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Generic Name: metronid-tetracyc-bis subsal

Brand Name: Helidac oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

The side effects are worse than the reason for taking the medication. I had diarrhea for two weeks, black tongue and excruiating abdominal pain.

I posted as Tim - had my appointment Jun 1 and it worked. Hard road but worth it!

I am on my 14th day - last dose for tx of H-Pylori. Two prior attempts with antibiodics did not work. It has been a long two weeks and I almost tossed the last two packs but am sticking with it even though it has been unpleasant!!! Had to leave work today due to vomiting saliva looking substance - again. Anyway one more pack to go. If this does not work off to infectious desease center - Jun 1 results pending?????

hard to remember to take the medication. Has to stop with the yellow and black capsule, as it made my symptoms worse. Doctor had already told me if it did to leave it off. It wasn't that bad to take, just keeping up with it or being where it was available to take 4 times a day.

Get a second opinion before taking this drug combo. The pain and discomfort of the side effects are worse than the ulcer.

After having issues with swallowing, endoscopy and biopsies of my esophagus, stomach and duodenum revealed that I had H-Pylori bacteria. It cased my stomach and esophagus to become inflamed and an ulcer had developed in my duodenum. The medicine was difficult for me to take and I had all of the side affects (MAJOR FATIGUE, black tongue, black stools, metal taste in mouth), but I managed to force myself to finish the entire 14 day kit. I focused on it dose by dose and tried not to think about or count how many days I had left to finish it. The bismuth tablets were just NASTY to chew. During the process, I developed thrush and constant yeast infections b/c this medicine kills off the good bacteria along with the bad bacteria. I was placed on additional medicine to control the thrush and constant yeast infections. It's been 8 weeks since I took my first dose of Helidac Oral. Good news is that a recent breath test revealed that I no longer have H-Pylori. Bad news is that my digestive system is still in bad shape. It's VERY painful to go to the bathroom (horrible pain in my abdomen/colon, diarrhea and blood in my stool...similar to Krohn's Disease...I lost 8 lbs in 8 days.) I can no longer consume any dairy products because it is not worth the pain that will follow. Bummer because I used to love to drink milk. I had to be placed on a bland diet & then later was placed on the BRAT diet (banana, rice, applesauce & toast only) to try to slow/stop the diarrhea. I had to take Imodium AD and even more prescription medicine to reduce spasms in my colon. Tomorrow, I'll undergo tests to measure my levels, as the doctor suspects that the Helidac likely killed too much of the flora/good bacteria in my colon that is needed for proper digestion. If so, I will have to take even more medicine to try and fix that. It's been a horrible experience but I am just relieved that the H-Pylori bacteria is dead. I just hope that the doctor can get my digestive system back to normal soon.

I have been taking this med. for 10 days now I can't eat or sleep and I am having pain in my stomach and stomach feels like it is hard as a rock. stools are dark and pee is also.

I am 5 days in on this therapy and have had mild nausea that is tolerable. I am having an allergic to one of the medications in the therapy; a rash and itching that is not tolerable but the alternative treatment is not an option for me. Since I have not completed the treatment I don't know if it is successful. Will repost when I get test results

I am about half way into the regiment and hate how I feel but I am thinking that I will feel better if I stop my vitamins and dairy. Nothing told me about that in the booklet. But like most of you I am experiecing black water stools, very bad fatique and some stomach cramping.

I have taken this medication for the treatment of H-Pylori. I stpped taking this drug after 10 days. I found myself with no energy and wanted to be in the bed all day long. The side effects also included Black stool, nausea, and stomach cramps. I don't know if taking this medication for only ten days has helped me or not. In about a month I will have my stool tested again, and repost my experience.

Was having terrible indigestion, black stools, metallic taste in mouth. After about eight days my throat started closing up and the whole inside of mouth and throat was blood red and was like it was burnt. Still having a time with my mouth healing up after this. Needless to say I stopped taking the medicine at that point. I was sicker taking it than when I was not.

I took this medicine for 14 days and cut out all dairy while taking the helidac. I also stopped daily meds I could temporarily go w/o, such as aspirin, allergy, multi-vitamins, for the 2 week period. I chewed 2 pink tablets before taking the next 2 antibiotics. I also made sure I was upright for 1/2 hour following medication. I took each medication with food, even just a piece of bread. Had very few side effects: darkening of stools (dark green) and diarrhea about 1 week into medicine, and a metalic taste in my mouth, but it was not bad. Did not have any discomfort that would make me want to stop the medicine. As for effectiveness of destroying the h pylori, I won't know until a follow-up test is performed.

I was only able to complete 7 days of the 14 day treatment. I became bloated, nauseated and had a very difficult time eating. I couldn't sleep laying down, had to sleep in a recliner due to the heartburn. On the 8th day I woke up unable to stand or walk because of the intense pain in my legs and ankles. I spent 6 days in the hospital, hooked up to an IV trying to get my potassium back on level, while three doctors scratched their heads. (It finally took a female dr. to listen to my story and put me on steriods to clear away the pain, and none of them took the time to call the dr. who prescribed the meds to start with.)

I did have the dark stool and some darkening of my tongue. I had read that there where side affects from taking this medicine so I was concerned, but all went well I had no problems only a little nausea if I didn't eat. I just finished and I'm not sure if the problem has been corrected I will have to wait and see.

Just started. Green stools and no energy. And after reading reviews about not working, cramps, black tongues and darkening teeth, I think I'll stop. Is it worth it? I'm already in it for $300.

my bowel movements have been loose and black, i am always nauseaous and tired.

I stopped after 14 doses because of black mouth, metallic taste, heart palpations and stickness like syrup coming out of my skin all over my body- has anyone else experienced this stickness?

I have not had a normal BM since starting this med. My stools have either been loose or liquid and they are a weird green color. I feel bloated and full most of the time and have been having cramping and pain. I felt better before beginning this medication.

the side affect's were very bad,I had to talk myself into taking the pill's everyday, but did all of the treatment,but the treament did not work