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Generic Name: Pantoprazole for Peptic Ulcer (pantoprazole)

Pantoprazole for Peptic Ulcer Reviews

Protonix (pantoprazole) "I’ve been on Protonix for 3 months now after suffering a rupture in my stomach from an ulcer, it has drastically changed my body in a good way. The gastrointestinal perforation I had almost finished me off, and I spent 14 days in the hospital. My surgeon put me on Protonix pretty much right while I was in recovery. I’m not sure about side effects because I haven’t experienced any, but this little pill has helped me by healing my ulcers and controlling the acid in my gut. This stuff is basically saving my life."

Protonix (pantoprazole) "Hospitalized in January 2012 due to a bleeding peptic ulcer, which I didn't know I had. The GI doctor said the ulcer was due not to H. pylori but entirely to NSAIDs, specifically the nightly 325 mg aspirin (combination therapy with Plavix for RCA stent, December 2010), to which I added generous doses of Advil (600-800 mg) most days, trying to combat muscle pain from simvastatin. My current combination of Livalo 2 mg and 400 mg CoQ10 has resulted in no pain. I am supposed to continue taking Protonix as long as I am taking aspirin (now only 81 mg). There have been no visible side effects after a year and a half. I do take magnesium 2-3 times a week due to concerns about Protonix lowering my magnesium levels. I also take Caltrate for the osteoporosis it may cause. Protonix is easy to take but hard to get off of, I hear."

Protonix (pantoprazole) "Esophageal ulcer: I had problems off and on with horrible heartburn throughout my teen years until I ended up with an ulcer due to undiagnosed acid reflux and other problems. I was prescribed Protonix, and it was the only thing that worked. Since then, I have been able to use Tagamet (cimetidine) for everyday use, along with watching what I eat, but the Protonix is awesome."

"Had terrible heartburn/ nausea that was just making it hard to eat things like a sandwich and it made it hard to get through work cause of the pain. Doctor said I probably had an ulcer. Took pantoprazole and it worked like a miracle, only had a lot of seasickness like I felt dizzy like I was on a boat. Then I went from 2x a day to 1x for like 2 weeks and I started feeling bad again so I stopped. Immediately after I stopped I started getting terrible stomach/ chest pains and now my acid is just abysmal. I think taking it actually left me off worse than when I started. I've never had acid regurgitation before but now I started having it, and I feel so weak :("

"This medicine helped me so much. It was prescribed to me in June after I got sudden extremely harsh and painful acid reflux accompanied by diarrhea and lost 10 lbs in one week. Couldn't eat without being nauseous, couldn't sleep without my stomach hurting me and waking up to throw up water brash several times. I was in the ER twice for this and that's when I got the prescription. It took around 3 days to control the acid, but I could still feel a slight sting in my stomach for around a week at the time. I got a migraine and was itchy at first...two weeks later my joints started to ache. But then after that I used it for 2 months and now I have stopped. My symptoms are gone! I'm back to normal and can eat/drink what I want. Also, actual symptoms from the medicine seemed to have faded away after 2 weeks and I literally had no reaction to it after."

"My stomach was such a mess with multiple peptic ulcers, I ended up having emergency surgery due to a perforated bowel, spent three months in a hospital.. Protonix has been my miracle. If I run out even for a day I'm in so much pain that I can't even walk. I'm thankful for this medicine"

"Really bad experience, day 4 of taking this drug I have really bad joint pain shoulders, legs, lower back and neck hurt also my body feels super hot. Is this even normal? I will treat my peptic ulcers naturally this was garbage."

"I was prescribed this drug for a stomach ulcer and took it for months. Now the ulcer is gone but I have developed Irritable Bowel Syndrome, a chronic and, in my case, very painful condition. I believe that the drug is the cause. Never again!"

"I have been on 40 mg of Protonix for about 17-18 yrs. It has worked wonders ( I have a peptic ulcer that covered my whole stomach) for years and could eat pretty much whatever. Now it's not working as well and wondered y'alls opinion on upping dose or switching to aciphex ( the (ONLY OTHER ONE THAT WORKS) Which is more expensive. I stay nauseated ALOT but have lived in a very stressful situation for awhile. I have medical knowledge- phlebotomy and Alzheimer's hospice care and med aide but I had a nervous breakdown about a year ago and discovered that I'm bipolar and OCD and ADHD and probably some more letters. I am going to go to my doctors but just kind of wanted y'alls opinion"

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: proton pump inhibitors
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Pantoprazole drug information
  • Pantoprazole (Intravenous) (Advanced Reading)
  • Pantoprazole Delayed-Release Tablets
  • Pantoprazole Delayed-Release Granules
  • Pantoprazole Injection

Other brands

Protonix, Protonix IV

Professional resources

  • Pantoprazole Sodium monograph
  • Pantoprazole (FDA)
  • Pantoprazole Granules (FDA)
  • Pantoprazole Injection (FDA)
  • Pantoprazole Oral Suspension (FDA)

Other brands


Related treatment guides

  • Barrett's Esophagus
  • Dumping Syndrome
  • Erosive Esophagitis
  • Duodenal Ulcer