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Generic Name: Efavirenz, Emtricitabine, and Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate

Brand Name: Atripla

Atripla Drug and Medication User Reviews

Caused physically problem

Diagnosed in 1992, I began taking Atripla in 2006. Undetectable and normal T-cell count. But . . after 10 years, i began to develop intense psychological problems, my bone density caused me to suffer osteopenia, triglycerides high, lipodystrophy (also caused by numerous other HIV drugs) worsened. There are much better alternatives to this drug. Most of the side effects form Atripla are irreversible as I am learning.

I have been on Atripla for 6 years but some side effects bothers me so much like: The quality of my sleep time has worsen to 4 hours per night; I feel very bad every day or night two to three hours after taking the pill; I feel depressed almost every day during those hours when the peak of itâ??s toxiticy has been felt. My memory has droped dramatically and I feel my mind articulation decrease as well. Any better medicine than Atripla?

Atripla is best taken in the evening before going to bed. When you wake up, the side effects should wear out. The worse are first 3-4 weeks, then you should feel better.

been on Atripla for over five years, had no problems with it, labs are Great, But seem to be feeling more symptoms any one Else?

I just want to say that it is important to read all the reviews, the clinical studies and get more information on this medication but remember that everybody is unique and our uniqueness determines how we react to different treatments. Therefore listen to your body and raise an alarm if things doesn't go the way you were told by the healthcare practitioners. Needless to say that Atripla nearly killed me. I lost two years of my life because I became mentally disturbed after 14months of treatment, I lost 30kg in 6 months, from 63jg before the treatment , I lost my very decent job because my performance dropped. I could not read or concentrate on any task. I lost interest on all my hobbies and I was very depresse which led me to attempt suicide. I am happy to say that I am drug free, doing my MBA and has started in a new company as my old self. Therefore talk to your practioner if you are unhappy or get a second opinion

I live in Brazil and i have been diagnosed with HIV in December 2014, started Atripla February/21/2016. It´s been 1 week i am using it and i am feeling very useless already, i feel lightly dizzy during the day, then after 3 days started feeling a heavy fatigue and weakness and accelarated heartbeat, significant weight loss and mind confusion. IDK if it will all fade away as my body gets used to it but it seems not to be working for me as for most of the users that related Non or little side effects. Will be updating my status in a month.

When I was diagnosed, my CD4 was less than 600 and my copy count was in excess of 350K. Within 6 months of starting treatment, my CD4 was up to 970, and my viral load was undetectable, and I've remained this way for over 2 years.

I have been on Atripla for close to 3 years, it does its work, the side effects: irritability a light dizziness and diarrhea if i eat or drink within 12 hrs or so from taking it and the dreams

My skin is always dry, I gained 30 pounds and I keep a yeast infection all the time. I want something less toxic.

Slightly dizzy first three days..vivid dreams. Viral load 35k after1 month <20 ..coffee is the only issue cause me to use the restroom immediately.

infected around mid-nov 2013, prim sympt beg dec, diagnosed jan 8 2014. tests jan 14: vl 320,000 cd4 372, cd4/8: 0.5 then on feb 10: vl 230,000 cd4 450 cd4/8: 0.6 started A3 march 4 2014. one day of itching in balls (unbearable), then no side effs. after 1 month: vl 1110, cd4 1030, cd4/8: 0.6 after 3 mo: vl 127, cd4 870, cd4/8 1.0 waiting for 6 mo tests in 3 wks. i have no bad effects that i feel but my creatinine is high, alat/asat slightly up, 3glycerides up... doc wants to change to kyvexa/viramune (due to tenofovir for kidneys and efavirenz for liver and 3glycs). a bit scared of their side effs...

CD4 - 386 before, 690 after ... Viral Load 85K before, 2K after (3 months of treatment) Side Effects: Severe Drowsiness 24 hrs ("Drunk Feeling") Vivid Dreams 2-3 weeks (eat heavy fatty meal exacerbates this) Cost: $20 with my insurance I should be undetectable at my 6 month mark... "crossing fingers"

Is there difference between the same drug which is tenofovir disoproxil fulmars the 300 mg and tenofovir disoproxil 245mg, being the other two component in the drug the same

I've only been on Atripla for 4 weeks, but its been fine. Had slight dizziness on the first day, and sickness on day 3(though I put this down to taking 2 Ibrobufain for sinus pain. I caught HIV from my girlfriend, and she has been on Atripla for 10 months now, and now her viral load is undetectable.

This medication causes obesity and doctors should warn there patients that there lifestyle in eating must change

Vivid dreams. Felt like I was floating, going through color explosion time warp. Some nights it was neat others nights were just crazy dreams. 8/23/13 CD4 401 VL 91804 10/16/13 CD4 693 VL 962 3/7/14 CD4 459 VL UNDETEC