special offer

Generic Name: granisetron

Brand Name: Sancuso transdermal

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews


Effectiveness is good, but the patch routinely fails to adhere, even with tape around the edges. The last three patches haven't stuck for more than 24 hours.

this protect did not work for me. I had an allergic reaction to the sancuso patch.

As a full time caregiver to an inoperable stage 3b lung cancer patient I was dreading the next round of chemo care. We heard about the Sancuso patch and decided it could not work any less than the standard drugs we had been using and decided to try it. It is worth EVERY Dollar!!! She had NO side effects from her chemo. It was like she didn't even have a chemo treatment. I'm nearly in tears thinking how many treatments/torture she went through before this patch. It has been a miracle!

Sancuso is not expensive when a co pay discount card is used. In fact with the copay card patients can sometimes get 4 patches for $30. The Pharmacies prefer to fill generics so sometimes they exaggerate the cost to dissuade patients.