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Generic Name: Lenalidomide

Brand Name: Revlimid

Revlimid Drug and Medication User Reviews

I hav e been on this drug for 3 years. I am alive and thats the bottom line but i am tired all the time.i have also developed neuropathy in both feet and have watched my skin become thick.

Was diagnosed with multiple myeloma 11/16. Was immediately started on Revlimid, on 3 weeks, off 1 week. and Dexamethasone, 5- 4 gm. once a week. I had no side effects from the Revlimid except a metalic taste in my mouth, but had to stop the Dexamethasone after the 1st month because of rapid and skipping heart rate. As I also have AFib I felt that this could bring on an AFib episode. I was put on Prednisone, 3- 10 gm. once a week. Except for not being to sleep on the night I take this medicine I have not had any side effects. In two weeks I will be receiving Zoledronic Acid infusions once a month. I also take Toprol XL 50mg and aspirin 325 daily.

doctor used this for my mother who he stated had MDS without the syndrome. All her blood levels would drop so drastically to critical points. Then she would be taken off the medication and given blood stimulating injection. Her blood levels would climb to just a somewhat acceptable level. The doctor would put her back on the Revlimid, and her blood levels would bottom out again. He repeated this bottoming and recovering process for about 10 months. Finally, my dear mother could not recover. She ended up with just about all the side effects of this medication and died. We must remember that this medication is a chemo drug and will lower all blood levels in the body.

Diagnosed 10/1994 at age 42, in otherwise excellent health. Single tumor affecting 45% of L4. Initial chemo & focused radiation. 18 month remission, followed by numerous small tumors in the rib cage. Tandem Autogolous Stem Cell Transplant in 1997. Several periods of minor tumors followed by use of Thalomid. Significant elevated counts in Fall 2005. 2 months of Revlimid 1/2006 with fantastic results. Diagnosed with Myelodysplastic Syndrome 6/2006 (attributed to initial treatment with Melphalan). Successful Allogenic Stem Cell Transplant, 8/2006. Remission until 6/2013. Worried about secondary cancer risk so opted for Thalomid which was unsuccessful. Had problems tolerating Velcade. Back on two 28 day cycles of Revlimid with great results again. Significant fatigue. Now on 10 mg maintenance dose, maintaining low Kappa counts ~ 20. Some fatigue. Neuropathy in feet. Minor skin rashes and dry spots. Completely normal red & white blood counts. Singular best course of treatment I've had in 20 years.

Diagnosed with MM 4/08. Had failed stem cell transfer, CDT and Velcade and all failed. Now on cycle 32 of Revlimid and my count is almost undetectable. Main side effects are IBS which at times is bad and facial rash which is unsightly but tolerable. Recently had a blood clot in my arm and had to stop treatment but that is now cleared. Am on 5mg Revlimid and no steroids which is fine as my weight ballooned on steroids.Feel tired at times but hey I'm alive and doing ok.

drug has worked very well, no side affects as I can tell.

everything works fine having to sign for delivery while still working and finding a place to sign for me was the most difficult

my 90 year old husband has been on revlimid since Jan.'09. No more tumors so far and little side effects. Has worked very well.

this review is for my mother , 77 yrs old . She had a full pet scan before starting revlimid , only 3 very small lympnodes showed . after 21 days on it a giant tumor showed on her neck . so the dr increased the dose , before the next 21 day cycle was over she was in the ER , nearly dead .A new pet scan was ordered , in less than 2 cycles she had 2 massive neck tumors , the tumor on her spine was back and large enough to see from her skin , she had lung tumors that she had never had before , kidney tumors !!!!all of this in less than 60 days !!! Before this drug she was enjoying being outside with her flowers . today is August 21 , she is in a come , probably her last day . all this has happened in the last 4 months , WARNING , IF YOU GET ANY SWELLING , DONT LET THE DOCTOR CONTINUE OR INCREASE THE DOSE !!!!!!!!!

Have been on Revlimen for 18 months and I have doing well on this, very little side effects, mainly neuropathy.

Having problems with some side effects, muscle cramps and my neuropathy has gotten worse.

My only side effect is neuropathy(sp)in my feet. I walk 4+ miles a day.


So far the medication has work well for me.I have been blessed.

I was recently diagnoised with multiple myeloma 03/05/2012. The theraphy initially prescribed by my oncologist were a combination of dex(steroids)and Revlimid. I am a 65 yr old male with no prior medical conditions. On the fourth day of the revlimid treatment I had to be hospitalized because of a severe reaction. My body portruded with whelps, my head, face and arms swelled up and I became red and itching all over. I was released from medical emergency after four hours of treatment. The next day my oncologist took me off this medication. He is to prescribe Velcade instead of Revlimid now.

Even after induction chemo and 2 autologous stem cell transplants I had a good reponse but was not in remission. Within a few months myeloma started to worsen. Was started on 15 mg for 21/28 day cycles. I was in remission within 4 months. That was 3 1/2 years ago. Only side effect is irritable bowel and I think it is the cause of a metallic taste in my mouth

lowers the white blood count