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Generic Name: Desogestrel and Ethinyl Estradiol Tablets

Brand Name: Apri

Apri Drug and Medication User Reviews

My body looked amazing and my skin cleared up after a few months and then I developed really bad depression and anxiety.

I recently began this birth control to get my acne under control however I experienced the worst depression and anxiety I have ever felt in my life within the first week. Before starting, I already had anxiety, however, this medication took it to a whole different level. If you suffer from any mental illness maybe try a different pill because this one made me extremely depressed and literally made me cry all day. I regret taking this so much!

I had no unpleasant physical symptoms after starting Apri, but I was predisposed to anxiety. Mere weeks after starting on this pill my life started to fall apart. I felt like I was going to die 24/7, I couldn't eat, sleep, or concentrate on my work. I've never taken a birth control pill that had such a terrible effect on my mental health. Avoid if you can.

Thai medicine stays doesn’t protect against stds funny why would birth control in the first place. It’s an estrogen proven to help either to do what is supposed to for your body. I’ve never had such a bad experience in my life this brith control pill caused me to catch chlamydia my partner got tested his test were negative I have needed stepped out on him. It decreased my sex drive I’ve always had headaches as to increased discharge. I would go through panty liners crazy tryna keep from having to be to moist down their. It caused me and my partner to argue over who past the std but mean while it was this birth control I have no sexual desire either we barley had intercourse it drove us crazy I don’t recommend anyone using this birth control pill ever again

I’ve been on apri for 8.5 years now. I just took my final dose. These past 8.5 years have been hell. First I was put on BC when I was 13. I had no idea what my body was even supposed to be like at that age. I’m now 22 and the side effects have been detrimental. During the first two years I had severe digestive issues (at the time I didn’t know what the cause was but assuming now it was the birth control after doing a lot of research), severe anemia to the point where I had to go get iron infusions 2x a week to make sure my body could function. The doctors had no explanation for it. In the past 3 years I’ve gained about 30 lbs despite working out daily and eating healthy, my skin is terrible, my moods are the worst. I lash out constantly, I’m depressed, not motivated and have extreme anxiety. I can’t remember the last time I was happy. I just got married and I just felt blah about it. I just go through my life never having any excitement. It’s sad honestly that I was put on a pill so young that looking back on it now ruined me. I’m on my first few days off it and I will never look back. It didn’t work for me. But maybe it’ll work for others.

I went on this pill in the months leading up to my wedding, because my husband and I were abstaining from sex until our wedding night. This pill took away my sex drive, made me extremely dry when this has NEVER been a problem for me, and made me so anxious and depressed. Iâ??m only 24 and the symptoms of low sex drive and dryness have really been a hit to my self esteem and been horrible to cope with, knowing that before the pill everything was normal and I was craving sex. Additionally, my first SIX MONTHS of taking this pill, I experienced spotting every day of the month. It was to the point where my doctor was concerned I may have a polyp in my uterus- only to check everything out and realize that my spotting was caused by Apri. I stayed on this pill because it was too close to my wedding to take the risk of switching, and somehow the spotting stopped and hasnâ??t been a problem since. But all the other negative symptoms have stuck around, and itâ??s very discouraging. I am looking to change my prescription or go to a new form of birth control completely. This has NOT been worth all the trouble. But, Iâ??m not pregnant, so it does work.

I�ve only been taking this for about a month and half, but.... I�ve gained weight like crazy I�m talking 10 pounds weight gain. On the positive Side of this.. I usually have very heavy periods. I bleed a lot during the first 3 days and my period will last a whole week. But since taking this my period was almost non existent. I mean I still had cramps but they did not last as long and the bleeding was very light. Also it only lasted like 3 days this time which was great for me. I would recommend this for women who have heavy periods and who also want to gain some weight because trust me it�s coming if you take this.

Ive been on it for about a year and a half. I have been gaining SO much weight because of it. My sex drive is nearly gone and the mood swings are ridiculous. Worked good for keeping me from getting pregnant, but the sode effects are just now NOT worth it.

NO SEX DRIVE, thinning hair, weight gain, headaches and I am prescribed to take it continuously as I have endometriosis and avoid my period altogether. The spotting is ridiculous, a level of which I have note experienced on other birth control options.

Apri worked for not getting pregnant but overall my sex drive decreased , I gained weight that I cannot lose. I get mood swings that put my relationship in jeopardy. And I’m overall unimpressed.

Using this medication as a birth control works, but the side effect I had was not worth it. After 5 months of using it, I got jaundice. My liver numbers sky rocketed. My eyes and skin turned yellow. This was the only medication that I was taking so as soon as I stopped taking it all my liver enzymes and number went back to normal.

I have been on this for almost two years and the pros of this include almost non existent acne and not getting pregnant. Cons are reacurring yeast infections, excessive weight gain (50lbs) and impossible weight loss and not much in my routine has changed at all since starting, dental issues, anxiety, depression, loss of sex drive, anger issues and more that Iâ??m sure Iâ??m forgetting. Iâ??ve recently come off hormonal birth control and my family has commented that I seem more myself than I have in a long time.

I have been on Apri for about 3 years, and I am considering getting off birth control completely now. I have slowly turned into a moody, up-tight person and it has caused problems with my relationship. I get extremely angry, or will start crying about minor problems. The pill itself was effective, I did not have any pregnancy scares. I do believe that my sex drive DECREASED.

I used to be on aviane and switched to apri, as I told my doctor I noticed my thick hair was thinning. Especially my hairline, but it is easy to cover up since I have longer hair. Overall, both of these have helped prevent me from getting pregnant. But one side effect I have noticed is mood swings and depression, I am so irritable and get really emotional. I try so hard not to lose my cool, but I find myself crying and frustrated.I don't know if it's just my personality and that I work a high stress job, but I just break down very frequently--not sure if it is due to birth control but it could be associated. I remember a time when I used to never break down before birth control. In terms of my period, it is better regulated. I used to have the worst cramps for days and would get dizzy spells but after going on b.c, it has all been resolved. Used to have very heavy periods now lasting only 3-4 days max but not as heavy. I used to have cystic acne and would have lots of breakouts, but going on both types of b.c has helped regulate my skin. I have a few blemishes here and there before period time, but overall it has stayed clear. I just want to know if anyone else is experiencing emotional disorders with these drugs.

Apri caused a blood clot in my leg after taking it only a few months.

Apri prevents pregnancy however, for me it promotes anxiety, depression, and mood swings. I'm 20 and have been on Apri for 9 months now and it is the first form of birth control I've taken. Extreme dryness has occurred to the point where I get yeast infections in between every period--low sex drive because of this. My anxiety has gone through the roof a long side of depression. I have begun to hate the world that I live in and am very sad all the time. My periods start with an orange yeasty mixture and the next few days are followed with a lot of blood and heavy cramping. I just want to get back to me again. Switching is scary because I don't want to experience any other form of these symptoms or other symptoms you all have experienced on different pills. I'm thinking of exploring other options or dropping birth control entirely to get back to me again :)

it gets the job done. my first month on it i had my period for 2 weeks. I experienced getting yeast infections every month right before my period started. it also made me dry down there closer to the time of getting my period. no ance issues, gained very little weight.

Before Apri, I was taking Ortho tri cyclen for about 4 years. I was having trouble losing weight, I had terrible migraines 3-4 times a week (and before my period I'd get one that lasted for 3 days) and overall I just felt moody and lazy. I've been on Apri now for 3 months and I'm liking it so far! I've been losing weight (slowly, but after years of staying the same high weight I'm happy haha) I no longer get terrible migraines, and my period only lasts 4 days or so. I will say I do feel like I have a lower sex drive, and I do get irritable over minor things especially towards my period starting. But overall I'm very happy with Apri for now!

It has helped with bad cramps and back pain associated with my period. Also its nice to be regular to the day! Cons- I also went on the pill to see if it would help with my mood/pms. Honestly, I feel like its worse and I've only been on it a few months; considering switching meds

There has only been one occasion where this birth control has failed me. I have been on this pill since I was 18 and I am now 26. The only issue I have is that it makes me severely sick to my stomach, a I vomit very half hour or so for a couple hours.