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Generic Name: Myfembree (estradiol-norethindrone-relugolix)

Myfembree Reviews

For Endometriosis "I’ve been fighting to find out what’s wrong for 3.5 years. Went to 3 different gynecologists who repeatedly told me I was crazy, making things up, what do I expect, I have 4 children and have had 2 C-sections. 4 months ago I found the first gynecologist who listened to me, was diagnosed with endometriosis after an U/S found multiple fibroids and calcifications on my uterus. She put me on Myfembree and all the pain has stopped. I have more energy. I am no longer depressed and my blood pressure is back to normal. This drug has completely changed my life for the better- and a plus! I have not gotten a period on it at all! I feel like I can finally live again!"

For Endometriosis "It definitely helps with the pain, but I'm experiencing concerning side effects that seem to only bother me. Low blood pressure, no appetite, low blood sugar, and low potassium due to not having an appetite and not eating... It might just be my experience. I'm going to continue on hoping this goes away and treat my symptoms the way I was told to. I just wanted to make others aware just in case I'm not the only one out here."

For Uterine Fibroids "Myfembree helped me regulate my hormones and decrease the size of my fibroids by about half in about 6 months. It's a very effective drug. It gave me absolutely zero side effects. It is as though I am taking a vitamin."

For Endometriosis "Prescribed for endometriosis pain and severe bleeding. Words cannot describe how life-changing this drug is. ! My periods were so heavy, even on norethindrone, that I used to have to set an alarm to change my pad and tampon (had to double up) in the middle of the night. I started taking Myfembree on the first day of my last period. It's been 2 months and I have not had any further bleeding at all. My cramps used to be so bad, I had multiple heating pads that I used throughout the month (I also have fibroids). With myfembree, I'm pain free. Only side effect is after the first week I had a 2-3 day span where I had crying spells, but my mood stablized quickly. Also my scalp itches. I'll take that trade! I'm kind of sad I was told I can only take it for a few months. I don't want to go back to living without it!"

For Endometriosis "I have endometriosis and this has been a life saver. I read the reviews on here before taking and I noticed that most of the negative ones are because people have taken this medication wrong, in which I do not blame them. In order for this to work properly, you must take it on the first day of your next period. It states this on the website, but neither my doctor nor pharmacy made any indications on how to start this. I tried many other methods and I’m still on my IUD, but most actually just made me bleed more and gave me more pain. I reluctantly tried this two months ago and I have yet to have a period since! I take it right before bed with my other medications. I do get some mild cramps and I had extremely light spotting due to forgetting to take it one night. I did have horrible night sweats and my weight went up, but its worth if if I no longer have 14+ days of bleeding. Take it as instructed online and hopefully it might work for you."

For Endometriosis "My doc put me on Myfembree following my laparoscopy, where he could get at only about 80% of the endo. I was on oral form of it for between 2/3 weeks and the side effects were too much for me. I could handle night sweats every night but the difference in my mood/depression, hair-loss, and neck pain that I believe was directly related to it was not gonna cut it for me. I stopped taking it as soon as these set in and have been off for just a few days as I write this and hoping I am feeling better soon. I’m looking for a non medical route to keeping endo from getting painful again."

For Endometriosis "I only stayed on this medication for three months and 11 days because it caused continuous hot flashes, headaches, and heart problems, including sensations in my chest that were alarming. However, it did help alleviate my endometriosis pain, although the side effects were concerning enough for me to discontinue use."

"I have been taking Myfembree for a week now. I started on the 2nd day of my cycle. Before, I would be in severe pain and in bed 3 out of 7 days of my cycle. Now, the pain is more than bearable. My heating pad will handle the pain but I have taken Tylenol on a couple of days. The bleeding is different than normal. It's thinner and brighter than usual. My biggest side effect is the blood clots. They are big and frequent. They rain down after I stand for more than 10 minutes, but blood doesn't flow often when I'm sitting. I have an office job. The clots don't hurt, but I do feel a dull sensation in my lower abdomen and lower back before it flows. Often times, I feel I can hold it in until I make it to the restroom. Today should have been my last day, but I'm just passing smaller clots, but no pain."

For Uterine Fibroids "This pill has successfully eliminated all my pain. So far, I have been on it for 4 months and the fibroids are slowly shrinking. I have not had any negative side effects. If you take the pill as instructed (start on the first day of the period. Take it the same time every day. Do not skip a dose)."

For Endometriosis "I have stage 4 endometriosis since being officially diagnosed at 23. I have had done Lupron for 6 months after laparoscopy, 1 vaginally delivery 3 sections and 1 miscarriage. After last baby at 40 my symptoms were severe and had changed to chronic low back with radiation to hips. I was desperate and my doctor says this was it. She said because I had just ended period I had to take within 7 days so started immediately. I missed day 2 and boy do I regret it, horrible back pain, cramps etc. Got period, took day 3, missed day 4, I'm now on day 15 consistently taking. My period let up for 1 day and resumed spotting. I am hoping it lets up soon. I have a 4-week follow-up so we shall see. Also taking Tramadol and naproxen for pain relief. Doc warned it would get worse before better."

For Uterine Fibroids "I'm 54 years old and I had my Mirena removed 2 years ago. Within the month, I started to have very heavy bleeding. I was hoping I was perimenopausal, but I started having regular periods on time every month, but they were very, very heavy. I tried a few different birth control pills that did nothing. I went in for an ultrasound where they found a uterine fibroid in the uterine wall. Then I went for an MRI, and it showed it to be a small to medium-sized fibroid. This is when my gynecologist recommended Myfembree, and it was the answer for me! I don't have any side effects aside from a flushed face every now and then. I've always been hot-blooded, so I don't notice hot flashes. I have had no hair loss. The bleeding completely stopped. I am going to dread the day I go off this medication because of the fear of heavy bleeding again. I was to the point where I wore 4 pads at once and changed them every 2 hours. It felt like I was hemorrhaging. It was horrible. I highly recommend this medication!"

For Endometriosis "I take this medication with exercise and eating healthy. I feel so much better, it definitely regulates my endometriosis symptoms."

More about Myfembree (estradiol / norethindrone / relugolix)

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  • During pregnancy
  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: sex hormone combinations
  • En español

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Related treatment guides

  • Uterine Fibroids
  • Endometriosis