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Generic Name: Levocetirizine Dihydrochloride

Brand Name: Xyzal

Xyzal Drug and Medication User Reviews

This is the absolute WORST medicine I've ever taken. My husband and I started it and feel like we can't put one foot in front of another. Sleep was horrible as it provoked dreaming all night. Woke up, allergies were still bad, nose stuffy and had to take a nose spray. I don't want to add meds to my regimine. I feel like I am walking sideways and want to sleep off something that feels like a bad hangover. NO I was not sick when I started this (3 days in) but feel worse than I did before I switched from Allegra (which I loved but doctor suggested switching up so that body would not become immune to the effects of the OTC medication). Wouldn't recommend this to my worst enemy.

I took this a few times- but only used half and it was fine. However, yesterday I was having a really bad experience with my allergies and took a whole pill- and I will never do that again. Firstly, my allergies symptoms were not reduced- and during the day I started to feel disoriented and dizzy. Then during the night, I had chills, a headache, and a sore throat. The next day I woke up and felt a bit better, but had an intense hangover feeling (having not drank any alcohol). I had to spend the day in bed- and on top of that, I experienced some stress that day and my anxiety went through the roof in a way I have never experienced as I was experiencing some heart palpitations, clamminess, and other really uncomfortable symptoms. Of course, I have considered that it may not have been the Xyzal and that maybe I am ill, but the symptoms appeared and stopped so suddenly that it can't be anything else. I am so happy it has worked for others, and hopefully, it will work for you- though I wanted to share my experience in case someone has a similar experience of side effects as me.

I'm writing this review to perhaps help connect some dots for some folks. I took Xyzal for 110 days (first 2-pack), then took a break over winter when I didn't need it as much, then restarted in March 2022. In the month and a half after restarting, I was getting continually more fatigued and achy, little by little, with almost a drugged/hungover feeling most every morning. Sometimes I would wake up, make a cup of coffee, sit on the sofa and practically fall back asleep; other times, I'd get up and have to go lay back down. It would take me until late afternoon to feel somewhat functional. I chalked this up to other issues (hormonal, life changes, work stress) but then stumbled upon something that discussed such side effects with allergy medicines. After doing extensive research, I've found these effects are not as uncommon, or random, as they first appeared. After stopping the Xyzal about two weeks ago, I'm no longer having the exhaustion, body/joint pain and drugged/hungover feeling every morning. It has been a marked, and remarkable, difference. Granted, I still have allergies...but I'll gladly take those over feeling like I was 137 years old. The medicine worked well the first go-round with my allergies, but I've learned that some brands have far more pronounced side effects after stopping and restarting. Again, I'm writing this for those who might be concerned something is terribly wrong with them; since I have other long-term (but manageable) health issues, I was getting a little afraid that something else was happening or, that if this was just "aging," I wasn't going to make it much longer! I'm feeling so much better now that this medicine is out of my system. It sounds like it works for a lot of people, but some might find they're experiencing the same "frog in the pot"-type symptoms--the ones that very slowly get worse and worse until you're wondering what the heck is happening to you.

This medicine made me think I was dying. I started taking it after taking Zyrtec for years. After a month I started to have vertigo, pressure and pain in my ears, blurred vision, tinnitus. Got so dizzy I could barely stand. Went to ent and eye dr. Everything was fine. Looked up the side effects and it fit perfectly. Stopped taking it and finally a week later all my symptoms went away. Thought I had a brain tumor the symptoms were so bad.

I really wanted Xyzal to work for my allergies, however the side effects were just debilitating. It did dry up my sinuses, but also caused excruciating headache pain and some muscle aches. I could not get out of bed the next day the 3 times I used it the night before.

I took Claritin for a long time until it stopped working and then I went to just medicine which didn't do anything at all

I thought I would try the generic brand of Zyzal, took 1 in the morning and 1 in the evening. It feels like I didn’t take anything. My husband went and got me the name brand Zyzal and about 5 minutes later I can breath through both nostrils. I feel so much relief I will never go to a cheaper brand.

Helped with the allergy symptoms but had trouble sleeping with horrible nightmares when I could sleep. Very tired during day. Also affected kidneys with dark urine and frequent urination. I won't take any more of this due to the side effects I feel are dangerous.

I find this to be a mild antihistamine. I take it at night, sleep most of the night, but it doesn’t relieve severe allergy congestion for me. It doesn’t make me tired in the morning, but I did notice feeling depressed after a straight week of taking it and had some very terrible nightmares. Given it’s light effect, it’s not worth the side effects. Sudafed pe for me, but it’s only a 4-hour med.

This medicine was prescribed to me by my doctor after feeling tired whenever I would take Certizine. This medication does help with my allergies, but I noticed that my heart pounds fast at night when on Xyzal. Also, it's been hard for me to sleep when I take this. I've experienced weight gain, hunger, irritability extreme depression/anxiety and just the little things tick me off while on this medicine. I tried a restart on it but experiencing the same symptoms. I probably wont go back to take this medication.

I've been using this product for over 2 years now and the very first time I tried it was the hardest time it hit me. It made me extremely tired and I slept 8 straight hours for the first time in my life. My only concern was that I was still light headed the next day and I'm a machine operator but it didn't effect my focus or ability to do my job. After that day my sleep pattern was back to my normal 4 to 5 hours a night but the product always relieved my summer allergies (running nose sore throat and sneezing) where no other 24hr medication worked for me in the past. I've tried Claritin which didn't work at all, then I used Alavert and it work the first season but stopped working after that. Then I managed to use Zyrtec for a couple of years but it's effectiveness wore off the more I took it. So I will stick with this one because it's been the most consistent and reliable.

Does not last 24 hours. Had to change to Allegra, which was more effective and longer lasting,

Benefits: This product is AMAZING at clearing up allergies. I have been on many OTC allergy medicines as we recently discovered I was allergic to my dogs. This is the only allergy medicine that beats the itchy eyes, sneezing, and running nose. Downsides: SLEEPY. It takes about 1-2 weeks to get accustomed to this medication. Until then, you are in a fog when awake. For me and my husband, the other downsides are: weight gain and acne. I know that sounds odd but the experience of being on this medication is a very similar feeling as being on a steroid regimen for bronchitis or another illness. You are consistently hungry, your skin feels very oily, and you break out in places you don't normally break out. I gained 5 pounds in one month and my husband gained 10. For us, this was a large enough deterrent to search for other options.

I must say that Xyzal did help with my post nasal drip. I was taking it every night for about 2 weeks until I notice that my hands, hips, legs & joints were so stiff & sore like arthritis was running all through my body. I couldn't figure out why I was so stiff & sore throughout my entire body. So I stop taking it for a few days & I all of a sudden notice the arthritis like symptoms diminished. I will not be taking anymore. I will go back to sudafed & mucinex. Good bye Xyzal...

I switched to Xyzal from Zyrtec because I thought my body needed a new treatment for worsening seasonal allergies, and this was a huge mistake. I have taken the medication 2-3 hours before bed for the last three nights, and I will not be taking it again. I am someone who normally goes running before work, but I have not been able to get out of bed to do so all week; instead I have been drowsy, sad, depressed, irritable, and just generally exhausted. In addition to being extremely tired and having no motivation to do anything, I have also been ravenously hungry/craving junk food. I will not be taking this medicine ever again.

Really terrible brain fog side effect. Even if taken at night - next morning. Bad headache & ear ringing.

After taking Xyzal for several weeks, and being completely satisfied with it, I began having nosebleeds. I see that is listed as a serious side effect(especially for children, which I am not), but I stopped it immediately. The nosebleeds have stopped as well. After having 3 bleeds within 24 hours, it got my attention.

I took this at around 10:00pm last night and now it is 6:00pm the next day and I am still super tired and in a fog. It works the same as Benedryl with the same reaction, so why would you pay the big price. Never again will I use thIs medication.

DANGEROUS SIDE EFFECTS.This drug should not be over the counter. I have been taking Zyrtec for many years with no complications. I ran out and on a whim decided to take Xyzal. After a few days, I could not sleep, was have trouble urinating, had confusion and then the muscle weakness started to the point of falling down. I starte on my daily two mile walk and half way through I could hardly take a step. A neighbor saw me and took me home. After drinking several pints of water I started recovering. I then took a mental inventory of what had changed. As the packaging of Xyzal is so small, I looked it up on the internet and there it was...many people have had adverse side effects. I do not suffer from other maladies and am not overweight. My only issues is age. I am reporting this reaction to the FDA.

This medication even though great for allergy relief for a 24 hour period, the side effects were more than to be desired. The side effects that impacted me were: constipation, depression, agitation, aggression, irritability, and aggressive mood swings. I was out for 3 days. I will not take this medication again, I will revert back to my old reliable Zyrtec and saline nose flushes. It was one of the worse experiences I have ever felt.