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Generic Name: Everolimus Tablets

Brand Name: Afinitor

Afinitor Drug and Medication User Reviews

Been 2 1/2 years since diagnosed stage 4 metastatic breast cancer with one spot on femur bone and 2 small lesions on liver. Have been on verzenio (lasted 7 months) then capecutabine (only lasted 4 months ) with lots of progression in between each medicine when stopped working. Affinitor with aromasin lasted longest at 13 months. Just found mild cancer back in bones and possibly liver but not near as aggressive as before. Dr says chance that meds still working and cancer is stabilizing rather than remission but can live years if just gets stable stage Also less toxicity than any other drug I mentioned which gave me best quality of life. I did ask my Dr to go down from 10 mg to 7.5 mg to help with side affects and made a huge difference

I take 10 mgs each evening. As of Dec. 15, 2017, I will have been on this drug for two years. As soon as I started it, I developed some very mild diabetes, diarrhea (probiotics stopped it), some nausea, and fatigue. Never had any infections or mouth ulcers! I immediately went into remission post mets diagnoses in Dec. 2015 with the mets cancer located in my left iliac wing neither growing or spreading. In fact, some spots of cancer in my lower spine have completely disappeared! I have steadily improved with increasing energy and sense of well-being. I'm doing amazingly well! Yes, I'd recommend it! It's been like a miracle drug for me!

Took this for metastatic breast cancer with Exemestane. I felt fine for 2 1/2 weeks and then was hit with severe mouth sores. It was extremely painful and I had trouble eating, talking, and swallowing. I stopped taking it after 3 weeks. I first noticed my gums were tender. The sores came on suddenly and took about 2 weeks to subside after stopping the medication. I did try the mouthwash the doctor prescribed but it wasn't very helpful. My cancer markers did go down slightly.

I was part of the original trial for Afinitor over eight years ago and just recently stopped using it - it had become ineffective for my cancer. It worked well for eight years - well past my initial three month expiration date. Side effects were tolerable. The body adjusts and the severity of the side effects seemed to diminish over time. Please hang in there and stay positive! Your own attitude will affect how you live and heal.

Taken in combination with exemestane, has kept lesion in neck lymph from growing but has not reduced it. Disturbing loss of smell/taste.

The medication stopped holding back the growth of the tumors after about 1 yr and then lymphedema of my leg occurred and significant iron deficiency anemia which I belived was caused by the medication . requiring transfusions and always feeling tired.

Been on this drug for 4 weeks. The start was rocky with flu like symptoms & fever. The MD wanted me to at least try for a full week, by the end of the week I was feeling better. It has all calmed down now and I seem to be tolerating it well. I am a bit more fatigued, had some mouth sores. Looking to the future!!

My dad has kidney cancer and has removed his left kidney. he has consumed afinitor 10mg about 7 days. So many side effects happen. sore mouth and sore throat , reddish on face, nose bleeding almost everyday, fatigue, feel tired. Can anyone know / experiencing whether those are normal symthoms of side effects? is it temporary side effects or will occurs as long as we consume the afinitor?

Severe mouth sores can be avoided by pushing the pill into a mini marshmallow ......that way it does not touch the mucas (sp) membranes in the mouth/throat. I chose not to continue this medication......

We have been fighting breast cancer since November 1999. In 2001 we were told that it had returned as inoperable metastatic breast cancer of her spine and pelvis. After using many different chemo's my wife was started on Afinitor/Aromasin in late March. At that time her tumor marker was over 3000. By May it was 1200.June 651.July 471.August292. We are amazed and very pleased with the results!!!

My oncologist asked me to try this for 6 weeks. After one week, I was doing just fine but by day 10, I had a negative reaction to a bar of soap I'd used before. My face swelled up, I got painful sores in my mouth, was diagnosed with Bronchitis and could barely eat or drink without pain. I was surprised because I hadn't been warned that products I'd used up to now could be bad for my system. I did change my toothpaste as suggested in the directions but nothing was said about bath soap or external applications. I had to stop taking the drug at the end of week 2. I am still suffering with a swollen face and facial skin that is dry and shedding. I look awful and when my face is not itching, it is burning. I have to take a pain pill so I can sleep.

Going well for my wife so far. Stage IV Breast Cancer. Tamoxifen was not working, but Afinitor seems to be working ( breast tumor has reduced in size quite alot ). Side effects are not bad ( mouth sores ).

I had my left kidney removed June 2011 and part of my left lung as it had metas. I was on Sutent and very ill and on another drug that did not work. So far this is helping to shrink my tumors in my lungs. The only side effect is a slight cough and some fatigue.

After failing on 5 other chemo treatments, my Dr put me on Afinitor. Finally, my numbers are dropping again! The only side effects that I have experienced are a few mouth sores and nose bleeds. My hair is growing back, the neuropathy in my legs is going away and I am full of energy again. No more sitting in the chair for 3 hours every week..... just one pill a day, and a once a month visit to the Dr for blood work. I love this medication because it has given me back my quality of life :-)


wife has been on it for 9 weeks with impressive results after failing on sutent and nearly dying from an allergic reaction to torisel. So far, so very good. She has gotten her life back and even traveled overseas for about three weeks. Causes fatigue and some sore mouth, but Biotene helps with the latter(mouthwash and tooth paste). As always with this disease and its associated medicines, just wondering how long this will last. Disease progressed significantly in the period between the first two failures and the start of the new therapy. Our physician says that he has had people on this medicine for a long time (up to 2 years); here's to hoping for the same here...

My father used this drug for 5 months. Nothing happened and it has very very bad side effects I do not recommend using this drug try sth else. Doctor stopped this drug for my father

working very well,no side effects as of yet,no signs of cancer in lastchest exray

I have some mouth sores

just started on7-12-10