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Generic Name: Dronabinol Capsules

Brand Name: Marinol

Marinol Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have neck/back pain and blind in my left eye due to a car accident when I was 17 years old. Also, I have sleep apnea and have been on and off of many medications including smoking marijuana on a daily basis to control the pain. Oxycodone 5mg which I break in half depending on the level of pain up to 4 times a day. Sometimes I take 2.5mg of valium to help with muscle aches and pain. After taking 10mg once a day of Marinol for 2 weeks I have completely stopped smoking marijuana and cut in half all the other medications including over the counter stuff. It is different and I don't get the really high feeling but just relaxing and calm. Really helps with the muscle spasms and overall constant pain and lasts almost all day long. This has really been a life-changing drug for me. I do believe I will ask to get the 5mg dose so I can take it twice a day to balance it out. It may not be good for everyone but it is working for me. I have had sleep apnea for 30 years and use CPAP nightly. Never have I had sleep like this I actually went into REM sleeping and dreaming. I have not dreamed in years because I never reached REM sleep. I feel so much better in the mornings and all day just because I was able to sleep all night. Absolute the best medication I have ever been on period! I hope this helps everyone as this is the truth it works for me. More Doctors need to give this a try on their patients for sure.

While undergoing chemotherapy for Triple Negative breast cancer, I had a lot of nausea. I wasn't able to take Zofran, because my potassium would drop below normal levels which led to a trip to the hospital. At the suggestion of one of my other doctors, the oncologist agreed to prescribe Marinol and it stopped the nausea. For any of you who have had success with Marinol, but can't afford it, conduct a search for prescription assistance programs and/or locate and contact the makers of Marinol to see if they have a program to assist qualifying patients with medication. Another thing you may want to consider is learning what the law is in your state about low thc CBD oil. If there is a state program, look into it, because depending where you live, you might be able to get it with no problems. Look for anything dealing with Low THC CBD oil, with a THC amount of approximately 5%,or whatever your state allows. Hopefully, this will help some of you.

it helps with the pain very much. sleep iseasier. Ovall, more then satisfied.

Battling ALS. This drug coupled with the only approved drug to treat ALS, Riluzole. Has I feel been of great service. Kept the appetite up...the depression down. Given me much more time to make ready. And look for a great place that has easy to eat and swallow Burgers....would love to have a burger.

I have been under Pain Management for 18 years as a result of a neck surgery gone bad. Although I have been prescribed MANY narcotics over the years, the most effective and least incapacitating treatment - hydrocodone & marijuana. I no longer smoke pot & find dorabanol (sic) an acceptable (though not NEARLY as effective) substitute. There needs to be more research on the pain relieving properties of marijuana - not just THC. There are many other elements in marijuana that will prove to have as many if not more uses than just THC.

Chronic pain in my eye due to shingles has been a real struggle for me for about 10 years and Crohn's Disease for about 30 years. Tried all kinds of treatments, drugs, cognitive, meditation, healer... Finally my constant nausea has improved, eye pain is less. Also on the Butrans patch (10mg). Pain management doctor was the one that helped me. I take 2.5mg 4 times a day to keep the level of medication steady. So fat so good.

Chronic migraine & associated neck pain GONE thru marinol's decrease in very high blood pressure (165/110 down to 130/85). WARNING: Machine-measured BP needed if no history of hypertension. No side effects. More active, better sleep, mood stabler, stopped 2 benzo's. Lowest dose every 6 hours. Note: other BP medicine categories caused me migraines & did not drop BP. I am PhD scientist. Neurologist & I reluctantly tried it just to get rid of pain after I asked about marijuana & migraines (no scientific proof). Both surprised by results. As a scientist, I do not recommend for migraines unless history of machine-measured high BP (or high intercranial pressure). For researchers: I suspected problem with overall BP control system as I have zero risk factors (familial, weight, exercise, diet, sodium, etc), over 10 yrs data, eval by Mayo & Cleveland Clinic.

this medication save my mothers life. She had become anorexic after a Whipple surgery gone wrong, she went from a healthy woman 165 pounds to 102 pounds. It was a long road, my bother started giving her mariguana to smoke and it worked for a while but even that was failing, she lost all muscle mass and started retaining water due to severe nourishment, she ended in the hospital for a month and had to be tube fed, I was really afraid my mother would not come out of the hospital alive but after a lot of talks with the doctors and a lot of faith in the one above they gave my mother this little pill that has her asking for food five time a day, shes eating meat which was stranged to her for the last two years, lost the 30 pounds of water that kept her from being able to walk or even move in her own bed, she is gaining her healthy weight back,and now she is able to walk around the block thing I though would not be possible again. JUST TRY IT AND YOU WILL SEE

keeps me from being sick after chemo.

Helps severe chronic migraine pain and nausea. Reduces PTSD symptoms and increases comfort in social situations. Restores creativity and logical thinking. Clears fog of depression and focuses mind to task at hand. Driving has become easier. Some anxiety symptoms when first adjusting to dosage, which clear after two to four weeks. Improve appetite and weight. Use with caution when driving or using power equipment while adjusting to comfortable dose.

I have rheumatoid arthritis, and have been in chronic pain for years, especially my feet. When taking marinol I have no pain at all !!!! This is the first prescription without serious side effects that I have taken. It is a wonderful feeling to be pain free!

Works well

kills cancer tumors cells

Overall Feeling of satisfaction and contentment.

after taking marinol for about a week I am experiencing a great deal of nausea to the point for dreding the take the marinol. I'm hoping these will disappear as my body adjusts. Any chance of this happening.

Rapid weight loss with no appetite in 5 months. Helped me gain my weight back. I don't look anorexic any longer.

I am taking this for depression Works great !!!

Slight appetite increase. Problems I've noticed are pain in calves, and ankles.