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Generic Name: Cyclobenzaprine HCl Extended-Release Capsules

Brand Name: Amrix

Amrix Drug and Medication User Reviews

I've tried many different antispasmodic medications, plus other relaxants, including valium, flexeril, and methocarbomal, without results that made the medicines worth the side effects. I have had cervical dystonia, aka spasmodic torticollis for the past 8 years, for which i also receive botox injections every 10 weeks. After 11 weeks on amrix, I can honestly say that I'm feeling significant relief and a ray of hope that my pain can be managed. I do still have pain and stiffness, but almost no silent migraines, dizzy spells, or violent neck spasms. I do need extra sleep, but this side effect is less with amrix than other meds I've used, especially valium. I do take amrix at night, so the worst sedative effect is during my sleep time. I have been able to delay my botox treatment as this medicine seems to help better, and doesn't cause the muscular assymetry that botox does. The price is insane, my 60 pills cost $1,800, but my plan allows me to afford it, and it makes such a difference that I am eternally grateful.

Hi, have severe chronic upper back pain due to disc degeneration, tried lots of medicine, finally found amrix( though the brand name is Prolax ER 15/30mg. Since i stay alone had terrible time, had many sleepless nights, started taking since two weeks, could sleep better, pain is vanished, only side effect is sore throat, otherwise it is good.

Received a sample from my Dr. for persistent neck pain. Took it before bed and slept like a rock.Slept in much later that usual and felt "out of it" for the rest of the day. I was nonfunctional, "quiet", and useless on this drug for the entire day. This might go away with repeated use, but I'm not willing to find out.It did take away my pain but it wasn't worth it.

I was given this drug for insomnia due to both Fibromyalgia and RA. Amazing for me. Sleep through the night so I can continue working. Take daily & able to work

I took this pill on a Saturday night to help get some sleep since I was having insomnia and these usually helped me sleep. Well, I did not wake up until MONDAY morning at 9am, freaked out. I totally lost a whole day, Sunday. I am just glad I woke up. Never again. This drug should be taken off the market.

I have si joint dysfunction and this is the first medicine that made a huge improvement. I don't feel groggy, just less pain.

Was prescribed this today after I complained about my 10 mg. (generic, immediate release) Flexeril not working any more. Well, the price of Amrix is outrageous - it made me angry - but at just 3 hrs. post-dose it loosened my neck right back up. I'm very surprised, because I orignally viewed it as just an expensive gimmick-version of generic Flexeril. But it's really effective, that's for sure. Expensive but it delivers.

I just started this medicine, I wanted to know the side affects.

I have MS and this is the first medication that I can take in the afternoon to relieve spasms and not get drowsy; very happy my neurologist recommended. It has made a huge difference.

This drug is a wonder drug for me. I have very few side effects and it has stopped the terrible spasms I used to suffer from on a daily basis. I used to take a butalbital combination drug for my muscular spasms and that was a very difficult drug. That drug had MANY side effects, but this one does not. Drowsiness when I first started taking it, but that resolved in about a week.

Life is worth living again,

I'm taking this for neuromuscular discomfort. Even though it's extended release and supposed to work for 24 hours, for me it seems to work only 5-7 hours. I take 15mg at night. It doesn't really make me sleepy even at night and I'm wide awake during the day so that's a good thing. No side effects

The Medication seems to work well enough, but nothing extraordinary. The biggest problem with the drug is cost. I have excellent ins. and even with that I am still paying 75.00 per prescription. I won't continue to take it for this reason. I will be looking for an alternative medication.

Coughing, difficulty breathing

This is my first week to take Amrix. I suggest you call around to different pharmacies for pricing. Walgreens charged $826.09 for 30 pills. I recieved a card from the doctor that took $450 off. You want to make sure if your insurance covers this. Everyone says they sleep well on this med. I have only been taking it 2 days but I am going to bed at 10pm and waking up almost every hour after midnight from pain and have to get out of bed by 3 or 4am because I can't sleep. Is anyone else having that problem? I am thinking about taking it at 9pm and see what happens. As of this moment I wish I had my money back. Does it work better after it has been in your system for a week or so?

is there a generic name for this drug

Having gone thru 4 spinal surgeries, I ended up with failed back surgery syndrome. Previously my resultant spasms were treated with narcotic pain medications. Feeling frustrated that I was unable to be up on my feet for short periods of time, I dug out my Amrix ER. This has made such a difference in my stamina. My spasms started from my low back up into my neck. Amrix has made a total change in my symptoms. I do experience a bit of drowsiness, but feel like I have gotten part of my quality of life back. Granted, I have a high tolerance for pain, but I firmly believe in this medication for the treatment of back spasm symptoms.