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Generic Name: Erythromycin Stearate Tablets

Brand Name: Erythrocin Stearate

Erythrocin Stearate Drug and Medication User Reviews

Following oesophagectomy after oesophagus cancer had gastroparisis due to vagus nerve being cut. Developed aspirational pneumonia and erythromycin was part of that treatment. Found gastroparisis improved when using and reappeared when not. Now on this permanently with very good results. Other treatments for gastroparisis ie domperidone and metraproclamide had no effect.

While I did feel better, my stomach would get so spassed out that I would have to get my nerve up to take it. I pray I never have to take this again. The stomach pain isnt worth it.

After 2 days use of drug, I developed an unusual pain from my buttocks down the side of my leg all the way to my ankle. Could not get into a comfortable position to sleep, and had muscle weakness when I tried to walk.

strep is getting worse than if I had not taken this ,got better somewhat for 1 day then woke up and feeling realy bad .like swollen stomach and throat is hurting ,gums in mouth infected

this treatment is awsome. I love drugs.

My doctor warned me that nausea would take effect. And boy was he right. But the medicine really loosened up the mucous in my lungs and I'm starting to feel way better!!!

I had them in my cabinet for previous ulxers and now have a fever and sores in my mouth that I think is streo

I am taking this medication for strep throat because I am allergic to penicillin and sulfa meds. Because of the size of the pill it has been difficult for me to swallow it. I have been trying to eat before I take the pill, but because I have strep throat it hurts to swallow, therefore, I now have stomach ache, nausea, etc. Which has been less than fun. But at least I am starting to be able to talk again. So, is it working yes it is. Do I want to take it again, No. It is a wicked pill.

Have had severe abdominal cramping associated with this medication. Took it for prevention of infection for an abcessed tooth and was forced to stop after stomach pain outweighed the pain of the toothache.

After the birth of my second child I started having breakouts which no amount of otc treatments I tried worked finally talked to my doctor and she proscribed this drug due to the fact that we wanted to conceive again. Noticed a differenc within the first week, it is nice to finally have clear skin again.

I broke out in a servere rash while taking this medication. i had to discontinue the use of it.