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Generic Name: Dabigatran Etexilate Mesylate

Brand Name: Pradaxa

Pradaxa Drug and Medication User Reviews

I met in a car accident in October 2021 and broke a foot. I just recently had my cast removed this 2022. however, in January I was diagnosed with multiple pulmonary embolisms. Both lungs. I was placed on 10days of Clexane injections and then 150mg Pradaxa afterward. After the first week of Pradaxa I started having some serious chest pains that pierces all the way to my back, even though I've been watching what I eat to limit my vitamin k intake. It makes me jittery, my heart races hard for short moments at that time my tongue feels like I've been plugged into a power socket. Shortness of breath at this point too. Leaves a weird taste in my mouth. currently trying to get this medication changed. I cant manage this much longer. It scares me, my family, and my coworkers a lot whenever I have an attack. :- M.B.

My dad was prescribed 300 mg per day of Pradaxa for DVT prevention - it literally gave him temporary dimensia!!! It was as if he had 3 glasses of wine -he had not- he was just constantly having a peak experience, forgetting everything constantly. I prayed and read all the reviews here and learned about Eliquis thank God! I have my dad cognitively back!!! It says in the directions of Pradaxa that medical doctors need to watch for neurological impairment - well his Kaiser doctor didn’t believe me - and gave us a referral to the memory clinic - but a Pharmacist swooped in and prescribed him Eliquis and things have been great ever since. They said with all anticoagulants blood in stool is likely, which was the case for both.

As far as I know, this is working as advertised. However, the pills are hard to swallow. The surface of the pill is not 'slick' enough. I tends to get stuck in my throat. I've taken to dragging the pill through butter and that takes care of the issue. But - it would be great if the capsule was changed to slide down your throat more easily.

I took drug for about 2 months then changed back to Eliquis because of chronic side effects such as a large sore on tongue, brussing, diarrhea, and bleeding.

Strong potent medication. Be aware. I experienced lots of side effects. Body aches, stomach pain, terrible painful hemmorrhoids, insomnia, jittery feeling and uneasiness, some swelling of my legs.

I just started taking Pradaxa because of Afib. The blister packaging is impossible to open without using scissors! I canâ??t comment yet on its effectiveness. Mild side affects so far.

Took drug for DVT. Not everytime but about every 10 days dose would cause debilitating heartburn. Always felt a bit nauseous. Never had diarrhea, but bowl movements increased like 6 times a day. Finally straw was substantial rectal bleeding. This was only drug the insurance company would pay for dumped the insurance and this drug. Now on eliquis.

My blood became so thin, I had to have three units of blood by IV trnsfusion. I had been on this drug for seven years. I recommend having your hematocrit checked at least every three months, if not oftener. Mine got down to 14.7.

Just diagnosed with afib and have been taking Pradaxa for about a month. So far, no side effects, no issues. I was told this drug does have an antidote, unlike the other 2 newer blood thinners that are mostly recommended to replace Warfarin. This was important to me, so am taking this drug for that reason. If you have problems opening the blister pack, take a minute to examine the individual pouch, see the end with a place that indicates to fold that part over and tear at the center of the Fold? That's how to open the blister. If you read all the instructions and precautions, you would know how to open the blister pack as well as being better informed about the drug. My only issue is the cost, as I already take several expensive drugs and fall into the "doughnut hole" pretty early each year on medicare.

Just received my prescription from the Doctor. Not familiar with the treatment yet. Someone please tell me how do you get the pill out of the blister pack. My wife a half hour then we had to cut the pill out. not safe.

My left leg was damaged in an automobile accident (not our fault- the loser that hit us had 16 warrants out for his arrest). I switched from lovenox because lovenox causes osteoporosis. I feel like I have the flu on a daily basis; chronic pain in my muscles, joints, bones, nausea- some days unbearable. I am extremely tired and my skin is incredibly dry. The bloated belly is not my idea of fun- that comes with all of the anticoagulants. The one positive aspect of this drug is that the lovenox was costing me $300.00 month after insurance paid and pradaxa costs me $51.21 month after insurance. My hair stopped falling out since stopping the lovenox but I have also started to break out in acne. I have been suffering from terrible mood swings from rage to extreme depression. My allergies have intensified greatly since starting pradaxa. I do know for a fact that pradaxa is causing the new side effects because I quit taking all anticoagulants for three weeks in December 2015 and all of the side effects disappeared. My hematologist thinks I need to be on an anticoagulant for life- we will see.

Started taking Pardaxa 150/2 per day after a mini stroke in 2012 from A-Fib. Thank God there was this drug for me. I Eat food with this (drug in capsule is so light it needs food to keep i tfrom causing stomach upset. I Drink lots of water to flush my kidneys because it is realeased thur kidneys. My experience has been good. Now I feel better there is the reversal of Praxbind in case I have a problem. When I go out I wear a bracelet with blood thinner on it. Pradaxa/Praxbind. Stared taking at age 61 There are other new blood thinners on the market now for people over 70 years old. Friend are doing well on those. Back to warfin, my sister was on that for years. She developed problems where they could never make the adjustments right ( Always too thin or to thick) My sister developed a bleed in the back of her throat after heart valve surgury. They could never get it completely stopped. After 7 weeks in the hospital she died.

Recently got blister pkg instead of bottle with last refill.Not safe, since I had to use scissors to remove pill. No transparency on pkg to view pill. Subject to damaging pill

I started on Xerelto for my DVT/PE under my "other" insurance. My Doc and I discussed its use, my activity level, and decided then that Coumadin wasn't for me. After switching insurance coverage I was directed to use Pradaxa. Going from 1x/day to 2x/day has been different and in general there has been little difference. More recently I've noticed some bruising (and slight pain) at my finger joints along with them feeling "fat". The bruising will go away after a few days. My current Doc is telling me my drug alternative is Coumadin. Which I'm not thrilled with given the monitoring work and other more intense bruising I've seen on other people.

The upset stomach, aching body and just not feeling well. have a fitbit no longer walking. Went to my doctor yesterday and told be another 6 months on pradaxa and prescribed another pill for the aching gabapentin. another pill, i can't keep taking alot of pills.

I guess it's effective. Haven't had a bloodclot or a stroke. Been taking Pradaxa for 5 years. Had to discontinue (with cardio's blessing) since it inhibited the healing of my prostate following a TURP. After being off of it for 2 months I noticed I don't bruise easily anymore. I've been back on it for a week and have noticed the return of swelling in my anal sphincter. I had not connected the two items. I constantly feel as if I had not cleaned myself following a BM. Treating with anti hemmeroidal cream is ineffective. Will ask Cardio for an alternative.


I developed a body odor comparable to the smell of a burnt match, I had stabbing pain in right kidney area. Since discontinuing drug per DR direction , odor has gone away as well as kidney pain. I was on Pradaxa for 2 years.

Had a DVT and PE about 10 years ago. Initially put on Coumadin/Warfarin for about a year and got another PE. Since this wasn't working then put on expensive daily Lovenox injections. Then Pradaxa came out and thought it was a godsend. But I got severe hemorrhoids which my hematologist denied that it was caused by Pradaxa. Switch to Xarelto after a year and hemorrhoids cleared up after a week.

I was on coumadin for about a year and had another pulminary embolism. The only option available the time was heparin injections which are very expensive but I took them for 2 years with no side effects until the miracle drug,Pradaxa, appeared. After about a month I developed hemorroids which got progressively worse. My hemotologist insisted that this drug doesn't cause hemorroids but he did switch me to Xarelto. I have been on this drug for over a year with no side effects.