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Generic Name: Leflunomide

Brand Name: Arava

Arava Drug and Medication User Reviews

I took Arava for four months until my pulmonologist told my RA doctor it was damaging my lungs. While I was taking it, I lost tons of hair, 15 pounds and felt like my skin was dissolving. My new RA doctor switched me to plaquinil and I started feeling normal again within two weeks. WARNING I had a PET scan two weeks before starting Arava and had no signs of cancer. Six months after I stopped, I found I had fallopian tube cancer. Not a good prognosis. I strongly suggest not using this drug and if you do, constantly check for possible signs of cancer.

I've been on Arava for 6-7 weeks and I'm almost pain free. However,for the last week, my blood pressure and pulse rate have been unusually high! I have stopped taking it, but I was wondering for those of you experiencing this same side effect, how long did it take for your blood pressure to go back to normal?

I have sjogrens and ra. Med given me worst smelling gas and feces ever. My stomach is in constant pain or diahrea or nausea. Even w prednisone 5-10 mg never hungry making taking meds worse. Also on plaquinel for sjogrens. Not helping w pain only 5 weeks in but ready to throw in the towel

My husband was diagnosed with RA for 3 years and died on July 4, 2018. During the 3 years, he was first put on Methotrexate. When that didn't seem to work anymore his RA doctor switched him to Cimzia. When the Cimzia stopped working the RA doctor put my husband on Arava (Leflunomide). After 5 months he started having life threatening conditions (severe anemia caused by myelodysplastic syndrome). His RA doctor said this was caused by the Leflunomide. They tried to flush it out of his system but that didn't work. His immune system was so weakened that sepsis was able to gain hold. In the end he died from severe septic shock and pneumonia (in a matter of 5 hours). Stay away from this medication! The warnings say it can be fatal and they are correct. The RA doctor didn't seem surprised that my husband (who was otherwise very healthy) died. What the heck?? I'm sure his RA doctor is continuing to prescribe Leflunomide. My husband wasn't just "an unusual case". He golfed twice a week and went to the gym twice a week until the Leflunomide became so toxic that it attacked his bone marrow and shut down his systems. As they say, "there should be a law..." But there isn't. STAY AWAY FROM ARAVA/LEFLUNOMIDE!

Second drug tried. It is not working either.

Take every day first thing in morning. Am nauseous at least half day after. But must take because can’t get on another biological until after next si joint fusion surgery. Already tried enbrel but next up is humira

Nothing bad to say about this medication, I have been on it for years with no side effects.

Massive, sustained hair loss.

severe stomach/intestinal pain and bloating

My rheumatologist started me at 20mg. daily and within a week I was not stop vomiting, dizziness and bad headaches. She told me it was not the Leflunomide generic for Arava and I ended up in the emergency room. I stopped taking it and I felt much better. It caused nerve damage in my feet and my legs and thigh muscles are sore. My doctor always says it is not the drug. They must be taught to say this. You have to use your own judgment. They don't tell you anything or just don't know. I am now on Humira injections and 5mg. Prednisone. I need something to take with it because it is not enough to take to stop joint pain. I also take Ibuprofen in the am and every six hours after Tylenol. I also take Iron because I am anemic.

I have been taking Arava for 5yrs, in conjunction with methotrexate. Started with 10mg daily then 20mg. Had to reduce to 3 days a week as it was affecting white cell count. Was on 5 days a week fairly successfully until a massive flare hit

Have taken (20 mg) for 10 years with great effectiveness. Increased to 40mg on weekend to offset Temporal Arteritis symptoms. Been effective in that regard for 8 months.

I started Arava 4 months ago to augment Mothotrexate. I have lost almost 10 lbs and am always tired. I am not eating less and don't have enough energy to exercise so I should be gaining weight but I have almost constant diarrhea. Will tell the doctor I want to stop. Also, very expensive.

I took generic Arava for the 24+ yrs I have had RA in both joints & lungs. Completely controlled joint pain after about 4 mo. of use. RA in lungs was treated well, or dormant though visible on xrays, until last 5 years. During last 5 years fibrosis in lungs has become quickly progressive and now I am on oxygen 24/7. RA and lung doctors have taken me off Arava and put me on Imuran (now for about 3 months) thinking it may better treat the lungs while keeping the joints pain free. Joints OK but no improvement, in fact still progressing, in lungs. Now considering lung biopsy and possibility of transplant. Only side effects I've notice with Arava is slight hair thinning and some blurred vision. Hope this helps. I understand RA in lungs is somewhat unusual.

I have totally had to come off of Arava, Meloxicam and Plaquenil, not sure which one is causing the side affects but I haven't eaten and kept any food down in days, and my liver count has gone up tremendously.

Starting taking Arava to combat inflammation of veins in hands and feet. Partially useful for 6 months. Appears to cause hair loss.

I am on Arava for stiffness and pain in my lower extremities. It got so bad I was considering using a cane...the Arava took all the pain and stiffness away. Its totally gone...but my BP is up.

I took Arava for about 4 years. It seemed to work well except for potassium levels going up and down. Which caused my blood pressure to be high,something I've never had problems with,and my moods go haywire.I'll drink cherry juice or some other natural way. Two bad experiences with Ra meds is enough for me. Try to keep those joints moving as much as you can daily!