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Generic Name: Medroxyprogesterone Acetate Tablets

Brand Name: Provera

Provera Drug and Medication User Reviews

Took it for 10 days, had a heavier than usual period and conceiright after my period

Took this medication cause I have pcos and was missing my period for a few months. Didn’t get my period until weeks later after taking 5 days of it.I have never had this much bleeding or clots in any period. Would never take again as it’s too much on my body. I cannot go to work or do anything because of the bleeding.

I am eighteen years old. I was diagnosed with PCOS after further investigation into a sudden absence of periods after previously having a perfectly normal cycle. I had no period at all for just over a year and a half. I was prescribed Provera with the hope of inducing it and it did exactly what it was supposed to with minimal side effects. I was instructed to take one 10mg tablet at night for ten consecutive nights, alongside a little snack, so no hassle and very easy to take. The only thing I did note was slight shortness of breath, but it's important to note that I do have an arrhythmia, so although it felt a little worse than normal, it very well could've been a coincidence that I just so happened to attributed to the Provera since I had just started it. No way to tell for certain, but regardless, it was not severe, did not last past my third dose, and I just wanted to mention it to be safe if nothing else. My period started four days after stopping Provera. It was not more painful than usual but it was much, much heavier and lasted a lot longer. That's to be expected after over a year, I suppose. Overall, it did it's job and I'm very grateful.

This has changed my life. I am no longer off work poorly. No longer feeling nauseous and exhausted. It is amazing and don’t want to be without it from now on. Also I have lost nearly a stone as I have more energy.

I was given Provera for my missing cycle. Normally my cycle is on point and comes on time once a month. However this particular time i had went almost 4 months with no cycle. OBGYN prescribed Provera, 1 pill for 10 days and my period was expected to come within 2-10 days following me taking it. My cycle finally came on day 7 after i stopped taking. Symptoms and side effects were mild. I was a little moody, more tired than usual, cramps were a little worse than normal, and my flow was also a tad heavier than normal. I was nervous to take this medicine considering I am a victim of recurrent miscarriages and I have no living children. However, everything worked out and I would recommend this to those that have a missed there visit from mother nature.

I have taken the depo-provera birth control for 5 years without any periods. I am now off depo with still no periods so I was prescribed this medication. I am currently on day 7 of the 10 day cycle pill and I feel pretty normal. Only bad thing is I am breaking out like crazy! I have very acne prone skin and I have noticed that this pill is not made for skin like mine. In regards to periods, I have spotted every morning after taking the first 2 doses (two nights), and then it stopped completely. Hopefully once I finish the cycle of pills I will begin my real cycle of periods!!

I suffer from Large fibroid and I was on birth control for 14yrs so the doctor took me off and I had just had a period. 2 days later I'm bleeding again. Took provera now I'm not bleeding but my body feels different like depressed etc.

I was prescribed Provera for uterine bleeding post menopause. Started on Nov. 1 2021 and so far, a month later, I have had no real symptoms that really stands out. A little irritable than usual. Still spotting, for the last week; dark, light. If I can point out anything, its the bloating. Thank God its not worst but this has been more of a mental/emotional deal for me than anything. I am always thinking what if it gets worst and develops into cancer but thankful all at the same time. I will be 55 next month and I have an 11 year old -- so yes, I must push hard!

My experience started severely. I went to see my gyno because my period had been going on for three weeks. I am a large woman, and the doctor, in my opinion, was rude. I had stopped birth control a year prior and since had light periods. The on lasting three weeks was heavy. I saw the doctor, and he went in on my weight said he believed I wasn't ovulating, so he has prescribed this medication. Then he continued to say it was my weight, and it was unrealistic I would lose all the weight naturally, and started talking about surgery. I mentioned I had lost weight and was not thinking about surgery. Then proceeded to tell me I would unlikely have children without losing the weight. I say this because he only mentioned this medication once before going on about surgery. He then ends the appointment with his opinion on surgery and sends the prescription to the pharmacy. I was not informed of what exactly this medication would do or how it worked. My only instructions were one a day for ten days. I was not scheduled for a follow-up nor given paperwork or any other suggestions. I relied on what I received from the pharmacy and google. While I took medicine, I spotted off and on. Then three days after I finish period comes. It has been very heavy, painful, I can't sleep through the night, and each day it seems a bit worse. Lots of clotting. I have tried Midol and ibuprofen. It dulls the pain, but it is still there, and today I started fiing nauseous. Im aggravated and tired, and I have tried calling the doctor's office to be sure this is normal. My moods have changed. I am not very hungry due to hurting. Im hoping this stops soon. I won't retake this medicine again if it can be helped. I am also looking For another doctor.

I am waiting a hysterectomy and I am experiencing horrible headaches .. I’m on 10mg 3x a day to stop my bleeding and clots (hemoglobin is dropping).. I have 3 fibroids the size of tangerines and an elongated polyp.. the nausea is horrible and the cramping is present .. I’m taking 4 iron pills a day and 3 b12 pills as well .. I think this works but not for my condition ..

I have huge fibroids and I’m taking 20mg now up from 10 to stop heavy bleeding and my anemia so I can be ready for a hysterectomy. My bleeding stopped again after upping the dosage but my god the cramping and nausea is terrible . I’m so miserable with the random queasiness and I swear it’s making my uterus worse. It feels bigger now. I’m ready for this to be over.

I have uterine fibroids. My doctor prescribed me medroxyprogestron /provera. It was working for about 1 and a half months i had no period. It stopped working now i'm back to very heavy periods. I have an appointment coming up to talk about what is going on. Any one ealse having a similar situation?

Been taking this medication in combo with estrogen for significant post menopausal symptoms. It has worked, but I do notice having less patience and increased angerability which is not normal for me. Wondering if anyone else notices same.

I missed my period 3 months straight. I even spent over $100 on pregnancy tests because my SO and I thought I was pregnant but after going to the doctor and telling him what was going on, he prescribed me Provera. He told me to take it for 10 days to see what would happened but it’s only been 5 days into taking it. This is the best medicine that has been made for women with irregular periods so if you have them please talk to your doctor about it.

I went 7 years with no period. Doctor gave me provera. This is my 2nd time using it to have a period. It definitely works. But the periods I have are so heavy definitely abnormally heavy. Every hour I have to change my sanitary products. I dislike the fact the period is so heavy. But it's what I have to do. I had a normal cycle when I was younger, after I had my son my periods just quit. 2 years ago I was diagnosed with PCOS and Melobolic syndrome. Me and my husband are wanting to have another baby our only child is about to turn 9. Hopefully with the provera and clomid we has a successful pregnancy.

I’m very dissatisfied with Provera. It has not eased or stopped my heavy bleeding. Went from 10mg/2 tablets daily to 60 mgper day. Also makes me dizzy. Absolutely useless!

I started provera 10mg for 10 days on 4/3/19. I have PCOS and have not had a period in over 6 months or so. On 4/15 I started spotting and today I had a light period. Taking the pill I had no side effects, except for slight cramps here or there. But once me period wanted to start, I had the worst cramps which kept me up that night - (Mind you , I have fibromyalgia) so it might not be as bad for others. Even with that, I would still recommend Provera.

I had no period since 2013 I am currently 57 yrs old, so menopause sounded like the natural thing that was happening.I have a thickening uterus, Once I stated this medicine all I had was heavy heavy bleeding and cramps, its terrible. Dr. wants me on it for 3 months. I can't bleed for 3 months this is crazy. My Body hurts I have headaches.Ugh Just take my uterus out already.

i took medroxyprogestron bcoz delayed in periods for almost 1.5 months i took 5 days dosage one in the morning one in the night. after completion of 5 days the spot occurs on 8 th day and the now the periods r going normal . Thanks to the tablet

I had to take Provera so to slow the amount of times I menstruate. Sometimes every 2nd week, 3x days very heavy with clots finished by day 7-8. I took the first pill on the day before my monthly and had headaches with mood swings. My monthly started the next day, it was very light over 5days. My headaches and mood swing disappeared on day 2 of my monthly... unsure whether I should continue