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Generic Name: Lisinopril

Brand Name: Zestril

Zestril Drug and Medication User Reviews

Started this drug over 10+ years ago. Started out with 10mg. Now have moved up to 30mg.and have a terrible uncontrollable cough, this is the only side effect that I have ever had from this medicine over all these years. But I think it must be time for an ACE inhibitor type BP med. can not live with this cough.

This medication helped my condition, but after taking this drug for 15 years with no problem, I had an allergic reaction. My upper lip swelled and I broke out in hives. Because my lip was swelling, my doctor told me to go to the ER. An IV drip of steroids and antihistamines was administered, and I had to take steroid pills for 10 days.

Found out my blood pressure was high in Easter of 2013.. I tried eating right(vegetarian diet) and exercise, it worked. I got too comfortable and started eating egg, cheese and fish again. In the last two weeks I've had lots coconuts, the water and jelly hard and soft meat (Caribbean people knows what I'm talking about :)) maybe too much good cholesterol and I ate out and something in the food raised my bp . For two weeks I felt like I would pass out. I went to the Doctor, my bp readings 175/95, 130/100 he recommend Zestril. Been taking it for two days.. mercy - sinking feeling, light feeling, tickling of throat, headache, vertigo feeling when rising. Today I tried calling doctor, was unsuccessful, my readings are 110/77, 90/84. I want to know if I should stop taking it.

Started with low dose of Zestril in 1988 (age 48) for HBP; 25 mg I think. As I aged the dosage increased was until 1998 when I was moved to another drug. I did not have any of the listed side effects. Currently using 100 mg Metoprolol with too many side effects. Looking for a substitute.

I have never had effects of high blood pressure. I do have trouble getting 5 mg tablets from my pharmacy My dosage is 15 mg per day.

at first it worked good, but recently it is not working as it should. i am getting headaches, shortness of breath and pians in both of my shoulders.

I may be taking a higher mg than need be for I have felt a sinking feeling a few times. Can anyone let me know if I can half the pill and receive 1/2 the dosage to prevent this.

Just some vertigo when waking in morning. No other side effects

I have been on 10 mg for 1 year now. I have noticed my hair thinning out, I have had no other side effects. The hair loss is getting worse daily.

leg pain

I started this med in January everything was going wonderfully ,then around mid March I started coughing really bad, so my docter said it may be acid reflux and prescribed p-40, after a month on that the cough returned it was worse and I was worried ,turns out it was the Lisinipril.I am now off of it

It's is very good medication for me.

no side effects at all

Have had the dry, hacking, annoying cough since I started it! Am now sleep deprived, irritable and tired of coughing 24/7! Will be ever so grateful to have my MD switch my med to something better!

Been on Lisinopril 2.5 mg for over a year and Corgard 20 mg twice daily and does the job,but lately after taking the Lisinpril I get a terrible headache and wondering if this is the cause even with being on so long.Anyone have or experinced this problem?Thanks.

I took this medicine because I had protein in my urine. I am a type 1 diabetic. It caused pancytopenia in me, meaning that all my blood cell levels were low and they thought I needed a bone marrow transplant. After nearly a year off the meds my blood levels returned to normal. I am not telling anyone not to take this medicine, but if you do please make your doctor run a CBC test a couple times a year to make sure your blood levels are normal. I was told that my reaction to this medicine was 1:1,000,000, but I don't want anyone else to be the one in a million too!