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Generic Name: Doxycycline Hyclate

Brand Name: Doryx

Doryx Drug and Medication User Reviews

I had pretty terrible acne, new pimples forming every few days. Immediately after starting Doryx, I stopped getting new blemishes and within two months, the acne had completely cleared up, with only scars remaining. Now after about 5 months, my skin is totally clear and I don't ever get new pimples with the exception of extremely small ones on occasion that are hardly noticeable. The only negative side effect I have had is extremely dry lips. No matter what I do, they will get dry periodically and it lasts about 2 weeks.

I see a lot of reviews on here about people breaking out worse within the first few weeks so they stop taking it. You should continue taking it for a full month, at least. The same thing happened to me, my neck, chest, chin, back - all broke out worse than ever, but I read lots of reviews about this drug and others that said this might happen, so I powered through it. I've wrestled with acne since I was a teenager and I'm 40 now - my skin has never looked better! I do get occasional nausea from the meds when I take it in the morning, but that's really the only issue I've had. It takes time for your body to adjust to the medication, you have to give the med a fair chance to do it's job. I switch between this med and minocycline (used in the summer because it's more sun friendly) and I've not looked back.

I took this for cystic acne and it cleared up my face pretty well. The side effects I had makes me wish I never even took it. I had headaches every day, my hair started falling out more than normal and I got the super rare side effects. I ended up getting cdiff, stomach uclers, and other GI problems that I'm still dealing with. Not worth it to me.

I'm just going to put my two cents into this. WHY IS THIS A LEGO? I've at least choked three times now, I just had it travel horizontally down my throat "which of course felt great" but do yourself the favor and don't. Doxy works! But..seriously, what kind of dingus made this?

If taken consistently (as recommended) this medicine is very effective. Do not take it within an hour of eating dairy products like milk or cheese.

after using tons of over the counter acne medicine without success, a dermatologist prescribed me this and it has completely cleared my face each time I've been prescribed it.

This was prescribed for my small dog. Has anyone ever had this used on their pet before? It is for a sinus infection with tons of mucus and coughing. I chose the first star only because I don't know yet, just started it on her today.

It worked well at removing the acne, but increase my headaches and migraines to almost every day. The lack of acne isn't worth the pain.

I just started this pill last night at 7pm. I was told to cut it in half and take it. I did and it got stuck in my throat and I threw it up. It went further down hill from there. I itched all night and I couldn't sleep at all. Now I have a splitting headache, I'm nauseous, and my throat is burning and I can't stop burping. Also nothing tastes right since I took it. I'm going to give it a few more days but I felt this way when I was on Solodyn. I'm so over acne and I can't find anything that works for me.

My 14 year old son starting taking Doryx for his severe acne. He has been taking it for almost 3 months with great results. Absolutely no side effects. It did take about 5 weeks for all of the acne to be gone. He is using it with epiduo and washing his face in Accent face wash and lotion. I'm not sure how long he will be on Doryx. He goes back to Dr soon. I'm praying once he stops using the medication the acne doesn't return.

Please DO NOT take this medication. I only took it for 3 days, & the side effects were almost unbearable, including: Unusual headache (more severe than normal), joint pain, hives (never experienced this before), nausea (almost vomited), light-headed, dizzy, trouble with vision & focusing, skin redness in my face. I was home alone when these symptoms happened in my otherwise healthy body and was so frightened that I called a 24-hour nurse hotline for medical advice and was considering calling 9-11. VERY disturbing side effects just to treat acne. These are the kinds of side effects *cancer* patients deal with when they are in treatment - It's worth it in a life and death situation when you are fighting a terminal illness - NOT TO TREAT ACNE! I did notice an improvement after just 1 day, but I will happily keep my acne over these side effects any day! I read other users' comments about hair loss/burning esophagus and will never touch this medication again. Just to give an overview: I have been suffering from cystic acne only on my right cheek for about a year. The trouble started shortly after an appendectomy, so I wonder if the issues are related. I discovered through my own research that copper deficiency might be related to my surgery and acne, so I took copper/zinc pills for 6 months before Doryx with limited results. Finally, I went to a dermatologist for care because my deep, painful acne with bad scarring wasn't getting any better. The dermatologist prescribed 1% clindamycin topical solution, Epiduo and Doryx. I am throwing the Doryx away and will never, ever, ever touch it again. Shame on the Food & Drug Administration for approving such a horrible drug. Maybe what's most disturbing is that when I asked the dermatologist about the side effects, he just threw a paper at me and joked no one reads it anyway. He gave me no instruction on how to take the medication and I'm figuring everything out on my own. I'm so thankful for everyone's reviews

I have had adult acne for years, I've been taking Doryx for 18 months now and have been acne free for 17 of those. I may get a pimple the week of my period, but nothing more than that. The first month it did give me diarrhea, but now there are zero side effects except for great skin! I call it a miracle drug. It has changed my life.

I suffer from Rosacea. As this is a name brand drug it was more expensive than my usual prescriptions. The doctor gave me a card to get a discount which was time consuming to activate. The pills are like large Pez's and difficult to swallow. After one week on the medication I developed severe itching and had to stop the medication. This eventually became a yeast infection. I would not recommend this medication.

I had an in-grown toe nail removed yesterday. I took my first (and only) tablet this morning. About 10 minutes later, I started feeling like I was going to vomit. A couple of minutes after that, I threw up everything in my stomach (which consisted of my heart meds and pain meds for my back, and my daily "morning dose" of Mountain Dew). Felt perfectly fine before I took the Doxycycline, and I felt perfectly fine after I threw up. I looked up the side effects, then called the pharmacist. She told me this medicine is really hard on a person's stomach.

I was prescribed this medication for acne. I have struggled with acne my entire life. My new dermatologist wasted no time putting me on this and Epiduo, the latter because I had been before. I found it strange that I had to have a coupon to cover part of the expense--clearly the dr. knew that insurance companies don't like covering either of these name brand drugs. It was a hassle to get these prescriptions filled and ensure that the manufacturer's coupons were considered when filling them. When I started taking Doryx I had to drink over 3 btls of water to get the pill down--and it still wouldn't go down. The pharmacist indicated that I could take it with milk so I did. After 2 days of this crap I called the dr. to see if he could prescribe something else. The assistant treated me like something was wrong with me because I couldn't swallow the pill--the pill is shaped like a lego with a clear indication that it isn't supposed to be cut or crushed. She indicated that it was scored and could be cut. I've been cutting it, taking it with milk and still have trouble getting it down and was recently diagnosed with pill esophagitis as a result of this drug. This is a name brand version of doxycycline that could just as easily have been prescribed but yet my dr and his assistant are this determined to get and keep pts on it. It is helping for my acne, but doxycycline would likely work the same--for cheaper and less negative side effects on my esophagus. I will be returning to my dr. soon and if he refuses to prescribe standard doxycycline instead of this drug I will find a better dermatologist who is actually concerned with the patient's overall health.

It works really well and clears up acne fast. My skin looks and feels perfect. I've only had two problems - 1. getting off of it because my skin doesn't stay clear and 2. sunburns, I have a fair complexion so it's already easy for me to get sunburn, but this medicine seems to make it worse. I highly recommend doryx though!

Although Doryx proved extremely effective at treating my acne, about 2 weeks after being on Doryx, I started to get extremely painful headaches. After having these headaches for 6 days straight (I did take Aspirin which helped) I stopped taking it. Sure enough, 2 days after not using Doryx my headaches stopped and haven't continued since. I would definitely still recommend this medication as it did treat my acne extremely well, however, if you start to get headaches constantly, stop taking it.

after one 6 months of my son (14 years old) taking this medication he started having loss hair, this is the only medication he has been taking so i decided to stop to see if the hair loss stops