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Generic Name: Desogestrel, Ethinyl Estradiol and Ethinyl Estradiol

Brand Name: Mircette

Mircette Drug and Medication User Reviews

I had never taken Mircette before. When I started taking it on December 2017 I felt fine, minor headache here and there. Come early February it all went downhill. I always had the lingering headache but dismissed it. That's where I went wrong. I developed hypertension 150/110 elevated heart rate (130s), palpitations, clammy hands and feet, and extreme migraines in late February. The walk in clinic dismissed it as migraine and to sleep it off. My PCP disregarded it as "anxiety" related hypertension. I also developed mood disorders from taking this pill. It caused my vitamin D to drop horribly (I ran outside all the time) causing depression like symptoms coupled with anxiety. My cortisol levels were also high. Not once did any doctor ask if I had just started Mircette until I saw an endocrinologist who told me to STOP taking it as I had adverse effects that we're causing me these horrible symptoms. It's been 1 month since I have stopped and my anxiety is still lingering. I regret ever starting this medication. It did give me amazing short painless periods but my hormones went wonky. I hope over time I can regain my old self back. I also gained 15 lbs. Take at your own risk.

No issues, great so far. I have been on it for 2 months.

Made me so sick. Mood swings were aweful. Made my breats a bit bigger and my acne worse. Gained weight sling with being bloated.

This is the only birth control I can actually use without tons of side effects. There's a few here and they but that usually subsides after your 3rd pack. One thing I'll tell anyone considering this drug is to always take it on time, no more than 10 minutes early or late.this can help cut back on spotting. You may lose some of your libido,(but with the right tricks it comes through no problem at all. Just takes a little more time). For acne I does help, just be sure to be kind to your face and understand you may breakout during the first couple of packs, this will go away. I didn't gain weight on this pill, but my bust did slightly increase (can be painful). Make sure to get plenty of rest on this medication, exercise and eat healthy (makes a world of a difference). Keep in mind, this is my experience, everyone is different and you should go with what works for you.

I went on this for birth control and to regulate my periods (which are consistent, but 2 weeks long with terrible cramping). What I didn't expect was for it to make me feel like I'm going crazy and cause cramping for a month straight. My mood swings are ridiculous, there is absolutely no other explanation for them besides this pill. I react to ANYTHING. I've experienced more cystic acne around my jaw line, no weight gain, but more bloating than normal. I'm stopping this medication right away, because I would rather have two week long periods than be driven to crazy town from a tiny pill.

I did not have any problems with Mircette. I only got pregnant when I stopped taking it. I tried the generic, Kariva, but I kept spotting in between periods. THE ONLY NEGATIVE IS THE PRICE. The pharmaceutical company had a member program but it only discounted $20 on the first pack.

I became very moody, irritable, depressed, gained 20 pounds in two months, which was devastating after getting off Yasmin. Which I am going back on because I am sick of being tire, mad, sad, and have NO sex drive what so ever!

I love this pill, before taking it I had anxiety, acne due to pcos so far so good I finally feel myself! love it!

I tried Seasonique, Yaz, and tons of others and I lost scalp hair, and had terrible swelling, nausea, and weight gain. Mircette is the ONLY drug that did not cause these side effects. I have only mild swelling, my acne cleared up, I don't have cramps anymore, no nausea, and the excessive hair on my body has thinned. Generic Mircette was TERRIBLE for me however (Viorele), causing severe cramps and diarrhea,and I was depressed and weepy. Generics are NOT THE SAME THING- it has lower quality/different "fillers" which can decrease/alter the effectiveness of the active ingredients. If you have different symptoms on generics, it is not in your head; generics are NOT the same thing as brands.

Started Mircette in 1999. Was on it for many years until insurance "forced" me to go generic, so I switched to Kariva for a year, against my dr's recommendation. She mentioned that it is a low-dose hormone pill, and as a generic it can go just a little too "low," which my dr said might just be enough to end up pregnant. After a year of having break-through bleeding while on Kariva (eeks!), I then spent the next 2 years messing around with other name brand BC that was less expensive than Mircette, but had some serious weight gain (and I'm a marathon runner and do half-Ironman races!), so finally sucked it up and went back to Mircette. It costs me an arm and a leg ($210 every 3 months), as my insurance will only give you a break on generic brands, but it's worth it. Mircette has always worked well...I haven't gotten pregnant, and I don't have any side effects!

I have been on Mircette/Kariva for almost 4 years now, and I still love it. I only had side effects for the first month: breast tenderness and gas. Since then, I haven't had any problems. My periods are so short (three and a half days) and my skin has always looked great, even under stress.

Mircette is doing a fine job of preventing birth until I am ready w/ very minimal side effects. I am 28 and have been on Mircette since I was 19 or so. I have no complaints at all and would highly recommend, verse other brands

Ive taken this pill for almost 10 years. I initially went on it to control hormones to prevent migraines, and to prevents cysts. It has been EXTREMELY effective in both! Also I so far have never gotten pregnant on it either. Ive had to use Yaz and it was not effective enough for my migraines, Ive also used the generic Kariva and it too was not effective enough for migraines. LOVE THIS PILL!

I started bc on Loestrin Fe 24 and was fine the first week and then for the next two weeks I had about three migraines each week. I then got switched to Karvia because of this problem and I have only been taking the pills for three days and I have already had two migraines. I’m starting to think that I would rather go through the cramping I get during my periods and the heavy flow, then to continue having migraines like this.

I used to have to take in the morning and then it made start throwing up so I had to start taking at nite

I took this medication for ovarian cysts and to regulate my period. After three months it was highly ineffective. The first month was absolute Hell for everyone around me. I was incredibly moody and showed many signs of pregnancy (which I was not). I retained a large amount of water weight and had a large appetite increase. It was relatively easy to take this medicine...I just set an alarm on my phone for the same time every day. On the plus side, it did help my skin stay very clear. For me the pro did not outweigh the cons

After 5 months on this brand I started noticing headaches, loss of vision, sleepless nights and constant mood changes. I have currently been off this brand for 2 weeks and I'm still experiencing all the side effects. Overall I would not promote anyone to take this pill.

I was prescribed Mircette after having 3 very painful bouts of ovarian cysts, one requiring surgery. I loved this birth control. I have had severe period pain along with the cysts, and this med took me from having to take opiate pain meds for cramps to taking a few ibuprofen and hanging out on a heat pad- the difference in my pain level was amazing! And I never had any cysts on it. I didn't gain weight on this pill (I actually lost 20 pounds, but with diet and exercise) nor did it make me moody or seem to decrease my sex drive. It did, however, up my instances of migraines, which is why I cannot take it anymore. I miss this pill very much because it made my life so much easier, but now that I have complex migraines it is a big-time no-no, or so I have been told. I have had very bad reactions to other birth control pills (eg. I gained 60 pounds in one year taking Jasmin continuously to avoid having my period) and would recommend Mircette hands down. The only problem is it tends to be way more expensive than other pills ($60 a month), although the generic Kariva seemed to work just as well for me (it's still $45 though)

I have taken kariva for 5+ years and it has helped control my migraines and cramps. I stopped taking the week off between active pills about 3 years ago and lone no periods, though I do get some breakthrough bleeding and have increased vaginal dryness. Overall, I love this pill and it has done the job and then some.