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Generic Name: Naltrexone HCl and Bupropion HCl Extended-Release Tablets

Brand Name: Contrave

Contrave Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have lost 30 pounds in 5 months. This medicine has definitely helped to curb my appetite and helps me feel full faster. The only downfall that I have seen is the severe constipation. I do have to offset it with high fiber diet, and stool softeners. I use the gentle collace/non stimulant one and it does help. I do remember having a brief stint with nausea at first but it didn’t last long. Overall I am very satisfied with this medication and don’t see myself stopping it anytime soon.

I started taking contrave on June 18, 2022, this day i weighed in at 268.9 lbs, this is terrible considering i am 5’5 and 25 yrs old. The first 2 days i did have a headache but not so severe i wasnt able to function. Ive taken other weight loss pills before and had the same side effects but with contrave it went away much faster. After the first week i started to really see a difference in the amount of food i was eating and the decrease in cravings throughout the day. I was also more energetic. I work very early and have a 40 minute commute, i used to be very tired and struggling to stay awake driving to work but since taking contrave i am more awake in the morning and have much more energy throughout the day. I haven't changed my diet entirely, i still eat out more than i probably should but do still make pretty healthy food choices and i use my treadmill about 30 minutes per day. As of today July 10, 2022 i am weighing 255.7. This is AMAZING as I've struggled so much to loose weight in the past. I can not weight to see what the next couple months brings for me!

I am 5'5" and I weigh 175 lbs. I read about contrave while searching the Web so I decided to try it. For the first 3 weeks I did nothing but sleep and when I was awake my sister and roommate both told me I was in a foul mood and angry at best and they both pleaded with me to stop taking it. I didn't and found myself becoming uptight and easily annoyed and with an extremely short fuse. My boyfriend had finally had enough of my bad attitude and mood and dumped them down the garbage disposal. I had 2 more bottles and a few months later tried to take them again and by day 2 I was uncontrollably crying and felt very sad and upset and wasn't sure why so I stopped taking them and in a day or 2 it went away. I didn't lose any weight also. This medication just wasn't for me.

So far so good! This is day 2 for me (1 tablet a day for week 1) and I'm feeling good. Energy is high, I slept very well last night (first time in a long time). Coffee is a big thing for me, as I use my protein shake for creamer - but I've noticed I'm not wanting it as much as I normally drink. Water - I'm increasing, water is a big thing for me - hard for me to drink but I know I have to. I will weigh in on Friday and report back, but so far so good - no negative feedback to give at this point!

I took my first and last pill today with food, an hour later I felt horrible , my head hurts , my chest hurts , I feels nauseous, dizzy , and 4 hours later I vomited and have had a migraine . The side effects are terrible how is this an FDA approved product . I am going to report this product .

I have taken Bupropion before so I knew what to expect and followed dosage carefully. It works if you take it correctly. I lost 10 pounds in the first 3 weeks! I also lost my love of wine, which is a good thing!!!

I am 64. Years old on January 1 st I weighed. 260. Lbs. I have been working at home for the last 2 years Yup. I have been on contrave for. 2 months I am now 235 I have no food cravings and I find myself not really all that interested I had a teen burger last night usually I have 2 and onion rings. Last night I had a time finishing 1. Just am not hungry my goal is to loose another 30 by the end of the year. Here’s to hoping

I am 36yr old woman. I started taking contrave 4 weeks ago. My doctor had sent prescription for mail order. I received it on Friday and started it then. The first day I took it I could feel medicine, it’s hard to explain, but it was like it was being released. I experienced dry mouth, headaches, and upset stomach,& constant drowsiness. I did eat something small before I took it, which helped with upset stomach.My appetite had decreased. After 1 week I upped dose to 2xs daily, for 2nd week. This is when worst of side effects occurred. I began to experience constant irritation in my legs. I thought it was from needing more water. So I upped my water intake, with no relieve. But I stuck with it hoping by 3rd week it would go away. When I increased the dose 3rd week is when I experienced irritation in my legs that then spread to my whole body. I couldn’t sleep walk or get up. I had called my doctor let them know and they advised me to step down gradually off medicine. I was so miserable that I just stopped it all together. By 3rd day of not taking any doses my symptoms went away. I’m now 1 week from it and back to normal. My energy level has came back and I’m no longer sleeping during day. I see that this medicine has worked for others. Unfortunately this is not case for me. I just wanted to write and let others know my experience from this medicine.

I have a pretty high tolerance to pills or pain etc. I had to stop after 1 week only one per day, first night NO sleep send day extreme anxiety and very weird uncontrollable thoughts night very little sleep day 4 very hungry if anything increased eating, constant stomach pain and discomfort severe non stop headaches. Continue until I stopped on day 7. Be very careful with this drug, also it did absolutely nothing to curb appetite!

I started Contrave on 4/3 for help losing weight. I am 5'4" and my starting weight was 212 lbs. I didn't write a review until now because I wanted to be able to verify my results over a period of time. I did the Teledoc appointment and used the UpScript mail order pharmacy on the Contrave website. My start-up cost, if you will, was $149 total - $49 for the doc, $99 for the Contrave. I do not have insurance - this was self-pay. I specifically asked the doctor what his experience was with Contrave in the patients he had already treated, and how long it might take to see results. He said patients usually had a good result if they stuck to it for at least 3 months. Good to know. I very carefully read the reviews I could find because I didn't want to throw my money away. I saw a lot of people who had immediate symptoms, so I was watching closely for any I might have. My first week I took the prescribed dose - 1 in AM. I had no symptoms. I immediately began to notice a HUGE reduction in my cravings for sweets. Like other users, I really wasn't wanting my usual pot of coffee in the mornings, either. Week 2: I increased to 1 in AM, 1 in PM and still no symptoms. I would hardly get hungry but knew I had to eat something. At the end of week two I had lost 3 lbs (209 lbs). But not bad considering I wasn't exercising more and not really watching my diet. Week 3: I again increased to 2 in AM, 1 in PM. My weight bounced around a bit, but I didn't lose any weight. Bummer. Week 4: I increased to the max dose 2 in AM, 2 in PM. I began to notice constipation, and this may have been my bigger issue in week 3, I just hadn't realized it. At the end of week 4 I lost another 3+ lbs (205.6 lbs). Week 5: I am on the max dose, my guts are good, and I am definitely making better food choices. I still don't crave the things I used to.... and, wonder of wonders, I dropped another 2+ lbs (203.8 lbs). So, overall, in 4 weeks I have lost almost 10 lbs, without feeling deprived or sick. I know I lost weight and not just water or poo because my scale has fat %, water %, and BMI functions. My fat % and BMI have gone down while my water % has actually increased. I feel physically 'lighter' and my clothes are fitting better. My double chin is also getting noticeably better. Yay! I just got my second bottle, shipped directly to me from UpScript for $99. I'm pretty excited to see what the next 4 weeks has in store. I would definitely recommend Contrave.

I'm a mom and a wife and i work 12 hours a day, an office job and it's really hard to find the time for physical activities. I have been using contrave for 2 weeks and i lost 5.2 lbs. The first 3 days was awful, i had constant headache and diziness but when i stopped eating pork and quit caffeine, i felt so much better. I haven't had headache ever since. I have more energy and i feel good. This medication works for me because i can eat whatever i want (except pork). when i'm already full but i take another bite, the taste of the food becomes bitter so i just stop eating. The only thing i do not appreciate with this medication is when im full, the smell of the food doesnt smell pleasant, it doesn't matter what food it is, it just smells bad but that also helps me to stop myself from wanting to constantly eat. The side effects included insomnia but because i had to quit caffeine, i dont have that problem. The constipation i had lasted two days, after that everything went back to normal. Im glad i tried contrave.

I went to a bariatric specialist. I was prescribed the medications separately and in generic form. Much less expensive. The main pro for this was that I was able to titrate the dosages and time of day I took each medication (under MD direction). I felt a little hyper in the beginning but after a few weeks my body adjusted. I used an app called Baritastic (free). You can sync it with your Fitbit. I maintained a -500 calories per day, This will give you an average loss of 2# per week. I lost 30# in 8 months. At one point I felt I had adjusted to the meds and they were not as effective. My doctor offered to add a small dose of phentermine and it really helped, but it is the one to keep a really close eye on as it can affect your blood pressure. I continue on the Bupropion and exercise (I did not exercise during the 8mo) and am maintaining my weight.

I just got up to 4 pills a day. 2 in the Am 3 in the PM, so I haven't been on it long enough to see any weight loss. I didn't like the way it made my heart feel. I already have palputations but this made my heart feel word. Also I had omicron/covid 3 months ago. And I have lost a lot of hair. So I am not sure if my recent increase in hair loss is a side effect of contrave or covid-19. So I am going to stop the pill. I can't loany more hair

I started contrave about 4 months ago. On the first month I had my period and then 2 weeks later I had my period again the for 2 months no period and then 1 month ago I got my period and it's been going for a month and is heavy with lots of clotting. I went and had an ultrasound and they found nothing so my doctor thinks it's hormonal or because of the medication. I have to go back in 6 weeks and have a follow up ultrasound if I haven't stopped bleeding by then. But I have lost 6 kilos which is very good because I was unable to lose weight not matter what I did. Contrave stops those terrible cravings I use to have.

Really bad side effects, nausea, tire, sleepy, loss of concentration, depression, spoke with Dr she assured no automatic refills, after a mth i get another bottle and money out of my acct, called customer service, did not know location of Dr, firm she works with, anything, might not even be a real Dr. Manager refuse talking to me, refuse to return medication or refund money.

My doctor prescribed this medication as I needed to lose around 50 lbs and was having difficulty. Within two weeks of starting this medication and following directions precisely, I was involved in two motor vehicle accidents, my fault, in less than 10 days. Obviously, my insurance dropped me, but I didn't drive for a year due to after -effects of the drug. I was like a zombie with no affect to my personality. I am 74. I did tell my doctor and pharmacist. Terrible experience.

I was recently prescribed this medication due to having PCOS and having very difficult time losing the weight and being only 5'0 and 230lbs its not very healthy. I have been fine so far except side effects is saying trouble sleeping with I'm having the complete opposite and being super drowsy where I can't keep my eyes open for nothing, but it's only day 3. Hope to lose the weight

On Contrave for 2 days. Experiencing dizziness, extreme exhaustion and constant diarrehea. last dose was 24 hours ago and I'm still having these side effects. Unable to function. Will not be taking another dose.

Day 3 on Contrave. Only taking 1 a day even though doc said 2x day. Very dizzy and nauseous for hours after taking dose. Fog headed. Very loose stool. I'm going to give it a few more days but if these symptoms don't go away I will stop taking it. Can't function with these side effects

I weighed 197…could not control my intake of junk food . I asked my Doctor for help. ( I had tried WW, doesn’t control cravings) Yes ,Nausea headache for a week … both were gone into the second week. I read all and everything about this drug . If it is for you…do, follow what your Doctor says … you have to want to lose weight & give the med time to do what it dose “ control cravings “ I also walk with my music… 2 months lost 30 pounds … I had a serious back surgery…Dec 2021…home in five days with the weight loss & following what my surgeon asked of me … I am walking (with my music) over a mile and or 3o minutes each day . Age 74 no longer obese… happy to say over weight & healthy. Without this medication & especially my hard work of doing my part ?? Yes the med cost me 90 dollars … My quality of life is beyond what it Would have been . From Michigan & the date today “March 25, 2022 “ My health as turn around in 5 months .