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Generic Name: Lamivudine, Zidovudine

Brand Name: Combivir

Combivir Drug and Medication User Reviews

I took this for a few ears and I stoped making Blood.. had to have 35 Blood trans fusion.

AZT component is exhausting. I've learned to live with the chronic fatigue, but it still frustrates me. Rather stay on something that has kept me kicking for 20 years than switch.

I was prescribed the "protocol" antivirals after used needle stick, pt was hep c+ and known iv drug user, the medications make me sick to my stomach after one dose, I was advised that I did not have to take anymore, several days later, all of my muscles, joints, were so sore, I cold barely lift my arms above shoulders, and walking was painful, not sure if my "employee health" advisors take this seriously, but right now I am concerned if there are any long term effects>

kI have felt dreadful since commencing this treatment. I feel I am moving through heavy fog, and my movements are all in slow motion.My brain is fuzzy and I"m physically exhausted,I have self reduced to once daily at night. I wonder though if the antiemetic I take prior to the main event is aggravating the situation. Anyone have any thoughts on this?

I am actually taking Atripla. I work in the Pharmaceutical industry and Combivir is actually going to be available in it's generic form this year. According to Excellus BlueCross Blueshield Association looks like some time November 2012 or there abouts. This is something you may want to speak with your Doctor about.


After a needle-stick w/used needle, I got prescribed Combivir for prevention of blood borne pathogen's; the benefits seemed clear, the side-effects sound life threatening my experience nausea (helps to eat bread, crakers,pretzels any thing w/startch about every 2 hrs pretty much have to force feed yourself), vomiting, stomach feeling constantly raw very painful, lots of uncomforable BM's. I'm writing this review so others in the Medical field or anybody that helps patients that may be exposed to blood borne pathogen's will practice extreme caution.

1-2-2009: This has worked fine for the last 5 previous years. My doctor wants to remove me from it because of potential of lipodistrophy in the face. I have suffered no side effects from using combivir, and am reluctant to part with it. For me, it's a matter of 'The Devil you know versus the Devil you don't".

I have been positive for 13 years and have an undetectable viral load and ove 1k tcells. I take trizivir every morning and every night withour fail.

It is keeping me alive I know that. I had no side effects from this drug. I have been taking it for 10 years


12 years on Combivir with no known negative impact. Just a word to the wise. The drug Reyataz raised my liver enzymes in 3 categories to over 325. This could have destroyed my liver and, at 67 years of age I doubt I would be a likely candidate for a transplant. Doctors are busy and don't remember everything they should. If you are prescribed this drug, insist on a follow up blood draw in 3-4 weeks. Be proactive in your own health. Good Luck!

I have been on combivir for 5 years and have not had a single bad experience with it