacin 50mg, one each per day. I am on day four and not much different. Swelling has gone down a little but not enough to get work boot on. Before this I had been trying my normal indomethacin25mg 3 times a day, apple cider vinager, tart cherry juice, basically stopped eating and drinking everything and nothing has kicked this attack. And so far neither has colchicine. I remain hopeful, because what else does a gout sufferer have after you take good food and drink away? Hope... But at this point not working.

It works for me. 2 times diarrhea, knowing my body is ridding all the toxins.

My last gout attack of big toe was a year ago. Took this drug for a week, but it only kept me from feeling worse. Now on Indomethacin that provided relief within 6 hours. Swelling still needs to go down, but can at least get a sock on now. Only side effect was manageable diarrhea. My diet avoids the gouty foods.

I am a major Gout suffer because I have a horrible diet! this drug does not work for me at all!! and this is my second time trying it ! absolutely no side effects and Iâ??ve been taking it now for three days and feel exactly the same Indocine is the only stuff that works for me ! Donâ??t waste your time itâ??s only going to frustrate you taking this because it does not work

My doctor gave this new med to me after having my 4th gout attack in less than 6 months. This med worked very fast, but it was taken right on the onset of the gout. Very important to take this med right when the symptoms start. However, took two pills (.6 mg each) every 2 hours after. Let me tell you, the med works well, pain gone later but the next day had diarrhea so bad could not leave the house. So be prepared that if you take this med you may be hit with intense diarrhea.

At 65, I was stunned to develop gout. The swelling in both feet demanded a trip to medical professional, ended up with a visit to a podiatrist. The swelling has subsided. The issue is diarrhea and it is intense. So there is a plus and minus on this med that may have affect other consumers and they should have each have notice about this reality. I am still in a suit in flip flops going to court. I have no idea where this will end.