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Generic Name: nifedipine

Brand Name: Adalat CC oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Works for me. I take it in combination with Altace. I get the occasional cramps in the lower legs but no other side effects.

For high blood pressure. Doctor originally put me me on 60mg Adalat once per day with dinner but it was increased to 90mg about 1 month later to achieve an optimal blood pressure. I believe it is contributing to a decreased sex drive and difficulty maintaining erection, although that has not been confirmed by a doctor. I also experience frequent muscle cramps in lower legs and feet, usually at night while sleeping. Frequent trips to the bathroom every night to pee; disruptive for sleep patterns. Very minor ankle swelling but does not bother me. The drug is doing a great job keeping my blood pressure within optimal levels.

After years of being on this med, I have been dealing with this intense itchy rash, thought it was dry skin, then the hotflashes came, thought I were going through menopause, then the swollen legs and ankles, doc told me to take HCTZ with it. OMG, isnt that contradicated to this med! My hair has fallen out/ my beautiful skin has gone bad,(rash), Hot Flashes, HA, etc. going into see my doc tomorrow to get this all straighten out, Then I will find me a New Doctor!

Ive been taking this medication for over 2 years. When my angina was first diagnosed it was stable. Then this past March it went to unstable. Ive had an angiogram and have no blockage. My angina is due to spasms in the muscles around the heart. Once my angina went from stable to unstable Ive had to change to another medication because this doesnt work

I have been on AdalatXL - 30 mg. almost a year and it has lowered by BP to the point where my doctor has taken me off it as the readings are too low now. Also my blood test revealed I now have protein leaking in my urine from my kidneys. Also since I began this I have almost constant chest congestion.

controls b/p but causes swelling,flushing,heartburn and tingling in hands and feet and hair loss. Seems like all hbp meds have many many side effects. You would think something out there would work without all the side effects.

muscle cramps all the time.cant's sleep more than two hours.frequent bathroom visits.

Ive been taking this medication since July 2009. Before that I was having severe chest pains. I had been in and out of the hospital. I finally had a angiogram done and it showed that I had no blockage. The cariologist said I was having spasms in my arteries. Since I started taking the adalat Ive rarely had chest pain and it is not as severe. I really like the medication.

it lower blood pressure but not all time of the day and night. only about 5 hours after taking drug.

Insomnia, frequent nightime urination

I have been on Adalat CC for 8 years now. I am very pleased. I get blood work done often and so far everything has been great. I have not had any side affects; blood pressure is great.

Does this help?

my blood prus went has gone to 125/85

I had an allergic reaction to the drug, and my baby, who I am nursing, has had diarreah since I was put on it.

I'm concerned about the warnings for use of this medication. May cause kidney damage, reduce white cells, destroy cell to cell communication and increase risk to cancer. I just completed treatments for prostrate cancer. Only med that seems to control high blood press.