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Generic Name: Kristalose Lactulose Oral Solution

Brand Name: Kristalose

Kristalose Drug and Medication User Reviews

In hospital after a heart attack. I was given a stent and was feeling much better. Around 48 hours later I had not moved my bowels, was starting to shake, and became cold. My heart rate was ok with modest increase in blood pressure. I became quite anxious. The nurse gave me two tablespoons. Within 5 minutes I stopped shaking and felt so good. She gave me warm blankets and I slept so well!

Kristalose has changed my life. I have always had chronic constipation and became addicted to laxatives. No more! I've taken this for years w/no problems whatsoever and simply excellent results. I could not recommend it more highly.

I have had cronic constipation my whole adult life and have tried everything from inceased fruit and vegetables, senna tea,to enemas to otc products, none of which have given much relief. I had a vagimsl hysterectomy several months ago and found that I had even worse constipation that ever. I have even gone to the ER on occation through the years. I talked to my primary physician and was given a persciption for Kristalose. It has changed my life for the better. True there is some gas about 1 hr. after taking and some bloating during the first week. Now there is no bloating at all and the gas is decreasing. I am on my 3rd month and would love to take it for the rest of my life. It may be effective for long-time suffers such as myself and not so for others, as with most drugs.I cannot praise this "remedy" enough!

My colon is longer than normal which causes severe constipation. This drug works but like the others, the gas and the bloating and distention of my stomach is horrific! Feel like I can't bend over stomach protrudes so bad! Discontinuing use. Was on Amitiza, but made me nauseated so bad I had to discontinue that too.

I've used this to soften stools for over 5 years. I've found that it is best for me to use as I go to bed. I will have a ton of gas as I first wake in the morning, pass it all at once, then have no trouble the rest of the day. It has totally regulated my bowels - no more constipation.

Causes extreme bloating and horrific gas. I look like I am pregnant and the noises that come out of my belly are unbelievable. I'll stick with enemas.

its a fast working medicine..they say it takes about 48hrs...but this is a very good medicine that works for me in about 2hrs.never failed me yet

I used this medication and it gases me up real bad and drainage foul smell. I used this for constipation.

Although this med does cause significant gas & bloating, I have been able to identify the best time of day to decrease the inconveniences caused. On the plus side, I tried many fiber options & enemas to try & treat my problems with constipation related to diverticular disease. This has been the best treatment I have found, and NO MORE ENEMAS. I think the product is great, only wish it was in a pill form for convenience.

I have been taking this medication going on 6 months. When I left the hospital( taking 30 m 2x's a day) my ammonium level was in the normal range. My first doctors appointment 3 days later (and was taking the same dose) was in the 80's. Went to 3x's a day 60 m, and my levels started to come down. A month ago it was at 105. Went to 4x's( at 60) a day. Back to normal range. I can not go anywhere there is no bathroom. As for the gas I would fit right in at an old folks home, and for get being in an enclosed space (car). If they could bottle it I probably could send a ship to the moon. That is the worst side affect ( except people do not want me around). Not taking it would be really bad (dead). Hep C is also not a good thing to have.

this treatment is awsome. I love drugs.

Seriously guys, I know this sounds weird.. but for the gas I have found something that works...Coke (or Pepsi, etc., any carbonated beverage I would guess). I know, but my mother put it in her beans to take the "gas out" so I tried it. I hardly ever drink sodas b/c I am on a low sodium diet and anyone knows they are horrible for you even w/o a health condition. It doesn't take much, like half a glass.. Hope this helps someone...

It immediately causes uncontroable gas, which is very embarassing!

Treatment works, but the gas is terrible.

This medication is effective in producing bowel movement but the bloating & gas is severe. After discovering lactose was an ingredient in this laxative, I understood. Why is lactose added to a laxative when so many people are lactose intolerant?

This drug works effectivly but it gives me constant gas and bloating. I am also on the powder form and have to mix it with something everytime a take it. I've gone from 2 bowel movements a week to 3 a day, but the gas is horrific.

This medicine has been used to treat lack of bowel movement all together. The diagnosis is "nonconclusive" no stool. When I take the highest recommended dosage to the least amount, my stool is then immediatly liquid. Not a daily remedy, especially is I'd like to eat or do anything. Time taken about 3 weeks. Have been instricted to use it as it works in moderation of doseage. I haven't hit a happy medium at all, yet.

worked with in hours after starting .I use only 1 packet but could use up to three. I am told I can use it every day if I need too.

caused high blood sugar in diabetes /given because I have cirrhosis/severe problems with blood suga........