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Generic Name: Levonorgestrel Tablet

Brand Name: Plan B One-Step

Plan B One-Step Drug and Medication User Reviews

This is the third time I took this pill- So glad it worked again! The bleeding/period did not start until the 15th day of taking it and the two weeks of waiting is sooooo torturing. Anyway, I got a happy ending!!!

I use condoms instead of birth control, and occasionally will have to take a plan b as a last resort. It’s always been effective, but man- do I get bad side effects!!! As a disclaimer, my body is pretty sensitive to medications and emotion. The pill usually induces my period within the next day or so, sometimes it’ll just be a week or two early, and it tends to include worse cramping, heavier bleeding, extreme moodiness (more than normal lol), and pain in my lower abdomen/soreness in breasts. Worst of all, for me, is the nausea, fatigue, and headaches. I never get headaches, so I’m sure it’s the plan b, and they’re accompanied with nausea that will sometimes convince me I might be pregnant (though I never am). This morning I ate some carrots and thought I was about to puke. Had a ski trip this weekend and had to power through the waves. I also am an insomniac. I can barely sleep five hours. But with plan b, I will sleep through the whole day and still feel tired. Sometimes it’s nice to rest, other times a nuisance. I also get a little bit of dizziness, which combined with the moodiness (typically anxiety/worry/sadness), will make me feel a bit... out of touch? Fun fun. Ultimately grateful for this product and it’s effectiveness. Basically feels like a worse period with added nausea and headaches. I remind myself I’m not crazy, just dosed up with hormones for a bit! I should also add that I am a healthy 25 year old. I take medication for adhd but sometimes will go off the meds a bit after the pill. It just feels better that way.

Iâ??m 41...took this 48 hours after unprotected sex. I took it the day of ovulation. I was terrified....I just knew I was pregnant. The side effects were bad....if I felt pregnant before,,,,I definitely felt pregnant after taking this. DONT WORRY!!! Thatâ??s how this medicine makes you feel. I had cramps....gas bloating...metallic taste in my mouth...all pregnancy symptoms. I saw where this doesnâ??t work if your ovulating....but I had to try anyway. 40 dollars for the pill is sooo worth it considering how hard having a child is. I didnâ??t get any spotting like some people but 2 days before I was supposed to start....aunt flow came to town. THANK YOU JESUS. Itâ??s a rough period....clots and very heavy with knee crippling cramps....but Iâ??m taking it on like a blessing. Young ladies....donâ??t be dumb like I was and save yourself 3 weeks of stress...use protection or get on the pill. Iâ??m so thankful to have had this option....and it did work for me. 48 hours after the fact and during ovulation.

Do not buy this if you have a sense of humanity. I use to take this when I was younger and I used to take it a lot for â??in the momentâ? things. I took it in early February. Started bleeding on February 23rd, thinking it was my period. It continued on until March 7, and by that time I was having lower abdomen pain. I had to go to the ER and it turned out I was pregnant. They wonâ??t tell you this, but emergency contraceptives will cause ectopic pregnancies. I had to have my right Fallopian tube removed. I am a healthy 20 year old woman and the gynecologist said it herself that my uterus is very healthy and there was no way of saying where this came from. Do not risk it if you want to lose your Fallopian tube and risk losing a baby that you couldâ??ve had. Iâ??m never taking plan b again. Itâ??s so easy to get but so new to the world they do not know the lasting side effects it could have on your body. Please do not take this. Think before you have sex. Wear a condom. Donâ??t put this into your body. And if you take it, take it right after you have sex. Not a day after.

It worked, but afterwards my period came 1 week early, but the next period came 3 weeks late! Took test not pregnant but still was a little nervous. The pill is effective but may throw your period off.

me and my boyfriend had sex for the first time without a condom. (stupid i know) he didn't cum inside me but we were worried about precum. I'm not on birth control and i'm 16 years old. Neither, him or I are ready for a baby. The next morning i thought i got my period but i heard you bleed after your first time having sex. I took plan b 17 ish hours later. My period had stopped and waiting for the next 3 weeks for my period to come was awful. i had awful mood swings, i was always tired and got mild cramps. thank god my period came yesterday . I had a really supportive boyfriend through all of this and I can't thank him enough for everything. I will say the period cramps that come with this are AWFUL. I've taken hot showers and baths but hey it's better than being pregnant.

I was looking for reviews for a while trying to find someone who took the pill as late as I did and I couldn't find any so this is my experience. I Had sex a week and a half ago on April 22nd. We didn't use protection and I am not on birth control. It was very in the moment and honestly we had been drinking so I wasn't sure on how sharp his judgement was on pulling out. I ended up taking plan B the following Tuesday night on the 25th so almost 72 hours later which was really cutting it close. I was nervous about it because I had to go to work and still had classes but I ended up feeling fine. I had absolutely no side effects and got my period right on time which was one week after taking the pill.

This was not my first time taking Plan B, however the experience has been similar during the 3 times over many years I've had to use it. After a lusty mishap with my ex (omitted condom, no birth control) during a potential ovulation timeframe (aka exactly 14-15 days before my next expected period on my very regular 28-29 day cycle), flipped out and took Plan B 2.5 hours after intercourse. He did not ejcaculte inside me, pulling out just before. Still, I can't guarantee that nothing got inside me and I also can't guarantee there was no sperm in his pre-cum because I'm not a scientist and also this wasn't the first time we did the deed within that 12 hour timeframe. Although, I should mention, the other times we used condoms. ANYWAY. I am also well over the alleged 175 lb weight limit for this pill to work. Took extra sensitive HPTs (First Response) on cycle days 24, 25, and 26 and all were negative. I actually ended up getting my period early, on day 26. The pill seems to have worked very well for me despite the potential ovulation (I don't chart so can't guarantee I was actually ovulating at the time, I just estimated based on calendar dates and my normal cycle length). Side effects were mild, the biggest ones being persistent cramping from day 1-12 of taking the pill, very light spotting the day after I took the pill, anxiety and feeling like a complete and total fat, ugly b-word. This pill is a huge shock of hormones and shouldn't be used as a regular form of contraception, but if you get into a bind like I did, it can work for you. I'm going to confirm with another pregnancy test in about 3-7 days just to confirm the period I am currently getting isn't something else. Best of luck. Try not to worry.

took this pill on day 17 of my cycle, my cycles are usually irregular so I didn't know if I had ovulated or not. I took the pill 7 hours after the condom broke, the only initial side effect I had was nausea for a couple hours. The long term effects sucked for me- dizziness, pain on either side of my pelvic area, tender breasts, sore nipples, mood swings, the list goes on and on. I stressed a lot that I was pregnant for about a week, but on day 45 of my cycle I noticed some brown spotting in my underwear that turned into a full on period the next couple of days. Never been so happy to get a period in my life. THIS PILL WORKS!!! I promise!

My boyfriend and I had sex, condom broke and I took the pill within two hours. Went in to my first BC appointment a few weeks later and hey surprise you're pregnant! Unfortunately due to health issues I miscarried (doc said it was probably from how bad morning sickness got coupled with the stomach flu, couldn't eat for a week and a half). I fell into that small percent of people it didn't work for I guess.

I had unprotected sex the day after my period had ended & I took the pill two hours after. I did not have any symptoms what so ever, I was scared it didn't work but a week later my period came. Just had two periods within three weeks! :/

I am very happy with the results after taking Plan B. I had no side effects whatsoever, and I am usually very sensitive to oral contriceptives. No cramping, headaches, nausea...nothing. I got my period a few days early but I was thrilled to see it. This product worked very well for me. It was about $50, but well worth the price!

Initially, I experienced no side effects. Then, my period came 4-5 days early (no complaints there). HOWEVER, when my period did come, it was like I was being ripped apart. I mean serious, and I am the mother of a 2 year old so I remember pregnancy well. I took a hot bath and that helped, but the pain lasted the entire period (it did lessen). The blood was also bright red.

It worked, I didn't get pregnant but I think I would have rather gotten pregnant then gone through what I went through!! I should note that I don't normally take birth control so this may have messed with my hormones more than others! This was back in January. Most likely unrelated, but 3 days after the encounter I came down with the worst flu I had ever had. Had a quick flu test after 4 days which came back negative but I had a 103 degree fever every day for those 4 days. My period came 2 weeks early, and then I got over my illness but exactly 3 weeks after the encounter (when my period would have normally come) I experienced 3 days of nausea, fatigue, night sweats and swollen glands. I was convinced I had HIV especially after the fever. My anxiety was through the roof. I finally felt normal after about a month but was too scared to get tested for HIV until just recently and luckily it came out negative. No more Plan B for me!

I am satisfied in the effectiveness of not being pregnant but my whole life went down hill from this point on. It created severe hormonal imbalance, rapid weight gain, Acne.

I had unprotected sex on the day of ovulation. 32 Hrs after,took Plan B pill per instructional insert, well within the appropriate time limit. Minimal side effects- dizzy/diarrhea. On the day my period was scheduled to start, I had 2 positive home pregnancy results. That same day, my OBGYN confirmed early pregnancy via urine and blood work. Unfortunately, I apparently fall into that narrow percentage of women that Plan B doesn't work for.

I took it about 18 hours after unprotected sex. No immediate side effects, but the next few days I had dramatic mood swings and anxiety. It was like I was a hormonal 13 year old again. Also experienced fatigue and dizziness. It worked; I did not get pregnant, so it was worth the $50 and side effects!

I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend one day and about an hour after I took plan B. I was dead smack on my fertile period.Either I was very fertile or on my ovulation day. Well, after I took the pill, I had NO SYMPTOMS whatsoever! I was afraid it didnt work and I was so stressed out throught those two weeks of waiting. But then, I got my period exactly 2 weeks after and I was so relieved! So this pill works!

My boyfriend and I were having protected sex and the condom broke, my boyfriend and I didn't know it until it was all over. It was the day before I was supposed to start my period and I took it an hour after the 'accident'. I was very tired and sick to my stomach but after a good nights rest (10hours, which is unusually long for me) I felt much better, the cramps felt like I was being ripped in two and were so bad they caused diarrehea. I was sooooo scared and freaked out but try not to worry because it will not help, although that is easier said than done. Then 5 days after taking the pill I started my period, I have never been so glad to bleed so much. I bled for 5days and it was pretty heavy. It worked great because in the end, I am not pregnant!!!!!

I have Plan B one-step twice and each time I had had no side effects. My period was on time after I took this drug. The only negative side effect was the fact that a month after I took plan b the second time my period was ten days so it may mess with your cycle, but then everything will be normal again.