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Generic Name: Dapagliflozin and Metformin HCl Extended-release Tablets

Brand Name: Xigduo XR

Xigduo XR Drug and Medication User Reviews

Xigduo was a rocky road. Although it was great in managing my sugars and aided in needed weightloss (alongside calorie deficit), it kept me exhausted throughout the day and a few months into taking the medication sent me in a downward depression spiral. I'd had never been through a depression episode this long in my life. Although I admit I was stressed, I was unusually tired after coming home from school (much more than normal), couldn't focus on schoolwork at all due to headaches and I wanted to cry spontaneously after any possible poor experience (e.g overheating). I know this to be true because as soon as I spoke to my doctor and went off it for 3 days, I had much more energy in the evening, felt much more in control and was happier/more focused. Bottom line, do try this medicine and it may work for you (1000mg)! However, if you may be in a situation where you may have to cope with lots of responsibilities and/or stress, it may be best to lay off it.

After about 2 months of using this medication my hair loss was significant enough for my hairdresser to recommend me speaking to my doctor about it. In the end I was put on Ozempic due to hairloss as well as other side effects like palpitations and nausia

I took Xigduo XR 5mg/500mg once a day for about 2years. I had no side effects at all. I was able to loss 90lbs and lowered my A1C to 4.9 at which point my Doc told me to stop taking this drug.

Second day after taking this drug,I woke up at 4a.m coughing n with my heart racing so fast(heart palpitation). Woke up again at 6.am, I was having trouble breathing,feeling dizzy n unable to stand for long. I managed to get myself up after 10 mins or so,ate a slice of apple n half a cracker. Felt a little bit better. But still feeling lousy. I only managed to get up n walked around a bit during midday. I stopped taking it immediately,but still getting the heart palpitations episode 3 days after I woke up from sleep. Until now,3 weeks after, I still experience the heart palpitation epi n breathing difficulty now n then. I notice my urine output has decreased on the 2nd n last day of my taking the meds until now. I think that meds caused severe dehydration. I also have ckd stage 2. I still hv nightmares thinking abt that terrible experience.

Had to go to hospital emergency three days after taking this drug due to a heart event! Had severe constipation and abdominal pain. This drug will suppress your appetite and lower BG. Discontinued the drug due to severe adverse side effects.

after 2 weeks of use i had a yeast infection and within a day of curing that a urinary tract infection. I am urinating every 2 hrs

This is my second day taking the pills. Dr took me off three meds and gave me this one. I also experienced a sleepless night and a headache due to hunger in the middle of the night. Woke up this morning and noticed my fasting sugars were 114 which were averaging 205-225. some of the issues I experienced may be due to new drug transition but I can get used to eat if I eat when i supposed to. Wishing for great results, like the reviews I see here.

I LOVE XIGDUO!! My morning BG was running anywhere from 220-260ish, but I checked it this morning after one dose yesterday and it was 138!! That's a 100 point change in most cases. Metformin 1000 2X's a day had basically stopped working for me and my PCP decided to put me on Xigduo 10/1000. The first pill had me pretty woozy and I had a headache but I'm guessing that's from my BG leveling out. I will probably feel this way a few more days but I am willing to deal with that if I keep getting good results.

Constant muscle pain. Feel pain all over my body.

Iâ??ve only been on Xigduo for approximately a month. I lost 15lbs the first 2 weeks and since then, a total of 22lbs. My sugars have lowered and I feel great! I do sweat quite a lot though but that is the only negative thing I have to say. I recommend this medication to anyone with Type 2 Diabetes, or at the very least, to try it.

This drug got me off of insulin and I have lost 156 lbs in 8 months. I take in the morning with breakfast and it works for me all day!

I started with Xigduo over 2 years ago. Initially it was a big hard on my stomach but after a few weeks my body adjusted. I have lost over 75lbs and no longer injecting insulin everyday. Also my AC1 has been consistent under 5.9. a win win!

Xigduo was easy to take just one tablet/day. One ingredient makes you urinate a lot to expel the sugar so it can be inconvenient in the middle of the night. Otherwise, it is very helpful in reducing blood sugar with literally no side effects except for the frequent urination.

Couldn't be happier with this drug. Lost 50 pounds and dropped my AIC a full point, with no change to diet.

I took the Xigduo for two days and progressively got worse. After the first day, I was fatigued and felt a little dizzy when I got up to go to the bathroom (which was quite often). I did not sleep well the first night but thought it might have been for other reasons. After taking it again I started noticing that I could hear my heart beat in my ears. It wasn't racing, more like a labored beating. I began to feel like my upper body was being squeezed and had spells where I felt like it was hard to get my breath. I felt like my lower mid section (intestines and kidney area) was putting pressure on my pelvic area of the body. I honestly had thoughts of my body being on the verge of death. This scared me and I decided not to take the medicine any longer.

I am newly diagnosed. I have found after a month my sugars are consistent. It does make me sweat like "dripping". I am also less tolerant to heat and humidity. I take my med before dinner it seems to work better for me. I lost 15 lbs the first 2 weeks! I am now losing about a lb. A week and are following an AD A diet. My insurance HMO does not cover this med but my MD has plenty of samples.I am an RN and very happy with this so far.

I started Xigduo XR the day after Thanksgiving (11-28-14). I was not feeling well to begin with and had upper respiratory/cold. Started itching with a rash after two pills. Discontinued and called the doctor. Tried the medication again on 12-13-14 and with one pill had a rash again. Thought that the reaction the first time was the other medications I was on due to the cold, but the second time I was off the cold medicine/antibiotic. This is one drug that I cannot take.