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Generic Name: Levothyroxine Sodium Capsules

Brand Name: Tirosint

Tirosint Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have been on 5-6 different thyroid medications since I was 6. I also have a pituitary tumor which messes up my hormones. Last year in Oct. 2021 my levo meds stopped working and my TSH was over 150. I was very sick. My doc put me on 125 Tirosint and I started feeling much better. Then this May, I started feeling bad again. I put on 15 pounds, feet swelling, exhausted, depressed and my doc did blood work. My TSH is in range. I am having spasms in my feet, legs, chest and my tongue is swollen again. My doc referred me to heart doc, I go tomorrow. Is this medicine to blame?

Extreme intestinal issues. Stomach cramping. Horrible night sweats and headaches. Will discontinue asap!! Plus it’s too expensive!!

I don't know whether to pass out or throw up. I've been on nearly every thyroid medicine and none of them relieve Hashimoto's side effects and only cause debilitating cardiac, pulmonary, and neuromuscular side effects. Tirosint is no better. I can keep myself sick more cost effectively on generic levothyroxine. I've lost 7+ years of my life taking thyroid meds that have made me sicker than the disease itself. The doctor's are completely ignorant. All they know is to normalize TSH and act like I'm the only person they've ever seen with continuing side effects. Apparently, they don't have enough ambition to even visit thyroid advocacy sights or reviews like this one as the discontent is clear. It is beyond ridiculous.

RAI treatment due to Graves Disease in 1992 I have taken almost every thyroid medication prescribed but I was recently prescribed Tirosint after being unable to get Nature-throid and due to the inconsistency of compounded NDT. No problems for the first 7 weeks and then began BP issues, all over itching, restless legs, tingling which would not stop and unable to sleep. I had blood work testing for my upcoming dr appt and my levels were all within range but the side effects are miserable. Stopped taking it.

I used to take tirosint but i had stop then the do tor prescribed me the tirosint agaun for my thyroid condition Hashimoto and i regreted taking it i been having nightmares, legcramps, fatigue, depression and my heart keeps on flattering like if it stops...is a horrible feeling i have no energy all i want to do is stay on bed i have no motivation to get up and do stuff or not even shopping wish i love shopping ?? i dont know what else to take cause armour makes me feel worse and the only thing it really helped me was the nature throid but is on recall. Any suggestions

I have never felt better great product

Made a huge difference in my hair, nails, eyes, monthly cycle and bowl movements.

It took a long while, but this medication finally started working in a big way. My hair feels thicker, though still sort of brittle/dry, and I have lost about ten pounds. I didn't really need to, but I sure feel leaner and better! I have more energy and better bowel movements. I do have dry eyes, but that could be related to the many surgeries I have had for detached retina. Overall, very happy and my levels are back on track, too.

Switched from Synthroid and feeling like Hell. Sleeping all day even though dosage increased. Have dry eyes and they are terrible even though on Xiidra eye drops twice a day. Does not list all ingredients and I am horribly allergic to yellow dye as gives me asthma which I now have and usually only have when ill. They just say amber color, is that yellow, hello! Will call my endocrinologist tomorrow as this is a dangerous drug in my opinion. I take thyroid medication as I had a goiter removed so part of thyroid gland removed. Thank God I can dump this stuff. I have taken thyroid meds for 32 years fo not an armature.

I’ve experienced diarrhea, irritability, sweating, constant bowel movements, belches, terrible stomach discomfort (like my gluten reactions if I eat wheat), Uber dry skin and more. Sent info. to Food and Drug Administration and await their reply. WORST medication I’ve ever had!

I was colder than ever and gained weight like crazy. Not to mention the hair loss. Summer in Florida and me withba jacket. Doctor thought I had taken nothing.

Endo doc put me on Tirosant when I switched to him. MAJOR mistake. Serious heart pains - two trips to the ER, admitted the second time - had full heart work-up, including radioactive stress test. Endo doc said the issue was not an adverse reaction to the drug, but my PCP advised I stop taking it immediately and wait two weeks for the drug to clear my system, and as it did the pains in my chest, left arm, and shoulder have subsided, as have too, the anxiety of waking in a cold sweat, and crazy irrational thinking and panic I had thinking I was experiencing a heart attack. This drug robbed me of two months of my life and caused me to take radioactive tests I NEVER would have but for being desperate trying to understand why I was having heart attack symptoms. Two cardiologists indicated the cause likely to be the Tirosant. I am going back to the natural desiccated thyroid meds, and the endo who kept telling me that we are not pigs and should not take a desiccated thyroid from pigs is no longer going to be prescribing me anything because I will not be going back to him. I realize our chemistry makeups are all different, and this drug may, indeed, work for some; however, for me, the reaction is NOT worth the risks. Read the manufacturer leaflet prior to taking and weigh the risks to benefits for yourself. I wish I had done so in the beginning instead of blindly following the endo's direction. Find an endo who is open-minded to know not all synthetic drugs work, and sometimes we need options - your life may depend on it. The thyroid function is not something to dismiss, and it controls MUCH of our well-being.

After being on Levothyroxine for 6 months with zero positive results, my doctor prescirbed Tirosint. In 3 months my TSH was within range and in 5 months my doctor considers my level optimal.

my expectations have been met. It is a pure, additive free form of this rx. Very necessary for some pts.

Have been taking this medication since October 2018 and have experienced an increase in my afternoon energy levels. This was a low point in my day and have complained about it to my Endocrinologist for years. I finally feel great, no hair loss some weight gain, increased energy. I however have had high cholesterol since age 35, I am 60 now. Just had bloodwork done and my cholesterol numbers are through the roof, highest ever. Not sure if this is a side effect of this medication but from what I have read it can be especially female and my age group.

Get your ADrenal glands checked.Read the insert!! Tirosint works well for my underactive thyroid. However after being on it for two years , my Adrenal Glands STOPPED working , hospitalized for 11 days, was dying until they figured it out. Was it the Tirosint?.. after I read the insert in Contraindiction: uncorrected adrenal insufficiency may precipitate Acute adrenal CRISIS!. get your adrenals checked NOW.

I'm on 50mg of Tirosint for 3 years now and have been very consistent with my blood work, For the past 8 months I've been losing my hair. Is this a delayed reaction to the drug?

Started with 175 ug Tirosint , didn’t sleep for a week!! Horrendous headaches. Dr. Dropped dose to 75 ug. Can sleep a bit, still have bad headaches. Had same allergic reaction to Tirosint as Synthroid. Who made the price up for this med? I have hashimotos.

I have Hashimotos disease and celiac disease and this pill works great has no fillers in it. I was reacting to generic synthroid bcs of gluten and lactose and colorings . Tirosint 75 mcg is working great except is very expensive since is not generic version, even with the insurance it was $75 co pay. Someone needs to come up with the generic version, or stop putting crap preservatives and gluten and colorings in synthroid.

Initial given the little white pill most people take for thyroid problems but got very bad headaches. Doc had me stop taking them; headaches went away; placed me back on this pill and bad headaches again. He had me take Tyrosine a new thyroid pill without fillers or dyes and no side effects. Have been taking this pill for several yrs. and is effective. Believe I started taking this pill when first introduced in the USA and had difficult time locating pharmacy that stocked them but now all do.