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Generic Name: Orlistat 120 mg

Brand Name: Xenical

Xenical Drug and Medication User Reviews

You definitely will learn quickly what foods to stay away from. I did loose weight at the expense of several severe oily stools and ruined clothing some at the most inopportune times. A word of caution, do not pass gas while at work, and if you must, make sure you are on a toilet. Trust me, you will be sorry!

I wish I could's stayed on it long enough. I did everything I could to avoid eating fat but to no avail. Oil would leak out slowly all day every day. I was 21 at the time of using it, there were no issues before. I found it too much to stay on it for more than a week or two. The leaking was BAD

I have had the expected experience, but nothing severe and down 6lbs in 1 week!! I have been strict with myself as I believe the horrible side effects only happen (from other users stories) if you just rely on the tablets alone without changing habits.

I read up a lot on this before taking it as I really didn't want any of the bad side effects. I stuck to a very low fat diet for a couple of days beforehand and my doctor advised that I start off slow...taking 1 tablet for the first 2 days, then 2 tablets after that and finally up to 3 tablets. I had no problems and wondered whether it was actually working. 2 weeks later I was away on business and had to eat from the hotel buffet...there were limited options so instead of going mad I just cut down on what I ate. Had a few nasty side effects (stomach ache and horrible toilet experience) but it wasn't something that I couldn't control. I have now lost 7lbs and I think its fabulous! The mere threat of what could happen if I fall off the rails is enough to make me eat better!

I started taking it last night ( Jan. 16/19 ) and this morning I had the worst bowel movement ever. It scared me because it was orange and oily then my bed had orange stains on it I was not told how it would effect me but after reading the reviews I now know what to do

my arse is on fire after only 1 day!!!

Please how much is this medication?

This drug used to work and you could tell by the separation of fat in stools. Over the past year both the prescription version and the over the counter version seem to have had a formula change such that they clearly gave no effect. Blogs are full of similar comments.

I had been doing weight watchers diet for the last year but struggled to lose much at all I gave that up and now I'm following Dr mark human Eat fat get slim it's eating the right foods and because I'm satisfied with the food I'm eating I no longer look for snacks or surgery food I have been taking xenical for one week and I've lost 6 pounds I'm overjoyed with the results Yes you can have a accident if your not careful but I haven't had any as I use the bathroom first thing in the morning and in the evening Feels so good to be losing the weight at last

No issues with the medication

Well i am overweight by around 8-10 kg. Most of my weight is in my stomach. I used to drink a lot. Not much of an eater. But yes do enjoy fried stuff. Have started walking and reduced all fried stuff. Drinking is coming down. Not drinking or trying to not drink during week days. The tablet is doing what has been said. Stay close to the toilet if taken the pill with food. Will need to use it soon. Yes there's been the oil in the loo. Looking at it i feel what the heck!!! Is that what is in my stomach!!! So far have lost around half kilo. SO will keep you posted. Its been a week since started this tablet. Will update in another week. AB

I just started using this pill 2 days ago and I have a question. Has anyone had issue with itchy skin? I do have sensitive skin and I use special bath soap and lotion.

I have an eating disorder and have started putting on weight for the past few months with a very bloated large stomach (not pregnant). Doctor said it was definitely not from my antidepressants so put me on xenical. On them now 9 days. No weight loss, very itchy and stomach still huge.

HELP... I need help understanding what is going on... My clothes are fitting bigger but I have gained 10 pds this week,,, This is my first week and I have been on a very low fat low cal diet... What am I doing wrong... I have even rode my stationary bike three days... for thirty mins each day. I have been some what constipated... So any advise out there for me please help me....

I used to take Xenical 120 mg to loss my weight & there is no side effects. I purchase this medicine from MedsMartDrugs. Now My tummy is almost flat and I can eat anything I want.

i just finished an oilly food and an hr plus later i felt extremely light headed, breathless and the urge to go to the bathroom. makes me fart alot... really dony know if i should continue

have tried using but do not seem to lose.

I have chronic pain; therefore, I take forms of "morphine", which very much constipate me, so then I take Xenical. I am actually underweight, so I have not lost any pounds. My problem with taking this drug for a few months is that I will start losing a horrible orange oily substance analy. Hard to clean around the toilet, and hard to control! Taking large dose of probiotics solves the problem - and also stopping the Xenical, of course!

I absolutey love Xenical!!!!! The side effects does not bother me at all. My stomach is almost flat and I can eat anything I want.

I used this miracle drug and was so pleased! I lost 60lbs in 4.5mnths. I never thought I would be able to run again :-)