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Generic Name: Hydrocodone and Acetaminophen

Brand Name: Vicodin

Vicodin Drug and Medication User Reviews

Excellent pain relief post open inguinal hernia surgery. Excellent for for 2 or so hours, then effectiveness diminishes over time. But, still good enough that waiting 5 to 6 hours between doses is working well for pain management. Alert: Definitely take a senna product to help "move things" along :) Perhaps a psyllium fiber/Metamucil product too.

has worked for me very well after trying countless other meds first because of a bad reputation that is not really true. I started Xanax in 1997 and It might not be for everyone, but it has worked for me well with talk therapy. It is not perfect, but close to it. I was on a high dose 6 mg per day and am down to now.

Best medication ever


this medication safe my life

I was prescribed 1-2 Vicodin pills for severe pain after getting my wisdom teeth removed. It seemed to work for the severe dull ache in the side of my face, but if I touched my cheek the pain was there. Overall it relieved my pain and I was satisfied. I did become quite drowsy so if you have the time I recommend a good nap. 8/10 for my experience.

It has helped my back pain very affectively. I live in Florida and due to being number 6 in the nation in opioid abuse, it makes it almost impossible to get if you really need it. The last prescription I had took 14 days to fill. We had to jump through different hoops and from one pharmacy to another.

I have migraines that I wouldn't wish on Hitler. I got prescribed to Vicodin once in college and got addicted. I took 2 pills in grad-school; that one morning I knew Vicodin was my drug of choice. Being a Paralegal; I'm aware that buying these controlled substances (without a prescription) constitutes a felony. My mom found me unconscious on the floor. She called 911; I ended up in the hospital with an acute LIVER failure. The doctors told my parents I had "48" hours to live. THERE ARE NO SECRETS IN THE ICU. I believe that YOU clicked on this website for a reason. Against ALL ODDS: I got a liver transplant in 3 hours; without BEING on the list. I was NOT qualified. It caused 4 strokes so my Neurologist completed TWO successful brain surgeries. I'm crying while typing because you've got to understand; if you are prescribed to Vicodin OR abusing it: that "Tylenol" in this pill is hard for YOUR liver. (Also if you have an alcoholism background like I did, mixing illicit drugs with alcohol can lead you to death.) Now I have diarrhea, mood swings and migraines every day. Wow: studying law for 8 years at 2 prestigious universities were all for nothing. Please ONLY consume it by a doctor's ORDERS ONLY. My addiction to Vicodin STOPPED me be able to become an attorney. Be careful. If YOU are getting Vicodin from a friend: let me tell you this: that person or "friend" IS NOT A TRUE FRIEND. I had to find out the hard way.

This Medication has Done wonder's for me, But Now I don't know what's going on I Think The Drug companyay have changed the ingredients even the pill shape has changed 3 Time's I Get them form walgreens, so I don't know I my have to asked my doctor to give me another kind of Medicine..

I take Vicodin for bulging discs, deterioration of the spine and arthritis in my lumbar. It is a miracle drug, I would not be able to get out of bed or off the couch if not for this drug.

Was prescribed this after havekng three impacted wisdom teeth removed. It has dont absolutely nothing for the pain in any way whatsoever.

Only problem was the drug not showing up on test. Looked like I was not taking it. Have no idea why. Anyone with this problem?

I was prescribed this for pain relief for a 8mm kidney stone until surgery. I took one tablet at around 11 pm and I didn't get much relief at all. I woke in the morning and my head felt like it was going to explode. Terrible nausea which I absolutely dislike. I said no more of this drug ever again. I pray the stone doesn't move anymore until surgery. I'd prefer what ever they injected into my IV in ER. I don't why they can't prescribe that. Vicodin = one nasty drug for me.

I have reoccurring back pain. Degenerate disk which is getting worse. Vicodin has about the same effect as advil.

I have been taking this for over 4 years and I am very satisfied with how it works. I have chronic pain from arthritis and this helps immensely. I take a higher dose at night because my legs ache more then. I hope this drug never goes away and am able to be on it for years to come. If I stop the pain doesn't go away. It would be like stopping insulin. The diabetes does not go away.

Has no effect on me. I've taken it multiple times. When I broke my finger, when I had wisdom teeth removed, and when I got stitches on my hand after I got cut on some broken glass. Also, I have fibromyalgia and it does nothing to relieve the pain. Smoking weed helps, and ingesting edibles at night before I go to bed helps me to function during the day without pain. But vicodin had no effect for me, is addictive, and is hard on the liver. Would not recommend.

having 2 surgeries an chroni pain this worked well now for sme reason all I have is 2 scripts for Tylenol and tramadol with high dosages of paractmol sorry broken keyboard s im on anti depressants and the 2 don't work make me unwell and dizzy may as well be thrown out :(not sure why dr stopped vicodin I was taking as prescribed could finally work and go to the gym ect wih manageable pain! I dontknow what to do now had to take a week off workbeing in so much pain!

I have taken vicodin for years! I have bad back pain. It worked great for me till my doctor took me off due to feds!Damm Feds!

works great. play tennis 3 days a week,ride a mountain bike, hike rivers and streams, clean 2 pools a week. work at my cabin and around the house. gives me energy plus eases pain. unfortunately i don't like being dependent on a drug. now i have to see my doctor every 3 months thanks to the feds.cost 120.00 every 3 months, plus the cost of the drug.less hassle buying at the local park.doctors are cowards.drug companies are criminals and the feds are morons. thanks for listening.