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Generic Name: Vosol HC (acetic-acid-hydrocortisone-otic)

Vosol HC Reviews

For Otitis Externa "It is the only thing that works for my chronic otitis externa. My only complaint is the $200.00 price increase. Yes, last summer I could purchase it for $36.00, at this time I must pay $228.00 for a 10 ml bottle."

For Otitis Externa "OK, but I liked Cortisporin better. If you need the cortisone to reduce swelling & related pain. If it's just the itchiness, try a 50/50 mix of isopropyl alcohol and white vinegar. The vinegar gets you the acidic antibacterial/antifungal effect, and the alcohol speeds drying and evaporation."

For Otitis Externa "I am extremely disappointed in the discontinuance of this product. It is the ONLY thing that helps me with itchy and inflamed ears. I am a hearing aid wearer, and have lots of issues with my ears. PLEASE bring this product back! I used this PRN and not every day."

More about Vosol HC (acetic acid / hydrocortisone otic)

  • Compare alternatives
  • Reviews (3)
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • Generic availability
  • Drug class: otic steroids with anti-infectives

Patient resources

  • Vosol HC otic drug information
  • Vosol HC (Advanced Reading)

Other brands

Acetasol HC

Professional resources

  • Hydrocortisone and Acetic Acid prescribing information

Other brands

Acetasol HC

Related treatment guides

  • Otitis Externa