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Generic Name: Doxepin Tablets

Brand Name: Silenor

Silenor Drug and Medication User Reviews

PSA - I was prescribed doxepin for insomnia and anxiety. After a lower dose was not effective, my Dr. increased the dose. The first night on the increased dose, I slept drove and was arrested for a DUI. I also had significant memory issues during the several months I was prescribed doxepin and which have persisted. Upon discontinuing doxepin, side effects ceased. Take with extreme caution.

It was a hit or miss if this drug worked when I tried to sleep. When I was paying $25.00 it was worth a try. I am now on Medicare and at $100.00 dollars for a 30 day supply it is no longer worth it.

My doctor prescribed Silenor for occasional bouts of insomnia. After the first dose (SP/6) left me a Zombie the next day, I halved the tablet. Unfortunately even using half a tablet leaves me drowsy and barely able to function for several hours the next morning. This medication isn't worth the side effects the next morning; I'd rather have a sleepless night.

i was prescribed 50 mg of silenor it worked really good for sleep at first but after 3 weeks i started getting bad side effects the worst being memory loss i constantly would put something down and completely forget about it or do something and completely forget about it. it also made my deppression and anxiety WAY worse. and do not take more than prescribed i mad this mistake and slept for over 24 hours straight. would not reccomend this drug.

For me if I eat dinner no later than 6:30 PM then take the silenor at 10:30 PM, I sleep great like a baby. Average sleep without it 4 to 5 hours. Average sleep with Silenor 7.5 hours. I take this med 3 times a week because I don't like taking medicine.

I sleep very well with Silenor. Best of all, I am not drowsy in the morning and can get up and get going, feeling good and well rested!

Have taken a 3mg tablet of Silenor three nights, using samples given me for my sleep doctor to combat the problem of sleep maintainance (waking up in the middle of the night with difficulty going back to sleep). On two of the three nights the Silenor worked well and I fell back to sleep easily. But it is not for me because on all three morning afters I felt unusually depressed and groggy and believing it's from a sideffect of Silenor I'm done with that drug. By the way the cost would be prohibitive for me at over $400 per month, declined by my Medicare Supplement Drug Insurance. But I believe a generic Doxepin would be the same drug at a cost of pennies. What's the deal Big Pharma?

If you don't mind severe depression (I luckily avoided the suicidal ideation), then this is the drug for you. It did nothing for my insomnia, but caused severe crying jags that I had to hide from (luckily I have an office). Try something else; this drug is the worst I have ever taken.

Have to use occasionally because if I use this more than 2 nights in succession I get a dry mouth and throat. It gives me a perfect night's sleep. Too bad I get this side effect.

completely unable to fall asleep. i give this a very poor rating. it does not stop brain from thinking and working, so one cannot remotely get to sleep. it remains in system in the morning, thus making one feel slower than normal. simply not effective. i do not recommend this for those who have long term, chronic insomnia

Was not able to fall asleep so have gotten no sleep at all. Did not work for me.

I fall asleep within an hour of taking this. The problem is I wake up about every hour and have trouble going back to sleep. The dreams are vivid and scary. I also wake up in a full sweat and even with the air turned down have trouble cooling off. I will go back to ambien even though I have been on it for years. As a side note my insurance would not authorize lunesta and replaced it with this. The amount on the bill was over $1200. I believe someone is doing well to push this med, I filed a complaint with medicare.

I have used this for two weeks now. It improved my ability to stay asleep. At first, I felt drowsy for a good part of the next days, but that has subsided. Now I think it is terrific. I will report again after longer period of use.

Very easy to use and it worked from the first night.

before this medication Silenor 6mg I was sleeping 2 t0 4hours per night. medication does not cause you to fall asleep but once you fall asleep, it keeps you asleep. I love it

I have been on ambien and only sleep about 4 hours. Need to try something else for more sleep. Started this and woke up at 130Am and couldn't go back to sleep finally at 330a took ambien. 2nd night took 2 and slept one hour longer. Did not work at all for me.

I was prescribed this as I have occasional trouble staying asleep. I'm trying to adjust to a CPAP machine and staying asleep is really hard while getting used the machine. With this medicine, I still wake up during the night, but I fall right back to sleep. However, mornings are horrible, I can barely get out of bed. It makes me feel so groggy. It'll shake off within an hour of getting up, but getting up is so difficult.


Keeps me awake...actually wakes me up. Weird thoughts. Feels like the room is 20 degrees warmer.

I've been on Ambien for ~ 2 years. My body built up tolerance for it, and I would begin waking up at 3:00am each night. Doctor told me to combine Ambien and Silenor . Been working great so far.