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Generic Name: Mirtazapine

Brand Name: Mirtazapine Tablets

Mirtazapine Drug and Medication User Reviews

This medication cured my anxiety I used to struggle w/ nausea and vomiting from my anxiety I can now eat anything I want whenever I want and as much as my body craves. I was constantly anxious and nauseous I lost 20lbs due to my anxiety and after starting this medication I gained the weight i needed. I’m only on 7.5mg and it truly changed my life. However, if gaining weight isn’t something you want then don’t start this med cuz u will gain at least 10lb on it even on the smallest dosage. PLEASE GO START THIS MEDICATION IF U CAN. Oh and the side effects were not bad at all I was just sleepy the first 2 days and eating alot which isn’t a bad thing for me so it worked fine. It also works well mixed w other meds i take it with Wellbutrin and it truly balances and helps taking them together. Im someone who hates meds and procrastinate starting anything new but trust me I wish I knew this medication existed 3 years ago. I now look and feel so healthy.

I was on this for a year and it made everything significantly more difficult for me. It made my anxiety so bad that I ended up in the hospital, my depression never felt manageable. I also never didn't feel hungry, I'd eat something and 10 minutes later my stomach was still growling. Not that I continued eating, just being forever hungry screws with you. I also couldn't lose a single pound on this no matter how hard I tried, it made me gain 20 pounds and stay there. As well as it helped with insomnia temporarily. But just like melatonin it loses its effect. Also biggest point here, it took me four separate tries to get off of this, the withdrawl symptoms are awful. And I was only on 15mg. Would not recommend this.

This medication was prescribed for my husband after he was diagnosed with 2 life threatening diseases. He did not take it until he was at his breaking point with his depression and attempted suicide. After he started to take 30 mg every day he slowly Got better. He now has no feelings at all except when he gets upset with the kids. He does not have a sex drive. He does not show affection any longer. He does not like to be cuddled on he has completely changed. So I appreciate the meds helping in the beginning but now its messing with my 20 marriage.

It's wonderful... works for me... feeling a kind of energetic throughout the day... it's not like a stimulant like modafinil but you don't feel like drowsiness as in other antidepressants..it makes you hungry...a lot.

I've tried this med twice and the 1st time I took it, I stopped after 3.5 weeks as I thought I was having a bad reaction (the withdrawals were terrible so get med advice when stopping). I restarted Mirt 15mg as I tried 3 different SSRI's and could not tolerate the side effects. For the first 2 weeks, I was sleepy and really groggy the next day, but this went away. At 3 weeks I couldn't sleep, was shaky, and had bad anxiety. This lasted about a week then went away. At 6 weeks I started to feel pretty good, but my Dr increased the dosage to 22.5mg to ensure I was getting the full benefit. I went through the same side effects as before but more mildly. It's been 14 weeks since I started meds and I feel so much better. I have mild gastroparesis and have managed to put on the weight I need, I don't feel quite as nauseated, I no longer feel despair, and my sleep is far better than I have for ages. This drug has given me hope! I think the key is to stick it out as it seems to take a while to take effect. I don't have any side effects other than occasional restless leg syndrome (but I find if I drink plenty of water this goes away). Also, I've always run high energy and I have found this has mellowed me out a little. I highly recommend Mirt if unable to tolerate SSRI's.

I was put on 15 mg after being on fluoxetine for 6 months. I'd started to become angry and agitated with low mood and suicidal thoughts. I'd already tried seetraline and citalopram so my doctor decided to try an atypical pill as opposed to an ssri. So within an hour of taking I felt like I'd been drugged. I was swaying and walking into things. I lay in bed and had uncontrollable leg twitches. My partner ended up sleeping downstairs as he said it was like sleeping next to a washing machine. I woke at 7 am with great difficulty but dragged myself out of bed to get the children up. I felt hungover and unable to function. I couldnt have driven that day and I ended up falling asleep at 11 am with my toddler present. I didnt know id fell asleep and it was as like I was trapped in someone else's body. I decided they were to dangerous especially in terms of caring for children and stopped them. 2 days later I feel achy and my head is throbbing. I've had side effects from antidepressants and been able to rude them out til they pass but these are more like a horse tranquilliser and im not operated under any circumstances to risk them again

This medication is dangerous. I was on 45 mg for 2.5 years for sleep after being on many different medications for sleep. I have been painfully constipated almost this whole time. I went to 4 doctors (and made many lifestyle changes) before one finally agreed with me that this medication could be stopping me up. I began to taper (takes over a year!) - but I could not stand the stomach pain any longer and have quit cold turkey. I am now 1 week off of this stuff. I am taking a 2-4 week medical leave from work because the withdrawal is so intense. I would not recommend this medication to anyone unless you have no other option and never want to come off it. I am sleeping better now without any of it. I can’t wait to have my life back.

Got put into these when citalopram stopped working for me I’ve suffered depression most of my life what I loved about the medication was it made me sleep really well but I was very snappy and had this guard up it wasn’t working for me it made me unhappy so if you want a decent night sleep then yes I suggest this but in the long run no . It also made me put on loads of weight and my jeans didn’t fit me anymore I was constantly in the food cupboards it was awful made me feel worse about myself I had to come off them

My dad has started this medicine about 10 days back for depression. He has been feeling even more depressed and crying all the time n mostly fatigued like he has no energy at all. He took only 7.5 mg for first 8 days and increased it to 15 mg. Doctors are still asking him to continue it for a month. They don’t agree that fatigue is a symptom of this drug. Worried if we should continue or stop it. He is also experiencing hair fall.

My mother took this 4 years ago and it worked almost instantaneously , 2nd time around she took her own life. I don't believe doctors know enough about anti depressants

I was disappointed when I first took this medicine as I felt it was too strong but I started cutting the tabs in half and they are just right. It is a shame they are not made in a lower dose but this method works well for me. I don't feel too sleepy and have 'bags' of energy.

I am taking 15 mg for severe insomnia.I did not sleep 10 years and I took about 18 different meds. but nothing worked.Mirtazapine SAVED my life.Because I did not sleep so long I had depression too,and I think it is hepling me for that too.Please dont take away this meds.I would kill myself if I dont have it.Yes I gain some weight but benefit of this medication is much higher then negative.So I am sorry it does not work for somebody but for me is great!

So, I I am battling anxiety disorder, PTSD, and major depressive disorder. Almost instantly the meds worked for me, over these last six months I have barely been able to get up out my bed let alone sleep. Taking his med has been a godsend and has helped me tremendously. I’m finally sleeping through the night not waking up every hour in and waking up happy with a smile on my face and vibrant and eager to get my day started. I haven’t felt this way in years, so far medication to do this really is amazing. Each medication does differently to others. Yes it does make you sleepy and it can make you dizzy but this is why the doctors tell you to lay off drinking alcohol and or doing any other drugs that is in connection with this medication because of the side effects that can cause because of the medication . I don’t think this medication should be taken off the shelf just because it had bad side effects to others does not mean that it will have the same for someone else. This goes for any medication or any drug that is administered by a doctor. It is always stated that medicine is not a guarantee and we all know that medicine is not a guarantee but what works well for others might not have worked well for you but it does not mean be disrespectful to the fact that it still has helped a lot of people. I’m sorry that it did not go well for others and I’m sorry that you have dealt with negative reactions from this medication but I do believe this medication is helpful for myself. I am 130 pounds I have a very high metabolism and yes I can easily gain weight if you can tell me a medication and just make me gain weight and just be dizzy and fatigue nauseous I will take that over losing my sex drive because of an antidepressant. I for once feel normal. I hope they keep this medication. Weight gain is no biggie for me. I’ll just continue to go to the gym. Simple fix!!!!

Great for sleep & depression but have weight gain & hard to shift :(

I was put on this after an attempt. Gained 20 pounds in 2 months. Doctor fortunately listened to me and took me off after I stepped on the scale. Didn't help depression at all.

I was prescribed this medication after being diagnosed with GAD and depression. When I first started this treatment, I felt SO tired that I could barely stand - For two weeks. After those two weeks, it worked incredibly well. My anxiety is much more manageable, and I quickly recovered from my depression over the next three months as it was a byproduct of my anxiety being out of control and affecting my quality of life. I have been taking it for over five years to manage my anxiety, and I feel like a functional person in a way that I never had before. I didn't know what it was like to be in control of my fears and worries before I started this treatment. I still worry a lot, but I am able to take charge and make choices despite my anxiety in a way I couldn't before. I sleep through the night, where before treatment I would stay up worrying for several days, then crash and over-sleep. When I did sleep, I experienced night-terrors and sleep paralysis, but I have experienced neither since I began treatment. I understand that not every treatment works for every person, but personally, my quality of life has improved dramatically because of this drug and my advice to anyone who tries it is that if you are able to ride out the exhaustion of the first two weeks it does get better. The only side effects I experience now are that I get fairly dizzy when drinking alcohol or when tired, and I crave a snack after I go to bed. I find both side effects easy to manage.

When they said it was a sedative, boy they were right. If you don't respond well to sleeping aids like melatonin, don't take this. I had only taken it for two days and it made me wet the bed. In the short time that I did take it, I too felt like a zombie. If you're sensitive to medications like this you might want to reconsider. Everyone is different, though.

Made me feel very very drowsy, felt unable to complete everyday tasks because I just felt like a zombie constantly. Tried 15mg and 30mg and cannot wait to come off it to feel a bit more normal. Managed to gain over a stone in a month. Be very wary of taking this.

I for one can not rate these meds as I’ve only just started them. But I’ve noticed a lot of people have experience worsening depression. The first two weeks it’s normal to feel worse due to the side effects of suicidal thoughts for those under 30. My mental health nurse informed me of this and I now have to check in every so often to give them the heads up that I’m okay. They should be monitoring you especially the first two weeks. “It gets worse before it gets better”

This is a horrible medication. Does not help depression and made me so fatigued I had to CRAWL up my stairs…and this was in the daytime! I agree with the post that stated this should be taken off the market! AWFUL